Yea...he's pretty easy to counterpick in top lane...that's why I play jungle Nasus...'cause in the new jungle he can still clear around as fast as Udyr due to his passive sustain/Q and wither makes for pretty decent ganks.
DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask
Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.
Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs
Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
SONA; 5/5/15
Holy hell, me and Ezreal steamrolled botlane. We got first blood and forced Flashes from both Twitch and Lux. As soon as they got back, Ez got an almost double kill. Which made their Lux rage quit early XD Their Volibear also rage quit sometime afterwards since Darius owned him hard. I've never felt so good about supporting in a long time, since this time I finally got a competent carry. I should have only died like 2 or 3 times, but my internet kept dropping me at the worst possible times, so I died a few more than I should have.
Dat awkward moment when Nidalee is tankier than Alistar.
Also, I hate it when people decide to swap ADC when I've picked a support for them already. He had I picked Lulu...and then he swapped to Cait for no real reason and got all miffed that I swapped to Nidalee...don't mind me, only picking a support who actually gives you stats you scale with...but wanna run a bot lane with no real synergy, be my guest.
First time playing solo top Warwick in season 3.
Our Jayce told me in champ select to switch to jungle because he didn't know how to, I refused and we just did duo top. We crushed Lee Sin in lane, and I often went off the lane to do golems and sometimes wraiths so we both had plenty of XP at all times. Anivia got really fed though, and because of her we were losing for a bit. We just lost tons of teamfights. Eventually though, I discovered I was doing something wrong in team-fights. I'd been ult'ing Ez, then chasing him when he ran and died to the rest of their team's damage. But I realized that if I just auto-attacked whatever I could, I was invincible, with so much sustain. ... And so I became unkillable, and we won.
Our Jayce told me in champ select to switch to jungle because he didn't know how to, I refused and we just did duo top. We crushed Lee Sin in lane, and I often went off the lane to do golems and sometimes wraiths so we both had plenty of XP at all times. Anivia got really fed though, and because of her we were losing for a bit. We just lost tons of teamfights. Eventually though, I discovered I was doing something wrong in team-fights. I'd been ult'ing Ez, then chasing him when he ran and died to the rest of their team's damage. But I realized that if I just auto-attacked whatever I could, I was invincible, with so much sustain. ... And so I became unkillable, and we won.
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'cause you know...I was only tanking the enemy team....and stopping enemies from doing much to my allies...