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LevasK starring in "The Quest To Becoming...

Creator: LevasK June 9, 2013 10:22am

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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 21, 2013 11:22am | Report
Today was a terrible day for ranked -.-

This game had THE MOST SPECIAL malphite I've ever seen.So I didn't get to play ADC ,Ryze called top and I took TF mid,so from the beginning of the match I knew-all blues will go to Ryze :/. Ori started with 2 Charms and was pushing pretty hard ,but she had 0 wards ,so I asked malphite to gank since she was at my tower 24/7 and I was ignored malphite just farmed jungle.I assumed he wanted to get to 6 as fast as he can which is quite understandable. Ori came back to lane with blue buff and started spamming non stop so I was forced to defend.I saw malphite doing our blue with Ryze and suddenly
Ryze said : WTF Malphite why did you smite steal it? ,
I looked over and also said : Eh... Why did you take it instead of giving it to me or Rye,
malphite replied : OMG NOOB TF you have mana spell you don't need blue.
I continue : Well Ori is pushing really hard and because I have to non stop spam Q I am running out of mana regardless of me having blue card. But if you don't me having blue fine just gank my lane when she pushes up and give blues to Ryze he needs it bad.
Malphite: Ryze doesn't need it he has 2x more mana then I do.
Me and Ryze: Da fuq? :O

So the game went on along side these lines I managed to shove my lane back and ganked bot 2-4 times each time we got kills sadly it was just not enough. Mao camped top and bot while malphite only fail ganked and raged. In the end malphite/ashe got caught and that was it.
Also post game there was a lot of trash talking coming from malphite mainly him calling everyone bad and screaming at me that we lost because I always was low on mana and I was ineffective ... Yea.

Another rough game.Taric gave FB to Draven at lvl 2 because he decided to use his stun on amumu and walk up to him to use shatter... Then after he came back we managed to get them both low they ran to there tower and for some reason Xin decided to dive them in between towers with no creeps or us around , just a solo Xin and he died.
Sadly the game was not over (I didn't feel like surrendering) I managed to take 2 towers and 2 dragons in a row and it seemed like we were making a nice come back. We began wining teamfights ,but even if we killed 3 of them and lost noone my team would instead of pushing try and chase those kills. Xin continued to trash talk the whole game usually talking about me not doing enough for the team (even tho he was constantly getting caught).After we took a baron it seemed like we were in a great position until Xin decided to go in 4v5 when I was in base,so they died enemies pushed nexus I got the blame.

Also Taric build was next lvl -.- he only got 3 initial wards this whole game and ignored my requests to get more.

Yet another support who kept on using CC on the other support. Laning phase went along the lines of Leona using Q or E or both on Taric-Taric stunning me and MF just AAing me for free. We ended up dying after Fizz came and dove us with MF and Taric :/ so we lost our lane. J4 was crying since 3 minutes into the game for no real reason,but when it came to teamfights he made the exact same calls I would have made : Him Lee and Kass going for Kha and Fizz ,Leona protecting me. First team fight they didn't listen and we lost it, next one however EVERYONE DID THERE JOB! :) So I was really happy about that and ever since that we continued to do our teamfights this way and we won.At the end MF was really salty saying stuff : Varus you don't deserve to win ect ..

Bot were premades ,so even tho I was first pick I gave them ADC ,because it was ADC or troll ... So I went to jungle sadly renekton didn't connect. I went to top lane and even tho I started with machete I got Aatrox passive pretty early on and had I had ignite I would have FB him. All seemed quite nice I was hoping that hecarim was manner enough to just let lanes fight it out among themselves ,but nope :D He camped top hard and there is nothing else to tell 4v5 no jungler free farming hecarim :/.

Before the match began I asked Thresh to play passive since we had such a late game team (Ryze and Vayne). Sadly he didn't and died pretty quickly ,but I told him it was no big deal.I just froze lane close to our tower and farmed 24/7 sadly everyone else lost I did the best that I could it jsut wasn't enough. Also Garen built a ton of armor against Kennen (score board doesn't show it cuz he switched items before the end) also Graves said Easy which was funny seeing how most of my kills were him :D.

Sad sad game. Honestly I didn't expect much from our team comp ,but this was just sad. Our first deaths in bot happened when panth just dove bot (got a kill on trist :D ). I have no clue what Diana was doing ,cuz she wasn't ganking at all while panth ganked top 2 times and then dove bot she had yet to even try ganking hmm at least she was okey at ksing :D, team never fallowed up on my ult idk why and everyone waited for me to initiate. Sadly even tho I missed only 1 ult that game it didn't matter. Yi and Diana were both trash talking A TON.

Really a poor day of ranked climb.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 24, 2013 9:14am | Report
The game was an awful rage fest and I got demoted to silver 4 again.There ADC was last pick so I kinda got counter picked and right from the get go I asked my jungler for help ,because I knew that I couldn't deal with Draven/Thresh in bot (we were on purple side).At lvl 3 Alistar got hooked and died cuz he used his full combo on Thresh instead of just headbutting Draven away and she started trash talking about my low skill I replied that we need to just play safe under the tower and wait for a gank. Sadly Sej was premade with Lux and instead of helping use even tho I had river bush pinked she camped mid and failed all the while shivana was spam ganking all over the map. After a great combo by Ali we got a kill on Thresh ,but later on I screwed up chased a bit too long during our next battle I could blame Ali for again using his skills on Thresh but it really was my fault.During this whole time I was asking for help from Sej and yet she ignored us until finally Shiv Draven and Thresh dove us after we got a bit low. After we lost tower Alistar started trash talking about me again together with Sej and Lux mainly talking about me having 20 less CS then Draven (which in my books considering how hard it's laning vs Draven as Vayne and that we got tower dived was pretty good). Later when we got to teamfights we started really coming back we won 3 fights in a row (mainly due to good Sej ult and me insta dropping Draven).Towards the end we were killing there nexus towers with 5 of us up and only Thresh up on there team.Yet for some reason my team just turned full on ****** and instead of attacking the structures started chasing Thresh then Elise respawned and the rest of there team and we were on the run with 2 down. In the next fights Shiv and Draven started focusing me solely and when I asked my team to peel for me there response was: F U Vayne/ Trash ADC /Fail ADC. If that wasn't enough my team all except for Jax aggressively stole farm from me and Sej never gave red to me or Jax instead she would smite steal it each time. In the end my team refusing to peel for me and never giving me free lane farm caused us the match (I got LW only before the final battle).

We were wining pretty hard our lane until Aatrox started laning in bot and if that wasn't enough so did Lux I asked for assistance from my jungler and mid laner sadly I was ignored. When Aatrox jumped out of the bush for the 5 time in 2 minutes finally my Leona died :/ but we got them all (Cait Aatrox Taric Lux ) pretty low and since I was at 70% of my HP and J4 was coming I stayed to defend tower ,but once they dove (j4 was at arms reach from me) instead of using his E Q into R combo J4 just stood there (literally) and watched as 4 very low HP people dove me under tower (Aatrox didn't even have his passive) yet he did nothing had he decided to go in that was an easy triple if not quadra kill for him. In the end after getting beaten up by path 1v1 (again he didn't even ult) he just quit. So we lost.

And things like these are starting to get to me-my team intentionally hindering me through the course of these matches steals farm/buffs when I ask politely not to do so ,they provide no assistance when I ask for it and then expect me to perform miracles and if I don't ,instead of trying to find solutions all they do is rage.Now I know that pretty much everyone in solo q thins he is supposed to be in higher league/division then he is ,but playing in Silver 3-4 is starting to make me desperate.I constantly get teammates who are in there placements or have only played 20-30 ranked games (like Alistar in that game) and if that wasn't enough noone tries to communicate and majority of my attempts at reasoning with these people are met with nothing ,but hostility. I've been trying my hardest not to become just another "model" league player who rages if he/his teammate do something wrong and starts trash talking and making jokes about Fing someones mother. And yet it seems that my current approach (At the beginning of every game saying : gl hf in all chat , congratulating my allies and enemies when they make a good play, instead of raging if my support screws up saying dw it's alright, instead of quitting- trying to encourage my team to continue fighting util there is no hope left, giving legit advise to people that are doing something wrong instead of trash talking ) seems to be ineffective ,so I was wondering perhaps I should be exactly like majority of people I've met in league so far, perhaps that's the way to go about playing league and climbing the ladder.

I know that this turned into a semi blog post ,but I just needed to get it off my chest and since it's ranked climb relate I figured it's no crime if I post it here.
Thank you for reading.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 25, 2013 2:20pm | Report
3 more games today and I'm back in promos :/.
Laning phase was quite boring basically me hiding behind my creeps and csing under tower for the most part (hate blitzcrank) I had my first death when Tryndamere roamed from top at 8 minutes in (Zed was getting destryoed in top). Later we had 4 people bot but thanks to well timed rotation by Orianna we were able to pick up a few kills and towers ,later a dragon too. And even tho every lane but bot lost were very much in this Zed was crying the whole way ,but much to my surprise Orianna was the one being the team cheerleader asking him not to quit and telling him how we will win in teamfights. And she was right once we got to 5v5 fight we dominated thanks to Shockwaves fallowed by my chains also Alistar did an amazing job of peeling for me and Ori making him the first Alistar I've seen so far to do his job properly so congratz to both Ori and Ali I really enjoyed this game.

For the first 10-15 minutes Nunu was dc ed so it was 2v1 bot ,but Cait was pretty terrible she didn't shove/harass enough to capitalize on the situation and after 2 ganks by Kha zix he got really fed, also strangely enough Morgana was dominating Akali in mid.Later Nunu returned and since Morgana and Kha zix were so fed this was an easy victory. In the end Cait tried blaming her team ,but after I told her that she should look in the mirror before placing blame she just left. :/

Game 50 (sadly it's a bad game :/)I believe this is the first time I lost in promotion series -.-. Sona ask for jungle first and was 4th pick ,but Lee who was last pick insta locked. At the beginning of the match I told him that he should start blue and make his way to the enemy red because I knew that GP couldn't 1v1 Lee especially at lvl 2 :D while he did agree to do it he never did.Since I knew that there was no way I could beat Draven early game and I was playing Tristana I decided to kick back and just farm close to my tower. Lee ganked and got himself 2 kills. Later he got 1 more and sona got one 1 sadly no kills for me ;(. The game was going really in our favor we were up in towers and Dragons until Lee decided to roam into there jungle with half hp -he died and blamed me for not helping even tho I took a tower in bot.A few terrible plays later we were on the defense the game was easily winnable ,but after Lee Qed Alistar went in and got blown up he just rage quit freaking premades -.- (Fizz was his buddy). I wanted to try and fight 4v5 hoping for Fizz to convince Lee to come back ,but my team just surrendered.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 26, 2013 10:22am | Report
Played only 2 ranked games today and 2 ARAMs (unlocked Cait :) ).

Game was free from the moment Ashe decided to fight me head on at lvl 2 ,Alistar did a good job knocking me back but it wasn't enough to save the suicidal Ashe.Eh we took dragon and a little later 5 people roamed bot while Olaf and Jax (premades) were in top and middle yet for some reason they decided to farm few minions and proceed to farm jungle instead of pushing the enemy team for sending 5 bot.. oo well. We almost threw that game when Leona/Morgana/Olaf got caught 4 times in a row, but in the end Draven OP no counter play available so we won.

Odd game I asked Sej to play passive and just farm up till we all hit 6 (Amumu included) but she kept jumping on Leona good thing my Es scared Varus away otherwise bot would have went very bad for us. Amummu gank 3 times pre 6 2 fails but 1 great success - we got bot tower ,but sadly dragon was taken. And when I asked Amummu to get wards for Baron/Dragon he replied that he needs better items more then he needs wards on those objectives... In teamfights I was unable to get many kills J4 and Amummu soaked most of them up. We almost threw cuz of Leona getting caught while farming bot double golems when the whole team was pinging danger and when Amumu and Leona tried to make a very lazy recall. Good thing J4 landed some great ults and when I called for Baron my team responded.

So once again I'm back in Silver 3 I hope that the addition of Caitlyn to my champion roster/pool I will continue to improve my skills as ADC as well as my Elo.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 1, 2013 7:10am | Report
These games were not all played on the same day,but through this weekend and today :D.

First Cait game didn't go so well. During the laning phase we crushed bot 3.0 and I managed to put Varus 2 lvls behind myself and also like 30cs behind very early on until J4 decided to sit in the bush for 2-3 minutes for no reason just leaching exp allowing Varus to catch up :/.Top was feeding and Blitz started crying and *****ing about him.Teamfights went pretty even ,but again Blitz was *****ing at everyone calling mid/top/jungle noobs when he was the one getting caught ect.He was also making the dumbest calls possible and it wouldn't bother me so much if my team didn't listen to him ,but they did. (Calls such as pushing top when we have no inhib in mid and I'm solo defending bot and mid) and after each teamfight he would call everyone trash,noobs and kept asking the enemy team to report his team.In the end surprise surprise -guess who threw, Yup Blitz did by hooking Amumu to me with Garen right beside me so I died and my team got wrecked without me and he didn't even knock anyone of them nor did he silence ,so idk if he was trying to throw or something.

If I could I would nominate this guy for the BCBOTM (biggest cry baby of the month)award.

Laning phase was ok we won bot ,but sadly after getting killed a few times enemy malphite rage quit. The enemy team asked us to end, but when we tried to push for the win they kept defending and Vayne was constantly hunting me hence my message at the end, I will never understand that logic- You ask to end fast and then defend -.-.

Duo with Shapemaster
Nothing interesting to say really. We were wining our lane hard till Skarner started camping it, and I have to say he just wrecked our whole team with by non stop ganking ect ,our Moa was raging really hard ,but Skarner just played really well I congratulated him in all chat I was impressed with how well he played.

Duo with Shapemaster
This game was weird. The enemy team invaded successfully and WW died together with Lulu ,but when Lulu respwaned we stole blue from the enemy team and blew 2 flashes :D, sadly WW tried to counter jungle the enemy blue -died and rage quit. So it was 4v5 and the enemy jungler and mid Kha zix just camped bot cuz we killed Kog and Ali a few times, so it was pretty hard but once we got to teamfights we managed to trade even or come out on top (Lulu did work ). After 15-20 minutes into the game WW came back so we started giving him all the free farm so he could catch up,but when we asked him to group with the team for Dragon or teamfights in general he started calling everyone ******s,morons,idiots,noobs saying that he needed more lvls even tho he was at the time the same lvl as me -.-. So we continued holding our own 4v5 WW got caught 2 times and died for nothing. WW finally decided to group up during the last 2 fights and we crushed our enemies. The game was way too long and way too close.

Normally I would never even consider reporting a person who left and came back,but his actions after coming back were just unacceptable :/.Still after this game I noticed that I was being way too vocal and I needed a break.

Duo with ArmED GWe won our lane and Nocturne got super fed and he was able to pretty much do what ever he wanted in that game. Nothing interesting to tell :/.

We were doing just fine in our lane until a terrible dive by Hecarim gave the enemy Kog 3 kills (should not have tried to save Hec) we told him it was warded but he still dove and enemy jungler was there to counter gank it went really bad. Hecarim returned for another gank and this time we traded Lulu for Kog ,but when Udyr and Sona both being at around 20-30$HP decided to fight me instead of helping me Hecarim just ignored me and recalled- I died around 1.5 Teemos away from where he was recalling and I died while he was recalling with 50% HP and almost full mana -.-. Basically Hecarim just started raging and blaming everyone top/mid/both of us in bot all the while getting caught non stop. It was a really ugly game and I decided that I've had enough of people for that day :D.

Duo with ArmED G
Laning phase was a nightmare Nunu fed Draven 3 kills for free, he was convinced that we just all in Draven Leona lane -.- and kept walking point blank to Draven so Leona would just combo him and Draven had only to hit him 3 times for free cash (he game FB too).He flat out refused to buy wards and kept calling me trash and coward for not going all in on Draven and Leona, luckily for me Draven was bad at CSing and I managed to freeze lane after I forced him to b cuz of my poke and he lost around 3-5 full waves of creep. Also I got lucky that my duo partner is a really good jungler all his ganks were fruitful especially in mid he got Lux really fed. Together we had total control of Dragon and Baron (I bought more wards that game then Nunu). And what pissed me off was that this guy thought he was so right, he even asked smugly the enemy team how was he doing and everyone on our and the enemy team told him that he was doing poorly and he should have built like a proper support - He just ignored everyone and get going on and on about he carried that game and how everyone just cleaned up after him -.-. He stared this match with Doran ring and pots....

Duo with ArmED G
Both teams had problems in lobbies in the enemy team Irella was last pick and she refused to play support after everyone had picked and locked in and just took Irella.In our team Draven just locked Draven without saying a thing talking on and on about how good he is cuz he is a smurf.He procceded to suck,feed and refusing to group and communicate luckily I managed to do my job and together with my duo partner we were able do do many objectives and get our other teammates fed. The enemy team had no wards and noone got oracles so I manged to get away with warding all the key spots in enemy jungle as well as major objectives -Draven remained useless through this whole match....

Duo with ArmED G
Last game today before the ranked was disabled,everyone was having lag issues in that match also apparently Mao and Leona were premades and after getting crushed started trolling ,but honestly even if they didn't do that everyone on my team won there lanes and I was really fed so it probably would not have mattered.

So I'm currently at 93LP and I can't wait till ranked is back up again ,so I can maybe get our of jail block Brick 3 :D.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Joxuu's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 1, 2013 7:35am | Report
Thumbs up for trying even after demoted 2 times back to silver IV, I was actually quite surprised how easily it happend. I think u will make it to Silver II soon.

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 1, 2013 2:37pm | Report
Joxuu-Well when you get promoted to Silver 3 you have 0LP and you often get placed with people who are just out of there or still in there promos ,but even then I was quite surprised how fast it happened :D.However I will not let such a minor thing stop me from working towards my goal. Also thank you for your words of encouragement (I think that's what this was) and honestly I didn't think anyone took the time to read this thread.

P.s.I would appreciate any critique you could give me regarding both my games and my thread in general ,because I believe that both need more work :D.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 2, 2013 4:28am | Report
I'm really upset sorry in advance if this post looks like a bunch of *****ing ;/.

Duo with ArmED GTF got really fed from Kha zix and Shen ganks in mid ,we won bot until j4 started laning there but it was all good. We had one 5v5 in bot and the game was pretty much decided, we killed 5 lost 0 took bot tower dragon and mid tower everything else went really smoothly.

Duo with ArmED G (first game in my promos)
I knew coming into this game that it's gonna be one of them games once I saw Kat with exhaust/ignite. At the beginning everything was going pretty smoothly (I checked the runes via lolnexus of my teammates and enemies and wanted to shoot myself ,especially cuz Kat was runing 3Vamp quints some scalling hp 1 scaling AP and a bit of flat ap and this guy mains Kat and I'm not even gonna talk about the rest) until lee died to jungle camps... He then proceeded to fail gank bot and give a kill to the enemy team. Vi was crushing top and Kat was doing well in mid so I didn't mind that much but then Lee continued to die 2 times to jungle creeps loosing buffs and he went afk. And ofcourse 4v5 campy camp in bot me and Sona died but kat picked up some kills and got fed. Later on Lee returned and things just kept doing down hill from there. Vi got really cocky after winning vs Jayce in top and continued to diving in 1v3 1v4 and getting caught over and over again while Lee just was useless in general. Towards the end the enemy team kinda threw when they dove inhibitor tower and with my help Kat picked up a Quadra but it wasn't enough Vi and lee got caught AGAIN and that was it.
(I'm pretty sure had Kat went for a good build instead of this trash one we would have been so much better off, cuz he by no means was terrible at playing Kat just terrible runes and build ;( ).

Duo with ArmED G (Last game of my promos ;((((( )
Again right from the get go I knew this was not gonna go too well. Malphite (who has 27 total ranked games played ) was first pick and he took Malphite ,because it's MALPHITE no other reason he doesn't even play that champ ,so I said to the team ok we got Malphite initiation lets build a team around that. Pantheon sees 2 first pick on the enemy team Garen and Yi -lock Pantheon (who was gold 5) and says Pantheon counters Yi. I got a bit upset by that ,but I said nothing me and my duo partner continued to pick around the Malphite pick he took Xin and I took Draven everything looked quite nice.Until the last pick locked in Alistar and announced that he wanted to and once in the game he told us that he doesn't know how to play Alistar nor does he know how to play support and I knew I was in the world on hurt. I dominated my lane forced an early b from Graves and continued to out farm him by aroud 20-40 cs however pantheon bought no wards the whole game -got ganked cuz he was constantly overextending and just fed Hecarim and Yi.All the while Alistar continued to refuse buying wards or to use his Q W even when Nid/Graves where point blank to him. Finally I died for the first time after 4 man dive in bot this continued 2 more times with no response from my team- Pantheon continued to feed and so did top . At one point it was 6-20 with me having 3 kills I tried surrendering ,but Alistar Malphite and Pantheon refused to do ,so and the enemy team just started toying with us which was really bm, they could have ended the match so much sooner.

I've decided to take a short break after this match , I just can't play on tilt.

After these matches I'm at 60LP.

P.s.Sorry if this turned out to be a bit of a rage fest instead of normal updates of my ranked adventures.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
DarkPercy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 13th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 2, 2013 4:37am | Report
Same as Joxuu. I'm really surprised you kept trying after getting demoted twice lol. Good job on that. Keep going.

quit flirting with my waifu

or i'll fight you


LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 2, 2013 4:51am | Report
DarkPercy-Thank you very much.I will keep on trying just had to take a break after this game. After I ask Pantheon : Who the f**k carried you to Gold? ,I knew that I had to stop playing :D (that was the only harsh thing I said that match btw).Well 40LP to go is not bad at all sure as hell beats getting demoted to silver 4 ;D

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.

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