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To all Bronze / Silver botlane players - I need...

Creator: SteppenKat October 8, 2013 11:10am
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1jamie50's Forum Avatar
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Mar 28th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 10, 2013 4:36pm | Report
Well... I am bored so..

1: Which mechanics do you percieve as overpowered when you play botlane or which kind of things give you more trouble?

CC-chains are annoying and well Cleanse and MS exist, I suck at timing Cleanse well and though I'm getting better with activates, I've always been one to forget to activate them.

Another mention, at low rankings a lot of people seem to have a hard time figuring out how to out-trade or deal with long range poke and harass from champions like Ezreal, Caitlyn, Varus and Sona and normally just get pushed out of lane quickly.

2: What is your criteria to pick ADCs/supports in your games? Are you either forced to get FotMs or do you rather play what you want?

In every case, I play what I at least have knowledge. Play what you do best with. If say.. I'm mid and my team has too much AP though ( Corki, Rumble, Cho'Gath, Zyra), then I'll compensate for the team by picking Zed.

I can play Zed, I'm just not as good with him/have as much experience with him then... say Diana.

So unless I'm compensating towards team-picks or counter-picks, I play what I do best with.

3: With how much frequency do you "main" botlane? Do you share it with other roles?

Total Ranked Games: 299
Support: 76 games (25.4%)
ADC: 46 games (15.3%)
Total: 120 games (40.7%)

I usually compensate towards the team, therefore I have no main anymore.

4: In your opinion, which is the strongest ADC? Which support?

There is no strongest. Every single champion has it's own different uses and ways of being strong and weak, as you would expect.

This is a question that I hear a ton and one I will always answer the same way.

5: Who do you think that needs some TWEAKING (aka buffs, nerfs)? Only botlane champions.

Riot, I want Sivir now! Oh... sorry.

Other than Sivir, Zyra is the first that comes to my mind because of the amount of damage she does well having the amount of utility she does. Other than that... maybe Fiddlesticks because of the Fear duration.

Only problem I see with that is how to balance Fiddlesticks without making him useless.

6: If you lose, is it because you did a bad game or do you rather think it was your team's fault?

I USED TO blame one person ;)

99% of the time, everybody is at fault. Nobody is perfect and everybody makes mistakes whether they're small-scale or large-scale every match.

Everyone is for blame every match except in very isolated situations.

7: Which are your main strengths and weaknesses as a botlaner?

I've gotten way better at farming. If I'm supporting, I tend to have really good ward coverage.

In team-fights as an ADC, I tend to be out of position A LOT. Well I play aggressively usually... I tend to suck on knowing when to all-in and let what would be an 80%+ chance of kills slip away.

8: Lastly: If a friend that just started playing SoloQ, which champions would you recommend to him? Name 3 ADCs and 3 Supports.

Weeeeell... seeing that this person probably has at least 150 wins in normals if they just turned level 30.... play what you do best with.

If you really don't ADC enough... Caitlyn because it would give you a leg-up at staying at a safe distance and most people can't deal with the long range harassment. Her pros make her one of the easier ADC's to jump into in my opinion.

If you really don't Support enough... Sona because she is the most straight-forward support to understand and probably the easiest to jump into.

Thanks to YayaFTW for the sig.
xandman666's Forum Avatar
Dec 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 3, 2014 9:45pm | Report
- Which mechanics do you percieve as overpowered when you play botlane or which kind of things give you more trouble? Personally i dont like going against too much cc like Lux or Leona but i also don't like going against high mobility teams

- What is your criteria to pick ADCs/supports in your games? Are you either forced to get FotMs or do you rather play what you want? if I'm against champs with escapes I pick someone with a map wide ultimate other wise someone with lox cooldowns

- With how much frequency do you "main" botlane? Do you share it with other roles? usually about 75% of my games are bot but I also jungle and top to switch it up

- In your opinion, which is the strongest ADC? Which support? probably jinx or vayne. Support lux is broken but other wise its leona

- Who do you think that needs some TWEAKING (aka buffs, nerfs)? Only botlane champions. Lucian and Graves fall late game usually and i think Zilean could use a buff I dont see him support too often

- If you lose, is it because you did a bad game or do you rather think it was your team's fault? I tend to think its my fault but in some cases it has been my team

- Which are your main strengths and weaknesses as a botlaner? I'm too aggresive so some people cant support me very well but My strength is i harass alot

- Lastly: If a friend that just started playing SoloQ, which champions would you recommend to him? Name 3 ADCs and 3 Supports. Caitlyn, Ashe, graves and for supports Taric, Lux, Soraka
the wolves have closed the door
Joxuu's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 4, 2014 9:21am | Report
1: Which mechanics do you percieve as overpowered when you play botlane or which kind of things give you more trouble?

High poke/punish/cc to force you to take damage, if you want to take minions. What this basically means that you are afraid to take minions, because it forces you to take loads of damage and you consider it as not worth and wait for lane to get pushed and farm under tower STILL taking some poke damage.

2: What is your criteria to pick ADCs/supports in your games? Are you either forced to get FotMs or do you rather play what you want?

I don't really care about match-up at bottom. I have fair 3-4 ADC I like to play that are strong atm. Then I just pick the one that fits the best for my team or against the enemy bot lane. Sometimes however I feel like playing X and I will pick it.

3: With how much frequency do you "main" botlane? Do you share it with other roles?

I only play bottom lane. If I'm forced not to pick bottom lane, I go whereever I need to.

4: In your opinion, which is the strongest ADC? Which support?

Strongest ADC now and will pretty much always be: Caitlyn. Best support: Thresh.

5: Who do you think that needs some TWEAKING (aka buffs, nerfs)? Only botlane champions.

Lucian needs some nerfs along with Sivir's ultimate.

6: If you lose, is it because you did a bad game or do you rather think it was your team's fault?

When I loose, I couldn't carry which means I didn't play good enough. Sometimes it's unavoidable not to loose, because of your team however.

7: Which are your main strengths and weaknesses as a botlaner?

I can communicate well with the support and I have good knowledge over trades. My biggest weakness is not paying attention to the mini-map. I often get ganked trough ward.

8: Lastly: If a friend that just started playing SoloQ, which champions would you recommend to him? Name 3 ADCs and 3 Supports.

Lucian, Caitlyn and maybe Vayne or Varus, Graves. Support: Thresh, Nami, Janna

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 4, 2014 1:38pm | Report
- Which mechanics do you percieve as overpowered when you play botlane or which kind of things give you more trouble?
stutter step, CS'ing, general positioning/use of range

- What is your criteria to pick ADCs/supports in your games? Are you either forced to get FotMs or do you rather play what you want?
I have always picked supports with CC, mostly. I started with Blitzcrank but Leona seemed more assuring to carry games from bot. My second preference became Nami right after her release, as nobody really figured out her potential and I was having some success.
Since ADC is my most problematic role, I started picking the safe ones, with preference for Corki, Graves and Tristana. the first two because they can deal a fair share of upfront damage, the third because her range lategame makes her a very safe hypercarry. Lately I've been taking an interest in Jinx and Sivir.

- With how much frequency do you "main" botlane? Do you share it with other roles?
I play whatever is necessary, even though I'm not quite proefficient, I try my best to be a jack of all trades. Most of my ranked games in S3 were botlane, maining Leona and, more to the end, Corki.

- In your opinion, which is the strongest ADC? Which support?
People like very much what seems new. Adds a spice to the game. I'd like to stick with my Leona and probably Sivir. However, Caitlyn and Lulu will always have a place in botlane for particular reasons.

- Who do you think that needs some TWEAKING (aka buffs, nerfs)? Only botlane champions.
People have been saying Janna is now weak. I mildly agree because she actually is better with 150+ AP, if i'm not mistaken.
Lucian might have too much damage for his inbuilt mobility, and Sivir due to her poke. Jinx has good ratios but I feel her lack of mobility can be abused.
Corki has proven to depend too much on trinity force and was nerfed because of this item's last buff. Ezreal is still gay.

- If you lose, is it because you did a bad game or do you rather think it was your team's fault?
Can be both. I have screwed up a couple of times as Leona. I engage often but that can mean that my team is not on the same page.
I also lost quite a few, namely because my team ignores my calls of rotations, tower pressure or baron (people seem a lot more interested in baron and kills, even blue, that an inhibitor tower, for whatever reason)

- Which are your main strengths and weaknesses as a botlaner?
Map awareness, strategizing (for people that pay attention to pings), lane management (warding, zoning, punishing mistakes)

- Lastly: If a friend that just started playing SoloQ, which champions would you recommend to him? Name 3 ADCs and 3 Supports.
Caitlyn, Sivir, Varus
Lulu, Leona, Nami

Sig made by Hogopogo
ThatDude's Forum Avatar
Jan 7th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 8, 2014 5:02am | Report
- Which mechanics do you percieve as overpowered when you play botlane or which kind of things give you more trouble?

I don't know if one can call it op, but more of a game changer but I'd say Ignite.
Combined with sufficient cc botlanes are now able to instakill their opponents and can snowball even harder than before. Aside of that I'd say definately chain stun from Leona, or Anni, because they can be brought rather effortlessly onto the target compared to other bot ccs.

- What is your criteria to pick ADCs/supports in your games? Are you either forced to get FotMs or do you rather play what you want?

ADC: I look at my own frontline and wether it's a sustained lineup that can and will protect me aswell in teamfights, or if its a kill squad which will charge into the opponents and kinda tunnel vision by that, leaving me alone with either jungler or toplane 1vs1.

Supp: 90% of all times i pick Thresh, because he is the most versatile champion and serves many purposes,
unlike leona or any which are somewhat one dimensional.
Aside of that I'm currently trying many Ap related heroes on bot like Syndra & Brand.
And for some reason I have great success with all of them.

- With how much frequency do you "main" botlane? Do you share it with other roles?

I basically always Main Botlane(either as supp or adc), except if I'm forced to go somwhere else.

- In your opinion, which is the strongest ADC? Which support?

From Gold to Bronze i would say Sivir and Tristana.
Sivir can almost win any trade with any adc, because many of them rely on their mainspell to get the dmg edge. That can be dodged with ur spellshield. Her ult is very strong in the current meta.
At lvl 8/9 if u have your bt up, with your ult and w spell, you basically have a bt + phantom dancer, which gives u a crucial dmg advantage, when it matters most - midgame.
Aside of that you can clear waves in split second, with your ult and spellshield you can push very far into the fog, making 10 for 10 peace of cake.(9 out of 10 adcs on my lvl have solid mechanics but farm very bad. Plus the spellshield is pretty strong the current assasin jump in your face meta(vi, kha, lee etc.). Plus her spellshield almost nullifies every gank attempt by the jungler, notably Vi, which is overabused atm and kinda the most ridiculous hero and threat to an adc.

Well Tristana

Tristanas jump makes up for bad positioning and in combination with her ult she can handle all top/jungler heroes that charge onto you in teamfight. Only talon seems to be a problem.
Her steroid is ridiculously strong, and makes her in combination with her long range a top tier lategame adc in my book.


Too high burst/base dmg. Ridiculous attack range and in my opinion a way too highly tollerance on her q spell. It feels a bit like elise, when you already left her jump circle but she still triggered it.
Overall you have too keep her basically at 50% hp, while beeing at atleast 80% hp to nullify her threat.


This one falls down to the skills of teammate.
I lost count how many times my support allowed leona to simply walk into range of her spells on me unpunished resulting in either her totally zoning us or me loosing my cool and get grabbed.
On the other side I witnessed also countless times that my adc did not stay close to the opponents adc whilst i was her***ing the **** out of leona, and allowing them to simply go 1vs2 all in me and thus killing me. Overall I feel that the duo facing leona + x needs more coordination, than the leona + x lane.

- Who do you think that needs some TWEAKING (aka buffs, nerfs)? Only botlane champions.

Soraka - the current one won't do.
Graves - his current toolkit is just not sufficient, his early game dominace today is not strong enough
to make up for his rather rapid downfall in effectiveness in longer games.

- If you lose, is it because you did a bad game or do you rather think it was your team's fault?

I realy can't tell.

- Which are your main strengths and weaknesses as a botlaner?

- I play too much for the kill and to less for the farm, which leaves me weak to the top lane more often than it should.
- My lasthitting needs more polishing
- Too hotheaded in teamfights/bad positioning
- too ignorant to towerhug when needed

+ comeback even If i loose the lane I usually manage to catch up to the opponents adc
+ decision making(as supp)
+ overall quite good mechanics
+ solid attack move

- Lastly: If a friend that just started playing SoloQ, which champions would you recommend to him? Name 3 ADCs and 3 Supports.

Sivir, Tristana, Cait

Nami, Taric,...Karma
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