The coding should work as soon as Diana is added to moba database.
Making this to add to my complete top lane guide. Recently I just finished making my Jayce guide so will now focus more on my Top Lane Guide.

Champion Overview:

Diana is a tanky-dps assassin. Though this term may seem like it would be really strong and broken it is in fact not. Diana does not do the damage standard of an assassin champion ( Akali or Talon) nor is she as Tanky as other tanky Dps champions ( Jarvan IV or Renekton) she is a mix of the two types. The champion I would most attribute this field to would be Fizz. She brings alot of potential to the table with her ability to combo skills as well as her initiation, defender, and anti-carry abilities. She does not have any escapes and she is forced to all in having very little invested in the escape department. Due to her lack of escapes and love of pushing Diana is very easy to gank, and she should play as safe as possible. Diana best fits in the category of a push ganker, as she can push the lane and go gank other lanes very well.

Skills Overview:

(Passive) Moonsilver Blade- Diana gains 20% Attack Speed. Every third strike cleaves nearby enemies for (20 / 25 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 / 125 / 140 / 155 / 175 / 195 / 215 / 240 / 265 / 290) + (+0.6 per ability power)additional magic damage.

This passive is both loved and hated by diana in the top. It is loved as it is just like Jax's R passive in that it offers you another way to harass the enemy free of mana cost every few attacks. This attack has a decently high base damage and ratio making it like a skill that gets ranked for you. The reason that this skill is easily dislikable is due to its PUSH power. Your 3rd auto will do an AoE attack which will push the lane most of the time. However you can counter this negative by SPACING OUT your autos. The passive has a time limit during which you need to auto to stack/use the passive. If you are able to last hit minions one at a time with a decent 1-2 second delay in between last hits you will refrain from using this passive and pushing the lane.

Q Crescent Strike- Unleashes a bolt of lunar energy in an arc dealing 80/125/170/215/260 (+0.8) magic damage. Afflicts enemies struck with Moonlight, revealing them for 3seconds. Cost: 55 Mana. Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6 Seconds.

This skill is Diana's main source of harass and initiation. This skill is aimed in a crescent shape from your right so remember it will shoot differently based on which base you are facing (As the shot perspective will have changed.) This type of skillshot is unique to Diana and CORE to any players who are looking in to mastering her. This skill will apply "moonlight" to the targets hit which will give you sight of them and will have a unique reaction with your ultimate.
Note: In Top Lane Diana's Q works better ON PURPLE TEAM. When you are purple your Q can be thrown through the majority of the brush to check for foes, however while you are on blue team you can only throw it into a certain area of the bush as a guess.

W Pale Cascade- Creates three orbiting spheres that explode on contact with enemies dealing 20/36/52/68/84 (+0.2) magic damage. Lasts 4 seconds. Also gains a temporary shield that absorbs 55/80/105/130/155 (+0.45) damage. This shield is refreshed if the third sphere detonates. Cost: 60/70/80/90/100 Mana. Range:750. Cooldown: 10/10/10/10/10 Seconds.

This skill is AMAZING for trading and fighting. If you use this as you go in for a trade, you can block their counter-trade with the initial shield AND use the secondary shield you got from damaging them to back out. This skill will push the lane if you use it to recklessly.

E Moonfall- Draws in all nearby enemies and slows them by 35/40/45/50/55% for 2seconds.
Cost: 70 Mana. Range: 450. Cooldown: 26/24/22/20/18 Seconds.

This skill is very good for roaming to gank, receiving ganks, and pulling in an enemy who tries to quickly poke you under your tower. This is like a Darius pull in a circle around you. This move is AMAZING in combination with AOE team comps, as if you catch enough enemies in the general range of each other you can pull them in and let your AoE team-comp go wild.

R (Ultimate) Lunar Rush- Becomes the living embodiment of the vengeful moon, teleporting to an enemy and dealing 100/160/220(+0.6) magic damage. Lunar Rush has no cooldown when used to teleport to an enemy afflicted with Moonlight. Cost: 50/65/80 Mana. Range: 900. Cooldown: 20/16/12 Seconds.

This skill is like Akali's ultimate, but it does not need stacks to be used more then once, it needs moonlight. This skill is best used as a followup to your Q as you can dash in and quickly get the reset. The main decision that needs to be made with Diana players is when to use the ultimate on a target without moonlight. If you use this skill for damage, or to catch someone without moonlight and they are able to flash away, chances are they will get away from you.


Skill Order:
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Q-R-W-E-Q-R-R (Autoing whenever possible)

Main burst damage combo.

Q+R (Wall hopping)

Q+R (Quick Draw dash) -Ignore the Fact I say Zyra in the video-

General Matchups:


Teemo (Land Q, hop on him and Kill.)
Vladimir (Outdps his sustain.)
Gangplank (Q when he does, dash in and kill.)
Nasus (Zone him from farm.)

Olaf (True damage spam.)
Garen (Demaciiiaaaaaa)
Renekton (High damage and sustain early on.)
Riven (Riven has alot more power early.)

In Depth Matchups:

Will Be added to as I play them and get video footage.

Singed 6/10
Spoiler: Click to view

Playing AS/VS:

  • If you know your Q will hit use R, as it will refresh as you get there.
  • If your team has AoE, look for the best way to use your E to get as many members of the enemy team as possible into their AoE.
  • Use your shield to run as you are getting ganked, it will offer a threat of damage and another shield if the enemies get close enough to you.
  • Avoid Dianas Q, avoid a big chunk of her damage. As she does not get the Qs damage and if she decideds to R to you, she will not get a second Rs worth of damage.
  • Try and bait her shield, if you do not let her refesh it you can go in and fight hr relatively easy.
  • Diana has no real escapes, gank her whenever possible to shut her down.

Big Item Choices::

Rod of Ages- Makes you tankier and makes you do more damage.

Lich Bane- Good with your passive.

Deathfire Grasp- Makes you have a good assassin burst.

Rabadon's Deathcap- Makes your damage skyrocket.

Void Staff- Build if they stacked MR

Abyssal Mask- This item is nice as when you jump in their team they all lose MR, you gain MR vs your enemies, and you get more damage.

Guardian Angel- Allows you to stay in the fight and tank-assassin more.



Diana is strong in SoloQ as she is an assassin and has the ability to get kills and snowball very well.
Ranked 5s:

Diana is good in ranked 5s as her E is an AMAZING setup for AoE comps.

Pros and Cons:


-High Damage
-AoE burst
-Good gap-closing abilities.
-Good trades
-Recieves ganks well
-Good at roaming.


-No escapes
-Hard skillshot


This is the first installment of my top facts V2. New section, more pictures, and more videos are what you can expect to see from these. I will make these for new champions, champion facts in the guide I want to update, and just in general facts I will make. As always summoners have fun and good luck on the fields of justice!