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When You Lose a Match...

Creator: DemonSovereign December 28, 2012 9:06pm
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DemonSovereign's Forum Avatar
Sep 14th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 28, 2012 9:06pm | Report
Who do you blame when you lose a match(could be yourself and/or your teammates)? Or was the enemy team actually good? If it was your fault what could you have done better? If the enemy team was actually good, what did they do that got them their victory? How did you feel about losing that match(mad, sad, happy)? Also, if possible, post a picture of a match you lost and briefly(could be long is you want) describe it. Also, please censor out the names of the players just too keep them confidential and respect their privacy.

This is somewhat similar to jhoi's QQ thread, but it is more specific and a place where people can go over their own mistakes or teammates' mistakes and learn from their experiences. Players will also have a place to keep matches that they lost, ask other players what they could do to improve(if they don't know what they did wrong or something), etc. I also made this thread, because of how pissed off I currently am and how much steam I want to let out.

I'll post first! Because I can and I am this thread's creator >:)

Okay so here's my match(you can open in new tab or window for the full image):

Normally if I lose a match I would blame myself for doing something wrong. But for this match, I mostly blame my teammates who did absolutely terrible. It's probably a bad game for them, but yea...
Here's how my game went:
In champ select, Vayne did not yet have a champ. She was chatting about how she wanted to jungle as Ez, but Ez already picked Ez as the bot ADC. Then in the last five seconds of champ select, she picked Vayne. I've seen Twitch jungle before, so I was like okay maybe jungle Vayne is viable. I played as Mordekaiser mid (I BBCoded Mordekaiser because he's special c:). So I was mid against Eve. I had a very easy time with Eve. Her stealth is still pretty annoying though. In the first 2-3 minutes of the match, Tryn gave Sion first blood, because Tryn got greedy and turret dove Sion. Xin came to gank me and Eve helped, but she had only a third of her health left. I burst Eve and ignited her. Then she ran away and left me alone to 1v1 Xin. I beat him up and got a double kill. I had only about 30hp left from killing Xin, and he had ignited me so I was about to die. Because Eve knew that she would die anyways from my ignite and saw me with 30 health, she turned around and KS'ed Xin. I was off to a pretty good start early game.

A few seconds later, Vayne died to an enemy turret o-o. I thought to myself, "Oh great, I got a greedy teammate that thought jungle Vayne was viable..." Tryn died a lot too Sion top lane and Nunu and Ezreal got murdered by Draven and Janna in bot lane.

Another thing that pissed me off was that none of my teammates bothered to by a single Vision Ward the whole match, even though:
  • I kept calling Eve MIA whenever she stealthed, and
  • Eve kept successfully ganking the fhuck out of them.
Because of this I bought a few Vision Wards and warded for my teammates. Tryn never bought a single ward the entire match even though Xin and Eve kept ganking him... so I bought some wards for him. Everytime Eve stealthed and did not reappear for a while, I pushed my lane simply by using Siphon of Destruction to clear the enemy minion wave and went off to roam or farm on the wraith camp. Draven, Xin, Sion, and Eve were all getting fed off my teammates. I went to gank them one at a time and successfully shut them down. I got a little more fed, but several of the shut downs were by the greedy Vayne. She KS'ed me a lot. I know I should share the kills, but guess what happened five minutes later? Trynda was doing so bad top lane that he started farming in the jungle and he also took the blue and red buffs. Jungle Vayne raged and said, "WTF WHY YOU TAKING MY BUFFS!" Tryn said, "Because I need the farm," and then Vayne said, "FHUCK YOU NOOB," and rage quit(taking along 1.5k+gold with her that could have been mine or Ezreal's and leaving the enemy team with 8 kills as well -_-). When she quit, I was like, "Wow...what a noob."

I was still getting well farmed and somewhat fed from shutting down the enemy, so I was thinking of carrying my team in the 4v5. BUT, Tryn, Ezreal, and Nunu continued to feed. They tried their best not to, but each of them giving 10 kills to the enemy was just too much. Tryn also made some stupid moves like go into a 1v4 fight alone when they were a lot more fed. He relied on his ultimate to try and kill someone but he failed a lot. In the end, the enemy team got so fed that it was hopeless for me to carry them. The enemy team also started focusing/ganking me mid and shutting me down, so I fed them too... I also pinged and asked for help with the mid turret, but no one came to my aid. The score became so pathetic, but no one on my team bothered starting a surrender vote. I felt like surrendering but no one started the vote so in my mind I was like, "Okay, whatever. If you guys don't wanna surrender, then we won't surrender. Let's just play it out til the end." We played to the very end and lost.

And that was my match... I felt angry and sad. Angry because of how much me and my teammates fed. Sad because it was my first normal game loss on Mordekaiser in a long while :( I admit the enemy team was pretty good, and was able to outplay my team and I. However, part of the reason of why we were outplayed was because my teammates were also pretty bad/having a bad game. As for myself, I wasn't doing as good as I normally do... Usually I would have a lot more CS than that by 30 minutes, but I had to roam a lot to shut down the enemy team and give my temmates an advantage ESPECIALLY SINCE the fking jungle Vayne rage quit... I was also getting turrets to boost my team's gold a.s.a.p, but I only got two turrets(outer top and outer mid). They were also the only two turrets my team got the entire game. The enemy team did good in ganking the other lanes, but that was because my teammates did not buy wards and did not have any map awareness with the wards I bought for them -_- Atm, I'm wondering what else I could have done better...

Anyways... thoughts or opinions? Any of your own losses you want to discuss/post/rage about?
Thanks TinyStar for the amazing sig<3
Care to check out my Mordekaiser guide? I'd appreciate it :D
Dark Metallica-Rocking With Mordekaiser
cooper56's Forum Avatar
Sep 13th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 28, 2012 9:11pm | Report
I blame my self for not being good enough to carry everyone.
Foo18's Forum Avatar
May 31st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 28, 2012 9:18pm | Report
Well, I think that the best thing to do is to complete avoid the word "Blame." It is useless and does nothing other than shed responsibility from yourself, to make you feel better about a loss.

The best thing to do is to just think "What could I have done better?" And nothing else. That is the best way to improve. Any time you lose a game, or even a team fight, it is best to think "What could I have done better?"

It doesn't matter if your mid lane was 0-9 with 10 CS, there is always something you could have done better, maybe even won the game.

Being honest, I am human, and though I TRY to just do that, I sometimes get that "OMFG That !@#$ing noob ashe and her !@#$ing !@#%. She ruined the whole !@#$ing game. Yeah! Good job ashe! You ulted every single time you were on beacon and poked the enemy mid laner when ours was getting blue! WELL !@#$ING DONE." or "God, I sucked that game... man I !@#$ing suck, I wish I could..."

Though doing one of the above can be hard to avoid, it ultimately doesn't help anyone.

So, like I said, I try to think "What could I have done better?" no matter what. Hell, sometimes you should do it even if you won with a 30-1-80 score. I mean , you died once, how could you have avoided it? lol
__________________________________Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance of your ignorance is bliss._________________________________
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 28, 2012 9:47pm | Report
Sometimes I blame myself, others a companion, and others I praise the enemy team. It's not hard to see if a game was going this or that way because how this or that was done. You can easily tell if a player was outplayed or if greed/stupidity made him feed, etc.

I have no issue praising the enemy team or blaming myself for a loss. I try to state facts and be fair.
DemonSovereign's Forum Avatar
Sep 14th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 28, 2012 9:49pm | Report
Yea what you said is true. My post is one of those hard to avoid moments :/ For me anyways >.>
Who doesn't get mad or sad when you are doing great early game and then all of a sudden you get crushed?
Thanks TinyStar for the amazing sig<3
Care to check out my Mordekaiser guide? I'd appreciate it :D
Dark Metallica-Rocking With Mordekaiser
A Chubby Baby
A Chubby Baby's Forum Avatar
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Feb 14th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 28, 2012 10:06pm | Report
you blame yourself. that's how you improve.
jinlee's Forum Avatar
May 9th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 28, 2012 10:20pm | Report
while it is possible to carry a team of badies ,its not always possible. yes you should always look for what you could have done better, even if you win, but doesnt mean its your fault. just go for another game and eat some desserts cuz desserts is stressed spelled backwards

all credit for this amazing sig goes to the nameless bard

if you thought what i said was worth it a rep would be rainbow pony awesome
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 28, 2012 10:27pm | Report
jinlee wrote:
eat some desserts cuz desserts is stressed spelled backwards

I never noticed that. Rep'ed for useful info

DemonSovereign's Forum Avatar
Sep 14th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 29, 2012 8:45am | Report

you blame yourself. that's how you improve.

That is actually what I normally do, but in this match it was just hard for me to blame myself and much easier to blame my teammates. I reminded them to buy Vision Wards, which they never did so I bought some for them. I always told them Eve was MIA whenever she stealthed and did not reappear for a while, and went wherever I thought Eve would pop up to gank so I could help my teammates. I always roamed to help out my teammates get an advantage since our jungler, Vayne, rage quitted. I told them focus on farm instead of pushing hard and getting ganked again. I went to solo dragon while my teammates farmed. If the enemy team was already there doing dragon, I told my teammates and we got a few shut downs/kills. I don't really know what else I could have done. I'm not perfect or anything, so there are some things I could have done better but I can't seem to find anything. I blame myself for not being good enough to carry my team. I wish my replay worked so I could have recorded that match to be able to find out what I did wrong/could have done better, but atm it just makes my client crash during the load screen :/

jinlee wrote:

eat some desserts cuz desserts is stressed spelled backwards

That's surprisingly true lol. It does relieve stress and desserts is stressed spelled backwards. Maybe it will help :o
My first self made sig ^_^
Care to check out my Mordekaiser guide? I'd appreciate it :D
Dark Metallica-Rocking With Mordekaiser
Pølsemanden's Forum Avatar
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Jan 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 29, 2012 9:56am | Report
1. Whoever banned shaco
2. The jungler since he didn't camp my lane and made me loose by not doing so
3. The support for not making me magically CS better or just not warding so we died to teleganks
4. The midlane for not SS'ing.
5. Teemo, **** teemo

That pretty much sums it up
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

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