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Dr. Mundo Build Guide by krolk88

AD Offtank Mundo bruiser guide -the more you hit me,the faster you die.

AD Offtank Mundo bruiser guide -the more you hit me,the faster you die.

Updated on June 7, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author krolk88 Build Guide By krolk88 0 8 8,032 Views 16 Comments
0 8 8,032 Views 16 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author krolk88 Dr. Mundo Build Guide By krolk88 Updated on June 7, 2013
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sk1llzn00bz (17) | June 8, 2013 8:11am
Voted -1
******ed items
sirell (400) | June 8, 2013 7:54am
^ What he said.

Devastating Charge might be considered a gap closer too, but then again that does have a up-to-75% MS increase.
Laggermeister (242) | June 8, 2013 7:43am
Answer: It is not, and you are bad.

Audacious Charge is a gap closer. Demacian Standard + Dragon Strike combo is a gap closer. Infected Bonesaw + Maximum Dosage combo is NOT a gap closer. Learn to play.
krolk88 (1) | June 8, 2013 3:52am
You dont seem to understand what a gap closer is.

How is an long range slowing cleaver + Maximum Dosage movement speed not a gap closer?

Answer: It is.

Also,i guess you didnt try this guide in game,but oh well enough talking.Whats your problem with the guide?Is it this that there is absoulutely no explanation of anything about Dr. Mundo?.What to explain, Dr. Mundo is an extremely simple champion,just throw cleavers,use ult,throw cleaver,throw cleaver,repeat...

If you dont want to try it in game,then dont vote on a guide that maybe doesnt explain a champion,but provides a way to bulid it.
Laggermeister (242) | June 7, 2013 11:34pm
Yay unarchived for more downvotes.

You don't seem to understand why AD Mundo is a selfpwn. It's because Mundo has no gap closer. Lrn2play, noob
krolk88 (1) | June 7, 2013 9:49pm

I was expecting a downvote but not that massive...oh well,gonna just explain some things about the guide here and then archive it until it is finished and is possible to read ^^.

-With Blunt Force Trauma and full bulid Dr. Mundo has 195(base+items) + 0-40(Maw passive) + 100-200 AD which is between 295 to 435 AD,and 1.54 AS,making you deal very high damage even without arpen,while still having 4000 hp,147 armor and 172 mr,which alone doesnt seem much for a tank in late phase of the game,but considering Maximum Dosage,it allows you to tank pretty well and long,if you dont believe me,try it yourself.



Guide should be readable now,unarchived.
Deadlydave (46) | June 7, 2013 8:44pm

Yeah the title should be 'the more you hit me the faster I die'

WOOOOO LAGGER QUOTED ME, I'D LIKE TO THANK EVERYONE WHO BROUGHT ME HERE. But seriously you will die if you use this guide. Alot.
sirell (400) | June 7, 2013 5:56pm
I think the point of this is to focus on using Blunt Force Trauma. So the faster you kill him, the more damage he gets on his E steroid. Of course, I don't think he noticed the downside being that he'll probably die first.
TKDbeast (3) | June 7, 2013 5:55pm
Voted -1
This build has SWAG.

Words on
Laggermeister (242) | June 7, 2013 5:46pm
Deadlydave wrote:

How is it that the more they hit you the faster they die without a Thornmail?

Yeah the title should be 'the more you hit me the faster I die'
Deadlydave (46) | June 7, 2013 5:17pm
Voted -1
How is it that the more they hit you the faster they die without a Thornmail?
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Dr. Mundo Guide
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Mundo bruiser guide -the more you hit me,the faster you die.

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