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Recently reached level 30, Now i feel like a noob.

Creator: Highwind017 April 11, 2013 4:11pm
Teh Grazzh0pper
Teh Grazzh0pper's Forum Avatar
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Jan 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2013 5:40am | Report
Don't worry, I had the same confidence drop when I hit lvl 30 too when I realized that I was really n00b. You just need to keep practicing and try to improve yourself slowly and you will become a better player and reach your desired normal elo :)
Thanks to VirusNG for the awesome sig!
DKitten's Forum Avatar
Jan 11th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2013 5:49am | Report
Ziggs's Hexplosive Minefield + Liandry's Torment = Love.

Yes, you should definitely get runes. Runes are your early game stats; they're kinda important to making it to lategame. I saved up 10k on my support-only smurf to buy all the runes she needs for her runepage by Lv20. I'm currently missing 3 hybrid pen marks and 6 armor marks for a full two pages of runes.

Just a tip I've noticed for mids: Don't be afraid to use the fog of war around the river (the little mini jungle entrances on the sides of the river) to land skillshots or even ambush your enemy.

I don't think Zac was ever intended to deal massive amounts of damage. He's definitely a utility jungler. As such, he's a good pick with high-damage lanes and a not-so-good pick with utility-based lanes that are lacking in the damage departments. In those cases, sure, go Diana.
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Scott Azrael
Scott Azrael's Forum Avatar
Jan 31st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2013 6:49am | Report
LOL, nice rant. I just hit 30 last weekend and I understand completely. I lost 7 out of 8 normals games at one point. I took a break from Saturday until Monday had another bad game, so I skipped a day and then tried again Wednesday. I actually had a 5 game win streak going until I was playing Twisted Fate mid against someone who really knew how to play Morgana. I have found the main difference is that a lot of people I am running into main the one champ I am playing against. Whereas I have played over 1/2 of the champs and haven't really specialized in any. I do have more experience with a handful of champs, but I really need to narrow down my champ pool and start practicing up with them. So what did I do this morning? I bought Syndra and decided to try her /facepalm

My suggestion is to go read guides for champs that you wanna try before you try them. That way you have a rough idea of how the abilities work. Plus a good guide will give you tips on how best to use the abilities and combos to use. For example, Riven's shield should allow her to go in and trade with champs and then get back out without losing a lot of health. The top rated Riven guide has a section about this and how to use her combo.

Just keep practicing and don't get too frustrated. Go back and play some champs you know well. play with friends for fun. If you don't have any that will just play for fun, add some people from here.
More Waffles
More Waffles's Forum Avatar
Apr 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2013 9:56pm | Report
I hadn't even noticed I had hit a bad streak when I hit thirty. It wasn't long ago, but I did just stop doing as well. I also just went a few weeks where I was too afraid to play anything but custom games (I told myself I was "learning new champs" but really just didn't feel comfortable playing against 30s).

Runes, very important for early game. I was told when I started to wait until level 30 before buying runes, and couldn't figure out why games kept getting harder. By the 20s, enemy champs were just poking me for HUGE chunks of health, and I just couldn't touch them for the first few levels. I bought several runes after level 20 when I could get tier 3. My only complaint, rune pages are WAY too expensive. I have to drop mad IP on runes, but have to spend 6300 on a rune page? Seriously?

As for the community, I seriously don't understand how the people on this page and community don't mesh up with the people in game. Every post I read, question, answer, et cetera is full of help and advice. Encouragement about playing the game, and offers to mentor or assist. Then I start a game, and players either don't talk or ooze negativity.

I was told before I started that LoL has the WORST gaming community ever. Games fun, but 90% of the people you play with are going to be pricks. I'm glad that this forum consists of that other 10%.
Nom Nom Nom
Keltocdragon's Forum Avatar
Sep 19th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 13, 2013 7:40am | Report
My advice stop trying to fill a certain role with this champ cause their supposed to be p or whatever. Use champions that fit your play style makes games away more fun especially when you find that 1 champion whom compliments your playstyle.

Example: sona top lane solo vs. Darius.... Who wins? Sona wins why cause of the op poke of Q a 7 second heal and an at least 3 escape options to disengauge with relative ease. jungles gank R under turret easy double. Not the usual role for sona whom loves bot but it works.

For the Qquers we had three supports an 2 tanks still won. Vs all ad brusiers. Gotta love those blind normals.
Just saying sometimes not following the meta Lets you find a role that fits you. Mine was Sona everywhere.
Keltocdragon's Forum Avatar
Sep 19th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 13, 2013 7:40am | Report
My advice stop trying to fill a certain role with this champ cause their supposed to be p or whatever. Use champions that fit your play style makes games away more fun especially when you find that 1 champion whom compliments your playstyle.

Example: sona top lane solo vs. Darius.... Who wins? Sona wins why cause of the op poke of Q a 7 second heal and an at least 3 escape options to disengauge with relative ease. jungles gank R under turret easy double. Not the usual role for sona whom loves bot but it works.

For the Qquers we had three supports an 2 tanks still won. Vs all ad brusiers. Gotta love those blind normals.
Just saying sometimes not following the meta Lets you find a role that fits you. Mine was Sona everywhere.
More Waffles
More Waffles's Forum Avatar
Apr 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 13, 2013 9:45am | Report
Played last night with an Ali/Blitz bot duo. Game went suprisingly well. I've been creamed by duo carry bots, a Darius / Ashe top, et cetera. Meta is the standard. Sometimes you can do unexpectantly well against with changeups.

Caveat... just played another: two carries, two supports and a mid. Got crushed in top lane. Play whoever, wherever. It works. :(
Nom Nom Nom
Raiyuzaki's Forum Avatar
Sep 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 13, 2013 5:00pm | Report
Well, let me put it this way.

Pre-level 30, you were going against other people in your same situation - about 100-200 wins maximum, and still kind of learning the PvP (non-bots). You got used to what these people who are still learning would do, and you have probably locked yourself into that way of thinking.

Now, all of a sudden, you are thrown into games with people with 1000+ wins, many more RANKED opponents, and people with much more teamwork than you're used to. It's probably not that you're playing worse. You're just getting owned so hard that you feel like you suddenly suck. Not to mention, these people likely have FULL rune pages, whereas you may or may not have 1 or 2 semi-complete pages. Runes have a HUGE impact on the early game, and the early game has a HUGE impact on the later game. Therefore, runes have a HUGE impact on the game, period.

Just keep playing, watch streams, learn ALL roles (ADC, Support, Jungle, Mid, Top) and learn a variety of champions so that you can always play something you're good with. This is KEY. And wards. Lots and lots of wards. You'll likely grow out of how you played before and start playing smarter if you pay attention and, dare I say it, study.

(I'm not a pro, so I could be completely wrong.. But I can hold my own in Normals at level 30)
Zouchouten's Forum Avatar
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May 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2013 7:57am | Report
Bad streaks happen. I usually stop playing for the day when I start losing in ridiculous ways. You aren't imagining things, the difficulty of your opponents did increase. The max level IS 30, so you're being paired against people who've been 30 for a long time. Don't be afraid of the enemy team, just communicate with yours. They'll help out if you don't know something, they usually want to win as well.

Also, you should study up on the champions and strategies. Knowing your champion is great, but knowing the enemy will help you succeed against them. I've had Riven since day 1 (yes, I randomly bought a champion with rp) and I've had a lot of time to master her. I didn't get better with her until I hung around the guides and studied different item builds and attack strategies. I remember when Teemo top was an effective counter for me.

If you'd like a Riven mentor, I wouldn't mind offering a personalized tutorial.

So far, I'm competent with: Riven, Sona, Ahri

I'm still learning: Akali, Katarina, Irelia, Sejuani, Vi, Ashe, and Vayne

Deebomb's Forum Avatar
Sep 15th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 15, 2015 6:42pm | Report
I know this post is a couple of years old now, but am wondering how you went with it all? I'm facing the same situation and am finding I'm letting my team down all the time. Finding other players are incredibly toxic! Are you still playing and did things get better?

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