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Shyvana Build Guide by Renin

S4 Jungle Shyvana Guide - Wishing You Could Smite Me Yet?

S4 Jungle Shyvana Guide - Wishing You Could Smite Me Yet?

Updated on February 18, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Renin Build Guide By Renin 40 3 521,951 Views 25 Comments
40 3 521,951 Views 25 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Renin Shyvana Build Guide By Renin Updated on February 18, 2014
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Sepums | November 22, 2014 4:27am
"Wishing You Could Smite Me Yet?"
Well, now I can smite you in season 5. >:3
Thannab | May 22, 2014 1:20pm
I also made an account just to like this guide. I am a new player of about a month. I have tried out a few champs seriously and I am in love with Shyvana. I've been playing her as a jungle just trying to learn based on some other guides, but this guide, along with all the comments from other experienced players, is absolutely invaluable.

Just a comment on the guide itself, you wrote it extremely well. It gets tedious reading some of the guides on here because of poor grammar and confusing wording. This guide was very easy to read, follow, and understand.

I just had one question that I hope you could give some insight on. I have some high ranked friends that rave about feral flare. I see that in this guide you suggest the Spirit of the Ancient Golem. I was hoping you would be willing to comment on these two items, maybe contrast them and how they work with a Shyv build?

Once again, thank you so much for the phenomenal guide!
vilectro (1) | March 16, 2014 6:36pm
Thank you for your guide, it helped me with comprehending the Shyvana mechanics and possible builds you can use on her. :)
Currently I'm trying out masteries 9/21/0 (nearly as same as yours) and runes: scaling AD marks (22 AD at 18 level), flat armor seals, flat magic resistance glyphs and life steal quints. What do you think about it? I find it useful cause of little AD boost late game (pretty much free pickaxe) and same AD ammount at level 7 as flat AD marks and it pretty much procs with everything Shyvanna is as a great duelist.
Renin (1) | January 22, 2014 8:13pm
Flabbyhero wrote:

This is a great guide. Really, really well written and I have learned alot about my new favourite champ. Thanks!

Thank you so much! She is pretty fun.
Flabbyhero | January 21, 2014 6:04pm
This is a great guide. Really, really well written and I have learned alot about my new favourite champ. Thanks!
Renin (1) | January 13, 2014 6:02pm
Sunion wrote:

I Made an account to like this thing, as a player taking his first steps in the jungling world [and LoL not long ago] this thing is filled whit tips answering our most common question: "What the H**L should i do now?"

Wow, I appreciate the compliment. :) Thank you. Have fun!
Renin (1) | January 13, 2014 5:58pm

Really good guide for me. Well explained, awesome tips and easy to catch.
I'm just starting to play LOL and guides like this help's me allot to be a better player.
Thank you very much I hope this guide gets more positives it really deserves them.

;) "G...G"
Btw srry for my bad english xD

Thank you so much. You're English was quite good. :)
Renin (1) | January 13, 2014 5:55pm
datnh wrote:

Hello, I'm a fanatical shyvana player(1000+ games), although I mostly play her top lane, not the jungle. I'm horribad at jungling, and I'm looking for an atleast more than decent guide on jungling.

After reading through the guide and doing 3 rounds with it I've drawn some conclusions:
I absolutely loved the part with the tips on jungling. I hope you can add more to it, as it helps more than anything in the guide.

Runes,Masteries etc..

Runes seem to be rock solid, maybe magic pen could work but that means you'll have less power early game and more late game. Movespeed quints are always strong, and nothing can quite beat the stats they give. Life steal works exceptionally well in the jungle, but shyvana would benefit more from spellvamp, since 75% of her damage output is magic.

21-9 masteries in pre-s4 seem to be less efficient than they were in s3.
While tenacity is an excellent stat to build on shyvana, picking up Spell Weaving and Expose Weakness I find amazing on shyvana jungle, also 3 points for 1.5% movespeed in utility seem to be a great deal too.
Shyvana doesn't really need extra armor and mr, and she's near(considering the range of the mastery) up to 2, maybe 3 people in teamfights, so I find that 4 points kinda wasted, but I guess it's personal preference.

Exhaust seems like a nice spell to have but I can't even count how many times flash is absolutely godlike in games since it can be used for almost everything.
I personally take yellow trinket at lv1, then switch it up to red at around the 1st or 2nd back.

On the ganking part: Even against decent players, you will have a very hard time ganking lanes, unless they are overextending without wards or with only 1 that you can disable with your trinket.(Attacking the ward reveals you so it's better to just disable then go for the kill). I've never succeeded at a gank without red buff, even with having the BotRK active. Maybe I'm just bad but who knows.

I really don't like building Attack Damage on Shyvana, since the scaling on W is pretty lackluster (0.2) and to be effective on Twin Bite you need attack speed and/or cooldown reduction.
On hit effects are always good synergies with Twin Bite, and building health is also very good. I played a game where the enemy didn't have Blade, neither Liandry's and just by building flat health I managed to stay above 50% hp at the end of every fight.

Defensive stats shyvana benefits most from:

Usually, by building Randuin's Omen and Spirit Visage you are tanky enough to dive the enemy in a teamfight, but also become a good skirmisher (1v2s,2v2s)

On Sunfire Aegis: It's pretty much a waste of money, since Randuins gives you greater stats for barely more gold, and also an amazing active and passive, which shyvana really benefits from.
The cape's magic damage is very miniscule, since almost all champions have the base MR (counting hybrid pen reds) to reduce this damage by ~10. If they build a single MR item, this becomes around 7-15 magic damage / second. If you're not planning on building Sorcshoes and Void staff, please stay away from this item, as it virtually gives nothing but the stats, which randuins gives more of. Also, getting it as 6th item is basically worthless on any and all champions.

Offensive stats shyvana benefits most from:
Magic pen>Attack speed>Armor pen>AP>AD

The way her kit works, and the scaling on her abilities just makes you stay away from building AD and AP. (Even though full AP shyvana can absolutely obliterate teams when you are able to hit a 4-5 man ulti)

Blade of the Ruined King, Trinity Force and Ravenous Hydra work on shyvana well, but if you take a look at my "priority list" you can see that Wit's End gives the top 2 stats(stealing MR so basically mpen, and AS) that she needs, also synergising well with her Q, dealing 84 extra damage, so you might wanna try it a bit more often ;).

When you have an assasin/diver bruiser in your team, e.g. Riven, Zed you will always want to build BotRK and Frozen Mallet. Peeling for your carries as shyvana with permaslow and double %hp damage is very effective, and so can win you teamfights.

Void Staff, contrary to popular belief, is one of the best offensive items you can get on shyvana. The AP on the item is absolutely not wasted(+42,+49 damage on her E and R), and the magic penetration it gives boosts your damage output by roughly 40% or even 100%+ if the opposing players have MR items, such as chalice, banshees or visage.

Overall great guide, with effort put into it, amazing tips and good understanding of the champion. +1

Wow. Thank you so much for your input from someone whose played her a LOT more than me! Anyhow, I try to make an effort to reply to any comments I see as I'm very passionate about this guide and champion.

Runes: Interesting point on the spell vamp quints, but I am pretty sure the amount you heal from spell vamp is cut down to a third when it is Area of Effect/Multi-target damage. Which all of Shyvana's abilities are except her Twin Bite which would only heal her through lifesteal anyway. And I was aware around half her damage was magic but not 75%. I'll have to look into that.

Masteries: When I was first reviewing the offensive tree for Pre-Season 4 all I could think was, "Shyvana is going to be god." And she did turn out to be in a sense. Though not particularly because of the offensive tree despite them benefiting her offense amazingly. Yet the 9/21/0 masteries is still a safe set up since many people build her pretty tanky. Although you are right, Shyvana doesn't necessarily need the extra armor(although it does help in the jungle) I find the 10% damage reduction in critical strikes from Reinforced Armor to be quite useful. I put 4 points into Tenacious because I find the following masteries to be rather eh compared to the possible 20 armor and 10 magic resist I could receive otherwise:
- Runic Blessing : Although slightly useful at the VERY beginning of the game, I prefer to take masteries that have use in all phases of the game.
- Second Wind: If you're below 25% health, that 10% isn't going to do you a whole lot of good.
- Swiftness : Its alright.
- Oppression : Very situational but can be found useful in any game.

Ganking: I may of forgotten to point it out directly in the guide, but Shyvana is definitely a farming jungler as you probably already know. Yes, her ganks are going to be rather weak unless your laners have some sort of cc on their own. If you feel your team is going to need a lot of ganks, try picking a ganking champion instead. And even then ganking is an art into itself since you will never have two ganks go quite the same way. Yes, you may use the same combo or the same strategy every time, but your opponents are never going to react the same way. Most ganks to be successful requires you outsmarting your opponent and most importantly, you and your laner being on the same page. But probably the best way to work on ganks is to practice with champions that excel at ganking and to watch others play the role. A good youtuber to watch would be stonewall008. I've seen some people give him a lot of grief for some reason but he honestly does provide a lot of good information and the majority of his videos center purely on jungling.

Stats: I've never really understood why people don't like building AD on Shyvana. She is a very auto attack reliant champion. Yes her skills may deal enough damage for her, but you need the auto attacks to bring out their full damage potential so why not make her auto attacks hurt as well? And LOADS of people say that her AD scaling for Burnout sucks, but at the same time love the damage that it brings in its full duration. That 0.2 of her bonus AD scaling is for one 1 tick of Burnout. At two ticks its now .4 of her bonus AD in the overall damage of Burnout moving all the way up to 1.4 scaling at Burnout's max duration. Yes, its bonus AD scaling but sustained fights are Shyvana's specialty as you already know and I doubt Burnout would only be on for a couple of seconds in that fight.

Items: And yes, I realize Randuin's Omen is superior to Sunfire Aegis. But I don't consider any item in the game to be worthless, just less optimal. Where you say Wit's End is a good item on her, I've had another person comment that the same item is worthless. And you might want to revise your logic about the magic damage from Sunfire Aegis being bad as Wit's End does pretty much the same thing if you think about. Oh and a lot of Shen players might be insulted since a good number of them rush Sunfire Aegis. XD

As for Void Staff/ Liandry's Torment, I can definitely see your logic in picking one of them up for the magic pen. But I am having a hard time seeing myself getting either. Yes the ap may not be wasted, but after your ult and Flame Breath that AP is not seen again until Flame Breath is up again whereas picking up an AD based offensive item would greatly improve her overall DPS.

Hope I gave you some answers and some things to think about. Please let me know what you think.
Sunion | January 10, 2014 7:14pm
I Made an account to like this thing, as a player taking his first steps in the jungling world [and LoL not long ago] this thing is filled whit tips answering our most common question: "What the H**L should i do now?"
kumbala | January 10, 2014 2:45am
Really good guide for me. Well explained, awesome tips and easy to catch.
I'm just starting to play LOL and guides like this help's me allot to be a better player.
Thank you very much I hope this guide gets more positives it really deserves them.

;) "G...G"
Btw srry for my bad english xD
datnh (3) | January 9, 2014 8:39am
Hello, I'm a fanatical shyvana player(1000+ games), although I mostly play her top lane, not the jungle. I'm horribad at jungling, and I'm looking for an atleast more than decent guide on jungling.

After reading through the guide and doing 3 rounds with it I've drawn some conclusions:
I absolutely loved the part with the tips on jungling. I hope you can add more to it, as it helps more than anything in the guide.

Runes,Masteries etc..

Runes seem to be rock solid, maybe magic pen could work but that means you'll have less power early game and more late game. Movespeed quints are always strong, and nothing can quite beat the stats they give. Life steal works exceptionally well in the jungle, but shyvana would benefit more from spellvamp, since 75% of her damage output is magic.

21-9 masteries in pre-s4 seem to be less efficient than they were in s3.
While tenacity is an excellent stat to build on shyvana, picking up Spell Weaving and Expose Weakness I find amazing on shyvana jungle, also 3 points for 1.5% movespeed in utility seem to be a great deal too.
Shyvana doesn't really need extra armor and mr, and she's near(considering the range of the mastery) up to 2, maybe 3 people in teamfights, so I find that 4 points kinda wasted, but I guess it's personal preference.

Exhaust seems like a nice spell to have but I can't even count how many times flash is absolutely godlike in games since it can be used for almost everything.
I personally take yellow trinket at lv1, then switch it up to red at around the 1st or 2nd back.

On the ganking part: Even against decent players, you will have a very hard time ganking lanes, unless they are overextending without wards or with only 1 that you can disable with your trinket.(Attacking the ward reveals you so it's better to just disable then go for the kill). I've never succeeded at a gank without red buff, even with having the BotRK active. Maybe I'm just bad but who knows.

I really don't like building Attack Damage on Shyvana, since the scaling on W is pretty lackluster (0.2) and to be effective on Twin Bite you need attack speed and/or cooldown reduction.
On hit effects are always good synergies with Twin Bite, and building health is also very good. I played a game where the enemy didn't have Blade, neither Liandry's and just by building flat health I managed to stay above 50% hp at the end of every fight.

Defensive stats shyvana benefits most from:

Usually, by building Randuin's Omen and Spirit Visage you are tanky enough to dive the enemy in a teamfight, but also become a good skirmisher (1v2s,2v2s)

On Sunfire Aegis: It's pretty much a waste of money, since Randuins gives you greater stats for barely more gold, and also an amazing active and passive, which shyvana really benefits from.
The cape's magic damage is very miniscule, since almost all champions have the base MR (counting hybrid pen reds) to reduce this damage by ~10. If they build a single MR item, this becomes around 7-15 magic damage / second. If you're not planning on building Sorcshoes and Void staff, please stay away from this item, as it virtually gives nothing but the stats, which randuins gives more of. Also, getting it as 6th item is basically worthless on any and all champions.

Offensive stats shyvana benefits most from:
Magic pen>Attack speed>Armor pen>AP>AD

The way her kit works, and the scaling on her abilities just makes you stay away from building AD and AP. (Even though full AP shyvana can absolutely obliterate teams when you are able to hit a 4-5 man ulti)

Blade of the Ruined King, Trinity Force and Ravenous Hydra work on shyvana well, but if you take a look at my "priority list" you can see that Wit's End gives the top 2 stats(stealing MR so basically mpen, and AS) that she needs, also synergising well with her Q, dealing 84 extra damage, so you might wanna try it a bit more often ;).

When you have an assasin/diver bruiser in your team, e.g. Riven, Zed you will always want to build BotRK and Frozen Mallet. Peeling for your carries as shyvana with permaslow and double %hp damage is very effective, and so can win you teamfights.

Void Staff, contrary to popular belief, is one of the best offensive items you can get on shyvana. The AP on the item is absolutely not wasted(+42,+49 damage on her E and R), and the magic penetration it gives boosts your damage output by roughly 40% or even 100%+ if the opposing players have MR items, such as chalice, banshees or visage.

Overall great guide, with effort put into it, amazing tips and good understanding of the champion. +1
Renin (1) | December 13, 2013 1:00pm
Vynertje wrote:

A lot better indeed. I removed the downvote.

(I personally run movement speed quints or lifesteal quints but that is personal preference. You should definitely test these though)

Thank you, I will definitely check them out. I appreciate the constructive criticism.
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