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Riven Build Guide by Foxy Riven

Assassin Riven - Bunny On The Loose!

Assassin Riven - Bunny On The Loose!

Updated on January 30, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Foxy Riven Build Guide By Foxy Riven 42 7 294,501 Views 55 Comments
42 7 294,501 Views 55 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Foxy Riven Riven Build Guide By Foxy Riven Updated on January 30, 2015
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Foxy Riven (129) | July 29, 2014 12:42pm
emoriam wrote:

You should update your information about Spirit of the Ancient Golem :p
Good guide tho, +1 and Scout for the lulz

Oh ye, it's changed, forgot about that:p

I'll correct it immediately, thanks for telling me :)

Thanks for the vote and scout as well!
emoriam (287) | July 29, 2014 12:38pm
You should update your information about Spirit of the Ancient Golem :p
Good guide tho, +1 and Scout for the lulz
Foxy Riven (129) | July 17, 2014 3:59am
Final789X wrote:

This is an excellent guide Foxy. I have purchased Riven but have scarcely used her myself, but looking at your guide makes me really want to master this champion. Like you I also build champs in my very own way, but I am seeing your logic behind your choices. I will try working some of them into my own builds to see if they will help make my life easier. Hopefully more people will try doing the same as you clearly know this champion. I hope implementing an item or even just a tactic of yours will escalate my game, and I hope all those looking at this guide can also keep an open mind towards your reasoning. Thank you for your help :)

Let me know how it went!

It's my pleasure, I hope you'll be having as much fun with Riven as I've had :)

Foxy Riven (129) | July 17, 2014 3:43am
Hi MK,

Read Making a guide for starters ^^

Runepages is easy. You just printscreen yours in the client and put it in photoshop/paint. Next upload it (tinypic, imageshack...).

Don't know what you exactly mean by items though.

Abilities: just add [abilities=1] to your guide for the sequence.

If you mean the cheat sheet, Vynertje answered your question.

Your signature: Take care of using your revision in the link. This is your saved guide, not your published one.

Made this for you: Remove the content from your signature and add this

[h4]Korean Diamond Shaco Guide[/h4]
[h4]Click the picture to check it out![/h4][/center]

If you need any more help feel free send me a PM :)

MK9849 (1) | July 16, 2014 8:11pm
Hello Foxyriven but I wanna know how you make your guide,,? like how did you put the runepage in the begining and all items in beggining and abillities thingy? plz help me lol :( i wanna write some good guide ty..
Foxy Riven (129) | July 16, 2014 3:23am

Sorry My bad. There was this guy who randomly downvoted my guide without any reason. I look at his "favorite build guide", thinking that it was you who downvoted it. I sincerely apologize for my mistake and as a apology ill give you +1 for you guide. :)

I want to thank you for your honesty. I am the last person to downvote, especially without explanation, because I know how much effort it takes to make a good guide. Sadly there are people who downvote like that and I wish I could change it for you, but I can't. You may send a message to a moderator to try and remove that specific downvote because it obviously is a troll one.

I will ofcourse revoke mine and give you a detailed review on how to improve your guide.

Kind regards,

GodlyBanana (2) | July 15, 2014 10:43pm
Foxy Riven wrote:

At least explain your downvote?

Sorry My bad. There was this guy who randomly downvoted my guide without any reason. I look at his "favorite build guide", thinking that it was you who downvoted it. I sincerely apologize for my mistake and as a apology ill give you +1 for you guide. :)
Foxy Riven (129) | July 15, 2014 6:43pm


At least explain your downvote?
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