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Your basic guide to juking

Your basic guide to juking

Updated on May 21, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nerun Build Guide By Nerun 32 7 78,747 Views 63 Comments
32 7 78,747 Views 63 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Nerun Build Guide By Nerun Updated on May 21, 2012
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Thing O Doom (3) | August 11, 2012 9:42pm
Upvote, but tbh akali needs to be higher, I can't say how many times I've ulted to a minion and gotten away.
Trallie (1) | June 21, 2012 12:27pm
I say YES.
Keondre (221) | May 21, 2012 5:11pm
Nicely done!
Nerun (27) | May 21, 2012 5:08pm
Because you guys said so much about akali, I thought I'd give her another try, and I got the idea now.

I'll be on the reworks soon, check it again if you guys feel like.
asdfalex (1) | April 26, 2012 10:45pm
And i just say "Akali"
And you atleast remove tryndamere from that juking arsenal.
ffs mate, she can go stealth and jump 3 times..
She is like Talon..
Lygarine (4) | April 25, 2012 6:10pm
As a Shaco player, juking is easy peasy lemon squeezy. It took me quite a while when I first started out as him to fully get how this element of his playstyle worked. Just something to keep in mind for those people that view this guide and decide to try being a juke-master with Shaco out of the box.

All around informative guide, +1, good job!
VaineLarliclos | April 8, 2012 8:33am
What about Gragas with hes Body Slam to get away and pass through walls?
And with his Explosive Cask he can just throw away his enemy.
albableat (147) | March 22, 2012 1:32pm

So far, one of the main reasons for me playing Lee sin is how he can mind-**** people in jungle with insane escapes xD
BlackriverCZ (2) | March 18, 2012 10:15am
+1 nicely done, but I think Katarina is very good juker. Many times when a skill shot (like Morgana's Dark Binding) is abaout to hit me, I Shunpo to my chaser who thinks he killed me, but I completely juke him and usually make it alive.
My Katarina Guide
da_neo (27) | March 14, 2012 3:24pm
It's dangerous to juke alone.

Here, take this: +1
gavo | March 12, 2012 4:24pm
this is the wukong video I told you about:
And here are other videos with greats jukes on it that I found looking for the Wukong one:
enjoy them, and by the way, I usually use ghost + exaust with Ez, but the double flash is a really legit choice because of how unpredictable you become(and it allows to use arcane shift more offensively(not as much for the damage, it is for positioning so minions wont stop your q and it gives you a charge for your passive) because you have flash to escape if being focused).
Again, I speak spanish so please forgive any mistake.
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