Vapora Dark wrote:
Lolz, the rage that must have been directed at you while you obliviously did something else.
Gj on that large number of wins though. What's your division + LP?
I'm in Bronze II, currently 1-1 in my Promo matches :x
SirSpankAlot wrote:
I think night should stick to ADC. Based on his match history.
It's funny cause I consider myself a better mid/top. But I def played a lot of adc that day. Might consider working on my mechanics more so I can adc, idk.
Pheyniex wrote:
jayce losing to renekton? interesting? ...or is there something i don't know?
Renekton is strong early game. I suppose you just jump on Jayce, and you don't let him poke you to death. But honestly, I can't play both of them, so I'm probably wrong.
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