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Anivia and _____

Creator: Pawpqt December 17, 2010 7:51pm
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Pawpqt's Forum Avatar
Dec 12th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 17, 2010 7:51pm | Report
So my friend is dead set on playing Anivia. We usually play caster cster setups in almost every game (even to the extent of super smash bros) and are into characters with higher skill caps. Been deciding between Lux, Cassiopeia, Cho, and Malz. Been leaning Lux. I kno they are all AP based but thats just what i prefer. If there are any AD champs you could think of tho, feel free to state them too. (anyone except ashe and nunu)

The intent is to lane together in 5v5 and play as a pair from then out.
hypershatter's Forum Avatar
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Aug 25th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 17, 2010 8:24pm | Report
first of all i like to say that u do not put 2 casters in one lane, most of the time its not a good idea. and two, u do not put anyone who needs farming with anivia, because anivia needs farming and trust me she kills creep fast. that deprives ur carry/other caster, not a good thing.

laning for anivia, the best laning part is no other than


. taric is the


best laning partner for anivia, and i have personally experienced this and others shared the same experiences with me.

2 reasons:
-persistent heal, keep fragile anivia at top shape, no need reliance on egg. much more aggressive play. armor aura for the same reason.
-stun. double stun is first blood and gg for the lane.

rammus is also good with powerball and taunt. but no heal. janna is also viable but i see her more with AD carries than with a caster like anivia.

if u want to go another caster no matter what, go ryze for nuke. pack ignite and flash for both characters and someone will go down within 5 minutes. but again, not recommended.

p.s. tell ur friend to take a peek at my guide ;)
Visfarix's Forum Avatar
Jun 23rd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 17, 2010 8:46pm | Report
So far my favorite laning champs are: Pantheon, Sona, and Blitzcrank.

Pantheon's auto stun gives anivia an easy q stun + E combo and you can pretty much bring a full HP enemy down to dead in seconds.

Pre-nerfs sona was amazing with Anivia because of the AD/AP boost + constant healing. The extra damage in anivia's spells and auto-attack really show throughout the laning phase, though I haven't laned with sona much after all the nerfs she's gotten over the last few patches so I don't know how effective this laning combo still is.

Blitzcrank's pull is awesome. As soon as you see that his pull will connect, anivia can launch her q right at blitz (depending on distance anivia is from blitz). He'll pop his target into the air, and by the time enemy drops back to the ground, q hits for the stun + E combo.

Of course this is from the perspective of a Defensive Tree anivia, who has a different dynamic from Utility Tree anivia, and focuses more on a strong early-mid game.

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Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 17, 2010 8:46pm | Report
Aw man, beat me to the punch. >.>

Soraka isn't half bad either, from personal experience - you can spam spells basically infinitely with a Soraka as your lane mate.

Oh, and Nunu really isn't bad either tbh because one: he doesn't need minion kills as much as you do and two: his Ice Blast triggers your Frostbite, making for faster and more reliable spike harass.

But as hypershatter said, Taric is the best.

But your friend should be taking mid with Anivia anyway ^_^
Pawpqt's Forum Avatar
Dec 12th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 17, 2010 9:12pm | Report
Well to specify a bit. We are in mid teens level wise and this is a combo basically for leveling /normal queues. In the sense of a ranked game, yes i realise anivia would be better in a solo lane, and a coordinated team with a jungler would accomplish just that. But this ealy into it, junglers are so rare outside of the occasional WW and even then its a stretch unless they are semi competent lol.
Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 17, 2010 9:17pm | Report
Well, that's understandable - jungling is much harder without sufficient runes and masteries - but you should seriously consider jungle Nunu while your partner takes mid as Anivia.

Again, if you insist on lanes, take Hypershatter's advice and go for Taric.
Trojan995's Forum Avatar
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Oct 4th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 18, 2010 2:56pm | Report
I can attest to taric as a great laning partner. The greatest thing about him is he needs about 0 last hits to do well; i usually end up with about 10 minion kills by the end of laning phase with an overfed anivia friend having all the AP he could ever desire. However, if you're dead set on one of those 4, take lux. She's primarily a support role, so landing those snares can really help your anivia a lot.
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Thanks to Mowen, WrATHofVuLK, and AlexanPT for the signatures! Check out Tristana: The Lane Game, Maokai: The Chu8 Way, and Twisted Fate: Card Games!
Chaotic Bliss
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Aug 26th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 18, 2010 7:33pm | Report
Trundle... I mean think about this for one second. The ability to force the team to fight you. I mean if they level Pillar and Wall at the same time, than you have a complete lane block, PLUS a slowing effect. That means that ults, skill shots, etc will be used to their max potential. I mean how do you fight that? Answer... Flash? Yeah maybe, but it would be hard to get away from.

Just my chaotic opinion.

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hypershatter's Forum Avatar
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Aug 25th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 18, 2010 8:29pm | Report

Trundle... I mean think about this for one second. The ability to force the team to fight you. I mean if they level Pillar and Wall at the same time, than you have a complete lane block, PLUS a slowing effect. That means that ults, skill shots, etc will be used to their max potential. I mean how do you fight that? Answer... Flash? Yeah maybe, but it would be hard to get away from.

sounds good but does not work for several reasons:

1. trundle is a jungler, not a laner. both anivia and trundle requires farm, and not strong early game, thus require support characters and should not be int he same lane.

2. walling and pillaring together may sound cool, but they require so much coordination to pull off, only premades over voice chat can do this correctly. if u have a premade, might as well go taric, janna, or another burst dps to pull off way better conjunction with reason 1, the enemy team can just turn around and fight u. theres no problem. after burst rotation anivia is done, and trundle does nothing early game. plus the fact that anivia does not usually level wall in early levels.

3. using wall and pillar and same time to block off entire lane is more redundant than cool. they should be used simultaneously, considering pillar has much shorter cooldown than wall, if we talking about late game. considering wall's CD is fixed, where pillar's CD decrease per level, using them together is a waste.

4. that lane is likely gona ganked often. even if no one dies, farming will be severely hindered and screwing both the long run game for anivia and trundle.
Dante Rebellion
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Nov 13th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 19, 2010 12:48am | Report
Anivia really needs a lane all for herself, she's an excellent farmer and needs to get fed, being in the middle lane will allow her to go to the top and bottom lanes to either steal a kill or help get atleast an assist.

With that being said, me and my friend occasionally for the heck of it, lane together.. Personally I have found that Warwick and twitch, works pretty well with anivia. (I havn't tried taric, because he generally seems boring and I don't like playing supports). However with those champions, you have a high chance of getting first blood/kills, you might just be left with assists but hey, anivia is made for the mid.

Lets face it, anivia is a minnion farming god, a warwick can easily run around in the jungle and do what he has to do, pop in, ulti>claw>claw>dead. Or atleast leave them with a low hp so you can finish em off. 2 v 1 will help them get over confident and extend closer to your tower :D

Twitch is a range character, got some slows, nice damage, invisibility so he has alot of potential to get the first blood and kills, with the help of your stuns, walls and wtv=pew pew. however, you guys will be squishy so alot of focus and care is needed.

Btw a fed Jax or any champion that deal big damage and uses a Frozen Mallet can be a good laning partner, cause Frozen Mallet is counted as a slow for Frostbite..
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