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Tristana's Overall Damage

Creator: Onoku March 2, 2012 3:44pm
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Onoku's Forum Avatar
Dec 23rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 3:44pm | Report
I have started playing Tristana again as I wanted to be able to fill the AD bot role and I already had her. I have been doing decent overall, ending up positive in probably 3/4 of my games. Lategame I have no issues melting people down pretty quickly; I have found though, that when I check my damage dealt I have been severely lacking.

Currently my runes are atk dmg marks (all but three, still need to finish those), armor seals, magic resist glyphs, and arpen quints. My build is 21/9/0.

I have been using this guide for my item builds.

I know I can attribute some of my lack of damage to not getting the positioning I need, but I do find that I spend a decent amount of time avoiding getting raped.

Is Tristana's damage just naturally low? Any advice on things I can do to increase my damage output even when the tanks aren't able to keep me from getting focused?
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 3:47pm | Report
Actually Tristana's DPS is among the highest in the game. Amazingly, that guide is actually legit as well and is pretty much how I'd build her.

You shouldn't entirely trust the damage dealt stat - bear in mind it also includes damage dealt to minions and monsters. For instance if you have a Karthus who spends his whole time sat in minion waves with E turned on he's going to have a high damage dealt stat, even if he does nothing else all game.
Onoku's Forum Avatar
Dec 23rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 3:50pm | Report
Yeah, it feels like her damage is pretty high during the game. I only noticed actually because some people called me out on it a few games ago and blamed me for the loss because my damage was too low (even though I had a positive score).
Darcurse's Forum Avatar
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Nov 2nd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 4:04pm | Report
I hope you didnt check the after game stats "physical/overall dmg done" for references....?

You do know they count anything done to champs/minions and monsters?

Single-target autohitter are always naturally behind on those, if they arent totally dominating the game. Even jungling reaches further early on those stats...
Xaioli's Forum Avatar
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Sep 11th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 4:07pm | Report
Tristana is notorious for being extremely strong in a kill lane. She's what the usual player knows as a "pub stomper" like Evelynn you could say but at a higher level. If you know how to play against Tristana and not to make stupid decisions, Tristana falls off really hard late game compared to the other AD's like Vayne and Graves.

Regarding Tristana's damage, you -need- to have a support that can help you kill in well, your kill lane or else you lose bot to almost every other AD. They call a kill lane a kill lane for a reason! For example, Alistar, Taric, Leona. Those are mighty fine supports that can give Tristana the perfect amount of support to guarantee a kill and that's what gets the snowball rolling and that is why Tristana is feared because of her burst early game that can snowball to mid and late game. However, most good players know how to play against her so that's why you see little of them in ranked and tourney play.
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 4:11pm | Report
Xaioli wrote:

Tristana falls off really hard late game compared to the other AD's like Vayne and Graves.

What the hell? Tristana is probably the best lategame carry in the game (except perhaps Kog).

90% AS steroid and the largest autoattack range in the game. No one can beat her lategame autoattack DPS in a realistic scenario (except perhaps Kog).
Onoku's Forum Avatar
Dec 23rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 4:18pm | Report
Well that is all good to know. I have definitely noticed how strong trist can be early and late game. I never checked the damage counter before the aforementioned instance... I always figure as long as my score is decent and I am working with the team, all is well.
Xaioli's Forum Avatar
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Sep 11th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 4:27pm | Report
Luther3000 wrote:

What the hell? Tristana is probably the best lategame carry in the game (except perhaps Kog).

90% AS steroid and the largest autoattack range in the game. No one can beat her lategame autoattack DPS in a realistic scenario (except perhaps Kog).

Tristana needs to actually auto attack people. Even with her given attack range, everyone and their mother is hauling and throwing everything on the AD carries late game so it's about who can give off as much damage as possible. The damage Tristana does in two seconds is what Graves can do to your WHOLE TEAM. Vayne can out right just three shot someone with true damage. Tristana is relying on her steroid and you still have to go through the whole Armor penetration process and the time you drop someone, the enemy team has made quick work of your team because you're mainly single target damage that actually has to rip through someone's defense. That's why Tristana is strong if you snowball but fall off compared to other AD's because of that sole factor that she relies on her auto attacks compared to other AD's that can AoE or true damage.

Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 4:30pm | Report
Graves has bigger burst AoE damage, yes, but nowhere near as good autoattacks and much shorter range. You're significantly overrating Vayne's true damage.

Bear in mind she has the longest range in the game and her Rocket Jump is also one of the best escape/positioning skills in the game. I'm surprised she doesn't get played more, actually.
Xaioli's Forum Avatar
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Sep 11th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 4:42pm | Report
Quickdraw || Rapid Fire At max level, Tristana only has a 10% extra attack speed steroid compared to Graves. While Tristana does single target, Graves does aoe. Although Grave's attack range isn't as large, only a few auto attacks are needed to finish people off thanks to his incredible AOE that can chunk the whole enemy team. Regarding Vayne, I'm sure you've seen her three shot someone before. Tumble is a huge damage steroid and Condemning one single person and three shotting them as a follow up is a common occurrence, even in high elo games. People fear Vayne because she KO's people like it's nobody's business.

Regarding Tristana's range, I said it once again. Everyone blows their **** on the AD. It's all about what you can do asap especially since everyone and their mother runs Flash. Warwick, Skarner, Ryze and champions that have hard CC aren't really affected by her range because they force you to engage in a terrible fight or they make you abandon your team. Now to her Rocket Jump, it's great for combo killing when you're fed but it's hilariously bad when you're using it to engage into five people or escaping. If you jump in, you die because bruisers eat you alive. If you run away and escape, you run away from your team and guess who's knocking on your towers in a few seconds after they killed the team you deserted?

Edit: Forgot to point out Quickdraw and Rapid Fire's cooldown. A Graves constantly auto attacking anything can easily re-position and that attack steroid is on for virtually forever compared to a flat 20 second cooldown.

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