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Top Lane

Creator: H4xDefender July 12, 2012 12:35am
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Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2012 12:35am | Report
I've been playing more and more top lane recently in solo queue, and i'm frustrated seeing a lot of top/jungle duos who just camp the living hell out of me, and honestly I don't feel like there is anything I can do.

I've tried starting boots pot 2 wards, i get laneganked. I've tried starting boots 2 wards, get outsustained. Try going cloth 2 wards pot, taking tp, either I lose the lane on my own because I lose kill power from taking TP over ign/exh, or I get ganked after my ward/wards run out or die anyway because they have boots and I don't. Dont even get me started on when the other team gets Ali/Naut. I've asked my support to ward for me against these junglers, but half the time they are afk until 30 seconds which then is too late for them to get up there in a timely fashion, or they are duo bot lane and doing wolves/double golems.

I've played enough to know that top lane snowballs really hard, and just getting forced to back pre lv 5 without tp or dying can lose you the lane really easily. Should I just be playing top laners like Darius/Irel who can comeback from an early deficit or should I just play other lanes to carry myself up the ladder?

1500-1700 elo bracket
The LZ
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Jul 4th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2012 1:05am | Report
Well of course it can help if you play champions
which actually have some lane sustain. Additionally,
maybe you should try not pushing too much? It could sound
like you're at about at least halfway across a lane, hence
you get ganked. It's much much much harder to successfully
gank you, if you're towerhugging. If you just stay in exp
range of the minions, don't die and get farm which is around
the same of your opponent, you've already won the lane. I suggest
also trying to use teleport, so that you can quickly return to your
lane. Warding is still important, even if only to get a hint of
where their jungler might be heading. If you're often pushed to your tower,
I should think you can get away with only warding the river and
not the tri-bush. Vice-versa depending on which side you're on.
Now, I don't know which champion you play, but when I play Malphite
for example, I often start with a regrowth pendant. Then I get a
philosophers stone and then boots.
"(Btw LZ, I read all of your posts like a poem because your paragraphs look like stanzas. It's rather amusing. :P)" - PsiGuard
"^ya same
why you write like that" - wRAthoFVuLK
"Why DO you write like that?" - Amazing Monkey
"Why do you write like that LZ?" - iownedya
"no-one knows, but it is unique.
An artist originalising his work,
per say. Yet what have I done,
I have copied his work.
It's probably wrong too, but lolz. Keep at it LZ, since it makes reading your posts interesting." - ShiftyCake
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Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2012 1:07am | Report
Sustain isn't the problem, its the ganks. When I push early on simply because they are too scared to cs then I lose if I b too early but I lose if I die from ganks as well. On the rare occasion they push towards me theres usually a lane gank incoming.
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2012 1:09am | Report
I play a decent amount of solotop(not ranked though so, grain of salt here) and you basically have to learn how/when people will gank. Nautilus will obviously gank early on, or at least very aggressively. Start boots+pots and rush boots2 ASAP for easier escaping.

Never get aggressive unless you're sure they're in their jungle, (you have wards) or they're ganking another lane. If you can force the opposing laner out of lane, buy 2 wards and put them at their red/blue and at baron(if you're blue side) or the tribush(if you're purple side. This'll give you an early warning system to where they're coming from as well as when they're coming.

Unless you're doing amazing, or they see you ward the river, you're probably not going to be laneganked. And because you made this, just make sure they don't see you ward the river. :P

Don't ever ask your support to ward top for you unless it's a super aggressive jungler like Riven, Shaco, etc. Then you should just know to hang back for a little bit.

If they do decide to camp, GP10 items are a godsend. They require you to farm less and they give great defensive stats(HP5 and/or HP) as well as building into team items so you can still be useful while being underfarmed.

There's also a little bit of a triangle toplane. Burst damage>Sustained damage>Escape artist(Lee sin)>Burst Damage

There's also a lot of sub-triangles in there too but, w/e
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Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2012 1:15am | Report
Sounds good, its just frustrating sometimes dropping down 10-20 cs just because they have a jungler like naut and my jungler is someone like warwick who won't even attempt to gank pre6.
koksei's Forum Avatar
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Oct 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2012 1:30am | Report
Well I play around the same elo and main top I usually dun have problems with ganks tbh.
Just don't push at least not if you dun have a champion with good escapes & wards.
Jax/Nidalee after 6.

I know sometimes you kinda have the hey I am Vladimir I push aura.

But just try to lasthit as late as possible and ask for a counter gank.

E.g. against alistar - if you are on the purple team he will most likely directly come after his blue. Ask your jungler if he can start red - most junglers dun rly need blue/besides amumu and some others and go into the lane bush. Works wonder often even gets you a double.

If you are having problems at top it's mostly because of the jungler or because your opponent got ahead due to invasion or the jungler.
So ask your jungler to camp him to get either a kill or some cs back.

I'd certainly not recommend starting with a ward tbh. just go boots +3/4 most of the time

Ask for naut and alistar bans.

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Embracing's Forum Avatar
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2012 1:47am | Report
It's all about intuition, lane control, and jungle knowledge.

As you play more you'll get a basic sense of when a jungler is coming. The enemy laner will play different than he has.

Lane control combined with jungle knowledge also affect how you can be ganked. If you're blue and the enemy has Jarvan as a jungler, you should expect a gank coming around levels 3 and 4. You should then control the minions and force it closer to your turret.

Don't buy wards as first buy unless you're a jungler.

If you're still having problems, one thing I see many solo queue supports do in the Chinese server is that they wait until 1:40~1:50 and place a ward near top lane and then head bot. Pretty useful against early gankers.
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2012 1:52am | Report
koksei wrote:

most junglers dun rly need blue/besides amumu and some others and go into the lane bush.

Unless they're a strong jungler, and I mean super strong, a lot of them need blue for a decent clear time.
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Jan 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2012 3:15am | Report
the trick is to aestimate when he could be ganking after his 1st jungleclear and stay back while the chance of him beig top is high (ie directly after blue 2:10 or after the entire clear 3:00-3:30 depending on the route and champion). Apart from that, only play aggressive/push if you see the jungler on another lane or your lane is nicely warded so there is absolutely no way for them to gank. (if you push and have the riverexit warded they cant gank from anywhere

apart from that, play champions with escapes (vlad, kennen...) even tho i dont do that xD

I have the same problem: i get camped most of my games because i push alot. Surprisingly i rarely die because i keep my lane warded properly and play champions like singed/nasus who are tanky enaugh to just gtfo by rightclicking on the turret.

Bottom line being. Play superpassively and let cs slip even tho you cant see the jungler if you think he might be around because of his cleartime. dont go for the ranged creeps in that case.

The only time to play rly aggro is when you where the jungler is!

greez sam

€: maybe this article can help you
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Oct 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2012 4:08am | Report
@ lugi:
y well you can just ask in teamselect to play one of those there are some of those who are
let's say "god" tier: lee, mundo, shyv all of those are good and usually/always start red

@ sam

2:10 - 2:30 usually some may be there at 2:10 but usually they arrive around 2:20
just be careful from 2:10 onwards

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