Yo, throatslasher here. Make no mistake, I'm just messing around here for some extra exposure. If you weren't aware, mobafire is the butt of every joke in the LoL community. The quality of your guides, the backbone of any strategy website, are completely abysmal. "Well, why don't you write your own guides?" Because I don't care about your community. I don't care about all of your stringent guidelines that applauds guides that "look good" instead of "have good content." I frequent solomid boards, and have found their community and featured/approved guides to be exemplary. I, along with other seasoned players, instruct and inform inquisitive players looking to improve themselves. You guys, however, seem totally content in your ignorance. If any guide on solomid even whispered the word "clarity," it would be laughed into the ground and quickly forgotten, unlike this community. "Then why are you here and not on solomid?" Well, my IT banned solomid because I was on it too much at work. Gonna let this rock until moba gets banned. LOL

This blog is going to be a elo tracking thread for anyone interested in what typical low-platinum solo queue ranked games are like, and you can share my own experiences by sending me a friend request in league of legends. Tell me you are from mobafire and would like to spectate my games. I'll move you to my spectate folder, and you can watch me put in work. Sorry, not streaming ATM. I'm a mid specialist, but I can jungle pretty well. Secondary roles are top and adc, and my nightmare role is support. Here are my starting stats:
As you can see, my go-to champ is morgana. I hardly ever play amumu anymore, and never ever gangplank. Gangplank was completely broken at the beginning of season 2, but he's completely outclassed in the existing format.

I played a couple games tuesday, and had to quit due to lag:
Game 1: Dumbass singed, overfed darius
Game 2: they 1st pick fizz, I counterpick, then their team picks wierd stuff. They are actually winning slightly at 15 minutes, but then their skarner afk's for some reason. Trolls at every level, yo.

If you have any questions or need any advice, feel free to leave it here or send me a message on mobafire or on league. I'll be back soon.