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Ashamed of Being Human

Creator: CrimsonSkyz December 24, 2012 11:01am
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sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 28, 2012 11:53pm | Report

what makes you think it's for no reason? There's always a reason.

What makes you think there's always a reason? It's not an inconceivable idea to do something for its own sake. You may claim I have ulterior motives, but if I, to myself, say that I do its for its own sake, then who are you to say otherwise? Yes, this argument can work both ways to say that there is always an ulterior motive regardless of what I say to myself, and who are you to say otherwise. But that just makes one point as logically valid as the other.

So it makes you feel dominant, but then what is the reason for that? At the end of it all, you find... a non-justifiable ultimate reason. We do it simply because we feel like doing it. At the end of all that rationing, there is no actual reason why we do it. You can always ask 'but why?'.

Humans are probably the most contradictory creatures. As civil as we are managing to spend each day in society generally quite peacefully, there are also those who are at odds and ends against the world (and even the universe). But even so, despite all these differences, none of it accomplishes anything. Though in the cosmic scale of things, we are but specks of space dust, we come back down to Earth to become the centre of the universe through things like emotions. Through emotions of dominance and power, kindness and compassion, we are essentially the most important creatures we know (perhaps there are more important creatures when we come to discover them, but as it stands...).

Here is my reasoning.

If you (as a human) say that humans are not the most important creatures on the planet, on what authority do you make such a statement? It is on HUMAN authority that you make such a statement. In order to say that humans aren't the most important things on the planet, you're going to have to make a claim using authority that supersedes that of human authority. Since no other creature is capable of conversing with us their rational ideas (I don't know what animals experts consider 'rational animals'), then no such authority exists on this planet that supersedes that of a human's. We see the world and then impose our own laws and views upon it. We are, in essence, the world. So a human saying that humans are not the most important creatures in the world is actually fairly self-contradictory when no other rational being can say it.

I'll try a different approach. If you die, your world ends (let's not bring discussion of afterlife about this for the time being). In other words, you are the most important thing in the world - without you, your world would not exist. Sure, the world may exist independent of you, but of what matter is that to you when you yourself do not exist? The world begins and ends with you. Incidentally, that's my favourite game in the world - The World Ends With You.

Challenge the reality of the world with your own reality. You might not be able to change the world, but you certainly can change how you see it if you are willing to. My condolences to the families.

But seriously, if you restricted firearms, there'd be a whole lot less gun crime. After all, if you do not have access to a gun, then how do you shoot someone...?
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 28, 2012 11:58pm | Report
To the original post/thread title.

You can be ashamed of being human, but there is no need to be ashamed of yourself (at least, not in this case). After all, it is not you who shot the firemen. There is no crime by association.

Also, you don't have to be ashamed of being human. Even though this article shows something someone probably should be ashamed of, there are also plenty of other charitable stories elsewhere which shows how or why you can be proud to be human.

After all, we are but human. So why not take pride in the great things we can do?
FireLord's Forum Avatar
Dec 20th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 29, 2012 12:01pm | Report
Don't know too much about dolphins but I do that humans and dolphins aren't differing a lot, biologically.
Dolphins are one of the few species that actually gang rape other animals. Every year there are plenty of baby seals that die after being raped by dolphins. This is not a joke, even though it's funny.

and animals kill for the same reasons of humans. persons always have a reason to kill, no matter how fcked up it is. i've seen cats killing birds because it's fun, and once their dead they wont eat it
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mage legend's Forum Avatar
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Jun 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 29, 2012 1:22pm | Report
Ashamed of being a human? I'm happy to be a human. What if we were sheep? They would sheer us until we were naked, and eat us for dinner.
Also, sheep (or any other animals) can't play LoL. I prefer to be a human.

Those people, killing everyone are just inhuman , so we shouldn't be ashamed of ourselves,
just think positive :)

Thanks to jhoijhoi for making this sig!

Thanks to Tinystar for the sig! ^^

Thanks to Nameless Bard for the sig! ^^
+rep if you think i deserve it :)
CrimsonSkyz's Forum Avatar
Aug 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 29, 2012 4:35pm | Report
sirell wrote:

To the original post/thread title.

You can be ashamed of being human, but there is no need to be ashamed of yourself (at least, not in this case). After all, it is not you who shot the firemen. There is no crime by association.

Also, you don't have to be ashamed of being human. Even though this article shows something someone probably should be ashamed of, there are also plenty of other charitable stories elsewhere which shows how or why you can be proud to be human.

After all, we are but human. So why not take pride in the great things we can do?

Hmm... that's true. It's just that the news mostly shows all the bad and not the good, so I think humans are more bad than good :/ but I see your point. Thanks +rep!
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caucheka's Forum Avatar
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May 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 29, 2012 10:17pm | Report

What if we were sheep?

but most humans are sheep.
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 29, 2012 10:22pm | Report
caucheka wrote:

but most humans are sheep.

devdevil's Forum Avatar
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Sep 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 30, 2012 5:26am | Report
Well, I'm proud of being human, because we don't poop whenever we feel the need O.o
And we don't pee on something just to show it's ours.
We also don't leave what we just ate lying around.
The world would be a very dirty place then, and very unsanitary...

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Strategy's Forum Avatar
Dec 31st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 31, 2012 7:28am | Report
The recent shootings once again put the debate of gun control and media abuse into the center.

On another forum, we had a thread about the school shotings, and I will try and reuse past posts about the mentioned topic.

I think TH really explains it well:

Spoiler: Click to view

But this was just infuriating:

Spoiler: Click to view

Jillette really tried there. He really, really tried. Following our angry Brit, this is a clear example of the media trying to pin down the games.

I am not against their discussion about assault rifles. It really has no buisness in homes.

The jump, however, from real weapons to fake weapons in a game and brainwashing of children was, in the only way I can describeb it, wrong.

By following that logic, a person that played Shaco for 3 years would not be thinking of anything else than stabbing his friends with knives.

Also, was I the only one thinking of an atheist in a 1 vs 3 match?

In any case, my current point of view is that the media might have started a new wave of murders and shootings, including the murder of these firemen.
DemonSovereign's Forum Avatar
Sep 14th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 31, 2012 10:11pm | Report
The "news" always reports bad news and gets everyone all flustered and in an uproar. There are people that just use anything as an excuse to get what they want. Blaming video games for violence... What about every other country with video games? -_-
These are the "humans" that make me sick.
But yea there are good humans everywhere. You shouldn't be ashamed of being human. You weren't even affiliated with that demented shooter. Those shooters =/= human race as a whole.
Thanks TinyStar for the amazing sig<3
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