Twisted Fate has been part of my champion roster for quite some time now and I finaly decided that I wanted to become a pro with him, the reason for this is because he is one of the most fun champions I have everplayed and with the harrowing here I also bought the Underworld Twisted Fate skin so I reaaaly need to learn him better or I will feel asif I had wasted 975 RP ...

It's not to say that I'm total garbage with him I am quite addiquite with him wich doesn't help when you wan't to climb the elo ladder so here are a few questions I had on him ...

.1 THE BIG ONE ... what counter's Twisted Fate ?? hard cc, stuns, tanks, burst damage, if I ever want to become a better player with him I need to know what counter's him allot.
.2 What lanes can he go besides mid, I've seen him go as an ADC but everybody rages and it really doesnt do so good, also I've seen people go tanky AP top so I want to know are these options valid or is he just better suited for mid.
.3 Is going with a build wich is more Health/AP related a better option than pure glasscannon AP, I ask this because in a few recent matches I built Rod of Ages/ Rylai's Crystal Scepter/ Liandry's Torment/ Lich Bane and I did alright (I didn't get allot of kills, but I had allot of assist and the least death's in my team), so my question here is that if it is better to go AP/Health or planley go full AP.
.4 This is just basicly going to say ... what tips does the community have for playing Twisted Fate, if you think that there is something I need to know that isn't listed in my previous questions then please tell me (only if they make sense plz, no answers that simply reads "get Kassadin" or somthing like that.

WALLLLLLLLLLLL OFFFFFFFFFF TEXXXXXXXTTT sorry for the huge text wall and the long post I really wanted to get all my questions on here (I tried to pretty it up but I'm not that skilled with the coding) ... Thank you if you read till the verry end and I look forward to the replies that people will send.