Today I'll talk to you guys about my ranked games for the day (some were very interesting) but before we begin this is my 100th blog post so thanks to anyone who has been reading my blog posts. You guys reading my boring blog posts means a lot to me <3 now let's begin with the Ranked Coverage.

Game #1
Played as - Caitlyn (16/2/5)
Outcome - Victory

Nothing special about Game 1. I was duo queueing with a friend and we went bot lane (he played Thresh). At first our teammates were losing but then they started winning. We pretty much carried that game cause I got mega fed. After that keeping a distance from their Riven and Zac and AAing anyone that was in my range was an easy job.

Game #2
Played as - Caitlyn (5/5/9)
Outcome - Victory

Now Game 2 was very very interesting and it was a huge throw from the enemy team. Every lane was losing for us. At bottom we were sorta even the first 10 minutes but after that their Rammus and Jarvan started camping us and it lost us the lane. They pushed us up to our inhibitor and everyone in chat was spaming hard (what a shocker huh). Just as we were about to lose we started catching and killing them one after another and we just pushed mid lane. We pushed up to Nexus turrets and even took one down but they re-spawned and killed us. After that they did the same and they were so close to winning but we came back and turned it around again and won. I felt kinda sorry for their Master Yi cause he carried his team so hard but they threw just as hard. Oh and our Malphite was just epic. He got mad cause we were losing and said to Yi "I report you for unskilled cause Yi is noob champ". Nuff said.

Game #3
Played as - Caitlyn (8/6/9)
Outcome - Defeat

Game 3 was a game you really can't win. Our TF was feeding their Pantheon super hard and then went AFK (came back later but kept feeding on purpose cause our Rumble was flaming him). Me and my buddy tried our best but at the end their Panth was just too fed and zoned me hard so I couldn't do that much damage.

Game #4
Played as - Caitlyn (1/4/2)
Outcome - Defeat

Game 4 was pretty much a stomp. Every lane lost. Our Jungle Lee cam to gank for us but dove them at lvl 2 and gave Vayne double buff. After that it snowballed into a huge lead for them. The other lanes were losing too so there was nothing we could do about it. Everyone on my team played like **** (Even me. I didn't feed that hard but I still didn't perform that well.) and it was a deserved loss.

Game #5
Played as - Cho'Gath (Mid) (6/4/6)
Outcome - Defeat

Game 5 was a loss but at the same time it was sooo funny. It felt like we got stoned out of laughter. Our (Blue) Ezreal started with HP + Mana Pots and a Faerie Charm and we facepalmed so hard. He got **** on by their Caitlyn but kept building no damage items (Iceborn Gauntlet, Last Whisper, etc) and refused to build Attack Damage (Bloodthirster, IE, BorK).

Game #6
Played as - Caitlyn (9/4/7)
Outcome - Victory

They had Top Lane Ez and we stomped bot lane. Our Nida and their Lux had around 70 farm at 22-23 minutes while I had around 200-220 so you can imagine how strong the enemy team was (they had a bit more farm than Lux but still only their Sivir managed to get more than 150 farm). So yeah the enemy team was fairly unskilled and we won.

Why did you play Caitlyn so much you ask? Turns out I like playing Caitlyn and generally ADC and Jungle are my weakest roles so I'm trying to get a little better at them. Well just ADC atm but I'll try and get better at Jungle in the future.

Anyways thanks for reading my 100th Blog Post. If you read all of it thank you so much!

Peace ^^