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AP Kog vs AP Ez?

Creator: CrazyMBP May 21, 2012 3:35pm
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tehAsian's Forum Avatar
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Jul 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 23, 2012 8:44pm | Report
355 AP is pathetic man :P

The MOBAfire cheatsheet doesn't factor in the 3 AA staffs' mana > AP conversion, nor does it calculate Rabadon's Deathcap 130% AP bonus. Until a change a while ago, the system stacked the full bonuses from Tear of the Goddess, which would make a cheatsheet show 6k Mana when the max would only be 3 or 4.

And the top AP Kog guide...really?

It has no Void Staff and STACKS AA STAFFS. Also, Mpen Quints and Blues, has Clarity, and starts Meki Pendant. Also, it doesn't get a point into Q until level 13, meaning he chose to overlook the Mres shred from Q and instead got W which focuses on auto-attacking with pathetic attack speed.

I have no idea why you'd include that build in your example. In my HONEST HONEST HONEST opinion, that's a terrible, TERRIBLE build.

BTW, the actual AP for it is 837.655, which is about 3x what the cheat sheet says. Also, you forgot that most AP Carries focus on BURST, so of COURSE ADs would do more damage over 25 seconds, 2x 700 crits every second, 1400 DPS, = 35000 total damage. But in 1 second? AP Kog would do WAY more because he has BURST. 1 Q, 1 E, and 1 R would do MORE than auto-attacks in 1 second.

Plus, you're neglecting Kog'Maw's ult range, which would safely leave him out of fights at ~2000 range, 1500 to be generous in my argument. If you build AD, you have, what, <800 Range?

Lastly, you're missing my point. Leona was DESIGNED AS A TANK, BUT BETTER AS A SUPPORT. She became that way through thinking outside the damn box, if you never tried AD Annie or tank Akali, or AP Miss Fortune, then you have no right to judge (okay, maybe the first two).


I'm pretty sure riot at least has basic knowledge of how to play their game.

I'm pretty sure you haven't seen Gangplank's champion spotlight.

*cough*max Parrrleylast, Shurelya's Battlesong,andsomeotherstuff*cough*
LaCorpse's Signature Cafe

Thanks to Keondre, JhoiJhoi, Xiron, and Arcana3 for the Sigs~!
animorte's Forum Avatar
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 23, 2012 11:43pm | Report
A lot of champion spotlights seriously need updating. They did a few, but the rest are so misleading.
Personal habitual activites? Utilizing gargantuan idioms to fabricate intelligence.

"It's a colloquial shorthand that means the paradigm exists because of how the game works mechanically. Hence, "the Meta." Stop being a useless pedant." - PlayGooYa
iBradlee's Forum Avatar
Aug 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 24, 2012 8:41pm | Report
crossfire wrote:

Alright I'm just going to drop maxing Q first and just argue that AP kog is less viable than AD kog

Soo? Would you play Annie was designed AP would you play her AD? Generally what ever a character is designed to do they will be best a doing. For example would you build Akali as a tank? Maybe build AP Miss Fortune? I'm pretty sure riot at least has basic knowledge of how to play their game. Lets do some math here.
Assuming a fight goes on for 25 Seconds, and you cast spells at any given chance, level 18, enemy has no armour or MR
Kog with 2.0 AS, 287 AD, 12 Life Steal
AA 14350
Q 780
W 861
E 520
R 15202.5
Total: 31713.5 Regen 1722

Kog with 355 AP, .965 AS, 100 AD
AA 2412
Q 1525.5
W 217
E 508.5
R 15990
Total: 18241

Clearly you can see which one is superior?
I used the stats from the top kog guide
and the top AP kog guide

As Luther said, you're looking at this in a completely wrong way.

If you're going to be comparing AP Kog with someone else, compare him with another AP Carry, not an AD Carry.
Klausenheim's Forum Avatar
Dec 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 25, 2012 5:43am | Report
Hey, AP Miss Fortune was so legit!! And then they killed her ultimate AP scaling...

:( :(

RIP #1 Dominion troll build that wins every game....RIP
You can't peddle papooses with a dancing monkey.
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