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there is a slight problem with your guide as per a recent patch zed no longer appears behind the person you ult it is now your starting position also your ult has a six second warning on it instead of four
Still didn't update build, give me some time.
Do you think post-nerf Zed is still somewhat playable or no? I know there hasn't been much time to test it, and its undeniable that he is now (pardon the pun) a shadow of his former self, but do you think he can still potentially be useful or do you think he's just going to be another Kha'Zix and drop off the face of the earth?
It is definitely still playable. They actually didn't tweak his damage output. They only tweaked him in terms of mobility/fluidity/utility. He doesn't have that instant slow now that the ult's shadow doesn't spawn behind the enemy target, he feels slow due to shadow missile speed, and they transformed his extra gapclose into an escape spell. This doesn't hurt Zed in terms of viability at all.
I will update the guide real soon, to further elaborate what I've just said.
25 AD: Adds to your burst, but not as much as other AD Items would. Hell, even Youmuu's Ghostblade gives you more AD!
40% Attack Speed: Zed is a BURST assassin, not a DPS Assassin! If you prefer building Attackspeed over AD go for Irelia. Also the Attackspeed only pays off if you're constantly attacking, which is a very rare case in a Teamfight.
15% Lifesteal: Well, kinda unneccessary and not the reason why you build it anyways...
5% Health Damage Passive on Auto Attacks: As said earlier You shouldn't be sitting around autoattacking people. However it has some nice synergy with Contempt for the Weak!
15% MaxHealth Damage Active: Pretty nice, and the reason most Zed's build this thing. However it's not worth it considering how much gold you've spent for stuff you don't need.
Slow Active: There's no point in slowing someone if he's DEAD!
Okay and that's pretty much my Opinion on building Blade of the Ruined King on Zed. I'd rather build other damage Items like, for example a Ravenous Hydra, which is, in my opinion, WAY better on Zed than Blade of the Ruined King, or even a second Bloodthirster.
Thing that you are showing at video at the bottom of the page is no longer possible to do. They changed Zed's ult, he will dash only where shen started casting.
Patch just hit up today, can't you wait 48 hours before downvoting? ...
Such as the part where u said that lee sin would counter zed because he is able to kick zed away when zed goes all in. This is not true because zed can just switch to his ult shadow immediately after lee ults.
During the time you are being kicked (~1 sec), you can't press R again to switch. In that 1 sec, Lee has enough time to run out of Zed's E range and increase his chances of dodging Zed's Q since it won't ba a point blank shot anymore.
Not only that, but Lee is a strong pick vs Zed, especially if he builds Hydra. He trades better, he can keep up with Zed, and his waveclear with Hydra is really scary. Zed has stronger all ins though, but A lee vs a Zed with equal skill can walk aroud it easy.
Such as .. ?
Be more constructive in your comments so you don't
sound stupidget misunderstood.Such as the part where u said that lee sin would counter zed because he is able to kick zed away when zed goes all in. This is not true because zed can just switch to his ult shadow immediately after lee ults.
Just picked up Zed recently and really like him. My friend also picked up and is really liking Galieo. Question: How well does Zed fare against Galieo? My friend has so far destroyed two Zeds with ease, and I 1v1ed him to see how they suffered such a fate. He outpokes me even if I land all my abilities in early through mid thanks to his bastion, if I try to harrass he heals off it, and his ult ruins any kind of combo I can pull off. His items were boots and a chalice while mines were boots and a brutaliser. What should I do in this case?
Galio is no problem for Zed. He is melee, so his only harass comes from his Q and E, which are both pretty much predictable and dodgeable. Don't go for CS if you are sure you'll eat a Q in the face. Be quick on the reflexes and double tap W to dodge when necessary. If he misses his Q, punish him. Unleash your full combo on him.
Now let me give you a tip on how to bait his ult and laugh at him :P When you are close to be in range to ult him, use W drop a shadow near your left or right. Then ult him. What will probably happen is that he will immediately ult to stop you from unleashing your combo. This is why you put the W's shadow earlier. Instantly after you ult, press W. You will tp to the side, he will ult nothing, when he cancels ult to cast his Q+E, press R again to tp to melee range with him. Then you finish him :P