You'll find the below is an actual comment from my Ashe guide.

White = Commenter's words
Blue = What he "quoted" from my guide
Green = What I was thinking at the time of reading the comment for the first time

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*sighs* Time to be the bad guy.

Seen this build almost every ashe. Thank you for making them nothing but fodder to Nocturnes and Khazix's all around the world. Now to nit pick deeper.
k, this guy is serious, I wonder what I did wrong? :/
"Every single person who plays LoL knows not to follow the recommended item build in the Shop unless they don't know any better."

Anyone who starts out SHOULD follow the recommended build so they can make a custom set up for themselves. Even noobs should know this, it's LoL 101.
... I... what? ... ?
So most important is not the harras or the farming but the balanse between defense and attack.

If you know Ashe, she is a superb harrasser and makes THE best bait for most kills. again LoL 101. If you know how to play her, you would know this. And looking at it jhoijhoi, i beleive ive versed you and half ***ed killed you in 2 hits.
I didn't pick up on this until after I told my housemates, but that "quote from me" actually has two spelling errors. I don't make spelling errors. I went and ctrl+F5'd my guide for the above quote and couldn't find it. This guy... made up a quote... ? o.o
+ A viable pick in Ranked to fulfil the role of AD Carry bottom lane in Summoner's Rift.

Lol, just no, all my no. Irelia would be a ranged carry and shes not even ranged, thats just how bad of an idea that is.
Volley+ Good Crowd Control with Volley; it is also on a relatively low cool down, so spam it during teamfights or to keep enemies off your tower.

Only good for crowd control. easily counterable if your a good assassin based champ, or blitz.
Gosh darn, THAT'S why Blitz is such a good champion! He COMPLETELY counters Ashe's Volley. I can't believe I didn't think of this before!
Crystal Arrow + Long range stun (if it hits)

This needs to be called constantly and MUST be done accurately. BRB casting Nocs W or Ulti to counter this stupidity.
+1 to the Noc on the other side of the map (long range) who can predict an Ashe arrow.
- Squishy (if targeted, she's two-shotted down). This is combated late game by life steal and defensive items. Early game one needs to mince around with Ashe as to not give First Blood.

Its good to see, again youve never played against assassin based champs.
Most of my games as ADC bot lane is FULL of assassins! Talon, Panth, Eve, Twitch, LeBlanc - they all hang out bot lane!
- Needs items to be of utmost usefulness.

Implies shes useful at all. Oh wait, she is, as a feeder.
[no words]
- Slow initial attack speed.

- Low initial damage.
Common in most champs.
He's got me there :(
- No in-built escapes, like Tristana's Rocket Jump, or Caitlyn's 90 Caliber Net.

Cool, ignore her ice arrow passive then, totally. Makes sense.
"Ashe?! How did you just die? Why didn't you use Ice Arrow Passive to escape?!"
- Might be accused of playing an "easy" champion.

Implies shes even worth targeting.
[no words]
- High expectations of Ashe players. People will expect you to land that ultimate, to out DPS the enemy AD Carry, even if you were targeted by Malphite, Nocturne and Malzahar all at once.

Dont have expectations, shes not even a worth the time of day.
*see above*
Im sorry what the hell did i just read?
BAD SYNERGY = Jarvan + Ashe
Yeah maybe at level 1
Hell why the hell is Talon in here? And Janna? xD
You missed every assassin or long range champ. And why the hell is Aniva in there?
I mean, Aniva + Ashe = deadly as fudge.
Ignoring his mispelling of Anivia, at first I assumed he meant an Anivia + Ashe lane would be deadly. But I realised no one would actually think that Anivia and Ashe should lane with each other. Surely he meant, Anivia and Ashe on the same team are a good combo...
Best counter, move down 5 steps, oh woops, your ulti missed. Nice waste.
Oh you missed Twisted fate as a counter too.
Try and only use your Q when you are attacking enemy heroes, buffs, dragon.

Only start game, maybe later (if you actually know how to play assuming you do) you will have higher mana regen then usage so you can spam skills + have your Q running at the same time.
K, I'll make note of that. It's not like I turn on Frost Shot to kite the buffs (dragon shouldn't be there, must have missed editing it out a long time ago when debuffs stopped debuffing dragon)
I see maw in here.......I see you should quit the game maybe
Infinity Edge Rush

Nice, you missed a few things here.
The Bloodthirster Rush

Yes, get BT, just ignore that Soraka that would kill you half ***ed over there.
jhoi pls... pls halp me jhoi pls...

Wonder how to counter this *sarcasm*

Why 2?
Because you listed EVERY possible way to easily counter her, every way to beat the **** outta her, and every reason to show she is THE most useless champ.Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy your free feeding frenzy.

Yeah, barely anything nice, but ill end with a nice note. Good job typing it all out.