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How to become a better player - mostly...

Creator: Veritasaga August 19, 2013 1:33am
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Veritasaga's Forum Avatar
Jan 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 19, 2013 1:33am | Report
Hello there summoners,
Here are the commmon mistakes I see every day, and some tips on how to become a better player.


Do it wisely. Don't just ban ammumu, malphite and shen just because you heard they are op. Most of the players have no idea how to play them even if they are free to pick.

Don't pick champions just because you like them and you wanna play them. Look at your team and your enemy's team and see what fits the best for a teamfight.

Don't check websites for counters, because you might not be able to play that champ and just because the majority say it's a counter, it doesn't mean you know how to play it and you will win. It is better to play a champ that you feel comfortable with instead of picking a "counter".


A very important thing in this game, that most low players underrate. Vision can win a game. Remember that the support is not the only player in the game that has to ward. EVERY player must buy wards, except the adc. 75g can save your life.

Learn WHERE to ward. Of course if you're warding you're on a good track, but you should also learn where to ward. Do it on the spots that give you maximum vision from different angles. Check your enemy jungler and think about how he can gank. If your playing top lane, try to communicate with your mid laner and ward the two entrances on the river. That way, everyone can see if the enemy jungler is on the upper side of the map trying to counterjungle or gank.

Warding close to your farming place is not efficient. Think about warding in a spot from where you can see the jungler comming and have time to go back.


I see a lot of people blaming the jungler for their loss. If you haven't played the jungle role, you have no idea how stressful it can be.

Don't ask your jungler to gank your lane every 30 secs just because you can't win your lane. If you lose your lane, play under your tower and farm as much as possible. Your jungler has to lvl up as well. He needs gold as well. Yes, you're gonna say ganking > kills > gold. But there are few junglers that can make a successful gank early game with few items and make a kill. So you better be patient and let him get some items.

Don't spam pings and go crying if your jungler takes some cs from your lane after ganking. When a jungler ganks, he doesn't gain exp and gold, and he is most likely already behind in level and items because of the new jungle. HE NEEDS to farm, and he needs to level up to catch up with everyone. Few cs won't kill anyone. Don't act like you're the only one that needs the farm and you're the one that will carry the game alone.

Don't ask for a gank if you don't ward your lane to prevent a countergank, which might kill you both.

Don't ask for ganks if you already lost your lane pretty hard. It is wiser for the jungler to help the other lanes get fed.


Ok, so it happens. If you lose your lane, don't blame someone else. Chill and play wisely. Stay under your tower and farm from there. Keep your tower up as long as possible.

Asking for a gank, after you fed your laner might not be a good idea for the following reasons:
1. If your enemy is pretty fed and snowballs well, he might be able to kill you both
2. If you get the kill, you will be worth more gold and next time you die you will feed even more.

If you lose a lane, the game is not lost. The other two lanes might be doing well and might be able to carry. Play for the team, and go for the late game.


In case you win your lane and you're doing very well, try to roam around the map and help other lanes. If you stay in your lane and kill your opponent over and over again you will eventually get a low ammount of gold on him.

If you see your opponent leaving the lane, don't just ping that he is missing, follow him and try to countergank him. I've seen too many players saying that "they pinged", but pinging does not help your team mates in case they get tower dived by 4 people.


I see a lot of games being throwed because people don't focus on the big objectives. Remember that you win the game by destroying the nexus, not by having loads of kills.

Which are the objectives?
- get your buffs (and if possible steal the enemy buffs as well)
- get dragon when possible
- get baron when possible
- destroy turets when possible
- destroy inhibitors when possible

You see the enemy team ganking a lane with 4 people? Don't try helping the one that might already be dead by the time you get there, but instead group up with your team mates to destroy a turet on the other side of the map. Pushing a lane, will apply pressure and will eventually make the enemy retreat.

If you go into a teamfight and make an ace, or even if you kill 2,3 enemies and you are all up, don't just go back to base, or farming in the jungle. Make sure to take a tower down. If you have the choice of getting baron or destroying few towers, I would personally go for the towers.

When you push like that though, check the respawn timers and consider the fact that they are coming back with full hp and movement speed, so don't throw the game by getting aced.


It's one of the best game strategy right now. It applies a lot of pressure on the enemies and make them take bad decisions. Learn when to split push and when to group up for fights.

If you decide on using this strategy, make sure you either have a teleport or a global ulti (ex: shen, TF) to be able to teleport in a teamfight in case it happens.

If you decide on doing it, make sure that the split pusher has good escape skills and fast wave clearing.
Also make sure you ward that part of the map to prevent a gank and get killed.


Make sure you keep your timer on buffs, dragons, barons. Do it on your enemy buffs as well in case you steal them.

Communicate with your team mates and especially your jungler if your opponent used his flash/barrier and has no more escapes. Try to keep the timer on that as well.

Always press TAB and check the items that everyone is building. Be aware of how many wards your enemy has. Keep the timer on those wards and inform the jungler when they expire.

Make sure and build MR items if the enemy has 2/3 AP champs. Or build armor if they are all AD. Make sure to build QSS or get cleanse if you're an adc and the enemy has heavy CC.

Good luck
A Chubby Baby
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Feb 14th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 19, 2013 2:11am | Report
Veritasaga wrote:


More like blaming anyone in the team...
-NA- Veng Lmfao
<Altruistic Artist>
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Jul 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 19, 2013 2:39am | Report
'Don't pick champions just because you like them and you wanna play them.'

Disagree here. You might be amazing at Vayne and you love her and play her very well, but you hate Caitlyn and suck with her, yet your team "needs" you to play her.
Veritasaga's Forum Avatar
Jan 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 19, 2013 2:52am | Report

'Don't pick champions just because you like them and you wanna play them.'

Disagree here. You might be amazing at Vayne and you love her and play her very well, but you hate Caitlyn and suck with her, yet your team "needs" you to play her.

I'm sorry I don't see where you're going at. As I was saying in the post, if your team asks you to play a champ or you want to pick a counter to someone, but you can't play that champ, you better not pick it, and get the one you feel comfortable with. In your example, if you're good with Vayne, go with Vayne.

When I said that, I was referring to something else. The bot lane is pretty flexible I would say, because there are 2 players. If you have a good support you can win the lane with any adc. I was talking more about the other lanes.

For example, don't just pick teemo top lane or mid lane just because you like it and want to play it no matter what. There are some champs that are simply not viable in some situations. If your entire team is squishy, you need to get a tanky champ, even if you would rather go ahead and play your favorite champ. This is what I was talking about.
-NA- Veng Lmfao
<Altruistic Artist>
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Jul 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 19, 2013 4:01am | Report
Where I'm going is that you should play who you enjoy and who you're good at, not necessarily what your team needs.
SteppenKat's Forum Avatar
Aug 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 19, 2013 4:54am | Report
Don't pick champions just because you like them and you wanna play them. Look at your team and your enemy's team and see what fits the best for a teamfight.

Highly disagree with this. While it is true that some champions are played best in some comps, this doesn't mean you should prostitute your picks regarding what your mates pick.

You will fare better in SoloQ if you play the champions you're better with, even if such choice is Teemo. If you play with a champion you're comfortable with, you will learn how to deal with many situations. Champion pool can be expanded but that takes time.

Now trying to play 20 champions at once "just because X is OP in this patch" will probably make you drop quickly as you're not focusing yourself in playing well.
Support Main and ADC Apprentice.
<Guide Critic>
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 19, 2013 5:19am | Report
For soloqueue you should always play what you like to play, up to some extent. Of course, you are not going to pick shen into vladimir (shen cant do **** vs him) simply because you love shen, but try to stick to your comfort/enjoyable picks because you'll simply perform A LOT better on them overall.

Besides that, I like playing selfish in soloqueue. Having a good team composition will only make a difference in perhaps 1% of the games, while comfort picks make a bigger difference.
Kazega's Forum Avatar
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Jun 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 19, 2013 5:24am | Report
here is my thoughts on the thread:

while the intent behind this thread is good, the execution is severely lacking. Seriously, here is how you get better, and mind my French:


If you have a genuine desire to improve and be better than you were yesterday, you have to play the game. Don't ban champions because they are OP? LOL! I have no idea how many tiems I lost out to Amumus, Hecarims, and Master Yis in the jungle. Blitzcrank is banned because most ADCs don't' know a damned thing about positioning in bronze league, and Shen can easily turn a 3v2 bot into a 4v2, and root on arrival. That is why htey are banned. because the Bronze league doesn't know **** about how to handle situations like that. I lost a game with a shen and TF on the other team once because they could always swing a 3v3 into a 3v5. and we couldn't handle it. period. dot.

The bans are what they are for a reason. in the higher leagues, they are different. It is known at that point how to deal with these issues but more complex issues aren't so clear to Gold league. So Blitzcrank won't be banned as much because ADCs know how to position themselves better. Master Yi's weakness are better known and can be counter-played better. If you can't counter play champions, ban them. if they aren't banned, learn to counter play them fast. This is all a part of getting better at the game.
SteppenKat's Forum Avatar
Aug 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 19, 2013 5:52am | Report
Actually, the reason why Blitzcrank stops being banned the higher you climb is because the enemy starts to know what mechanics counter him. An Ezreal pick makes his Rocket Grab useless. For those who don't know, you can Arcane Shift while you're being hooked. And the supports that counter Blitzcrank the hardest are melee supports: Alistar, Leona, Taric.

Basically, you want to make Blitzcrank regret grabbing anyone of your lane. If he tries to gib the ADC, you reposition yourself to CC the opposing ADC and/or bodyblock the grab. If he grabs you (the support), he's actually helping you as you'll probably get in range to CC the ADC. And melee supports are usually tanky enough to survive the gibbing.
Support Main and ADC Apprentice.
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 19, 2013 9:29am | Report
Kazega wrote:

Don't ban champions because they are OP? LOL! I have no idea how many tiems I lost out to Amumus(...)

I've won games where they had Malphite top and Amumu in the jungle in the same game. It doesn't matter how "OP" the opposing team is as long as you're the better team. Amumu is scary for his initiates, same with Malphite. Fling a Gragas/Janna into your team and you've pretty much won if they don't get hit by the Amumu, which is fairly easy if you ask me.

Basically, ban a couple catch-alls your team would like banned, like Amumu or Malphite, and then ban things you hate going against such as Thresh, Vayne, Kass or TF. That's truly how banning should work.
True love is found only in yourself.
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