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I finally know what to build on him.
This is a great build and it totally works for me.
greetings from belgium!
gie tjeutn.
1. Might want to structure your cheatsheet more (Starting items -> first recall -> core -> optional -> example build) something like this, doesn't have to be exactly the same :P
2. Please :O Take Tenacious instead of Legendary Armor , Reinforced Armor , Good Hands and Defender . Might put the 4th point either in Relentless or Resistance
3. You say you don't max Q because people tend to get armor on top lane, but maybe you should say it is situational, since they don't always get armor early :P
4. Lore is unnecessary information, it would be better to put it down in own words, or put it in a spoiler, or just remove it, right now it is just a block of text which distracts more from the guide than that it adds something.
5. Don't put your banners multiple times in a chapter.
6. Your ability section is more of a tactic section than basic information. This is quite funny, because I most of the time recommend to have the ability section before the item section. However; abilities can also be seen as tactics, so they are kinda the only exception really, but anyway, tactics should really be after the items :P
Thy blessing
1. Comment to vote is on
2. Good build overal
3. Good use of coding
4. Good use of structure
5. All basics included
6. Banners :P
Result: Path of the Student
Your guide is okay, some things I still would like to see changed though.
The mini banner thingies most of all, are pretty annoying, since you see them both as a banner, as a border in the middle of the chapter. Just use it as a banner please, that's enough :P
Bring some structure in your cheatsheet, giving a better overview. Take a second look at your masteries, and those were my main points :D
I'm sure you fix it in no time :P
Have fun :D
It's nice someone has some critic on my build/ability maxing. I will try to explain how I see this.
But like xLiiMiit25 mentions, it is better against high attack speed champions. One remark on his comment though: Shen benefits a lot of attack speed though. A lot of Shen's tend to rush either Warmog's Armor/ Sunfire Aegis or an damage item, like Wit's End.
Kind regards
The problem I think is that tempest has a lower base daamge - actually A LOT lower (therefore limits your burst potential) so I think it should only be used against champions that benefit a lot from attack speed. Having your Q maxed out early is great considering it improves your skirmishing/roaming ability greatly (which you should be doing to snowball, since lee is weak late game)
Personally I consider lee as an ad caster and not an autoattack reliant champion. You can stick to a target well enough anyway, so the active should not be that major of a factor. Left alone the fact that you benefit a lot more from pure ad because of the way your skills scale with it. The extra attack speed from your passive makes it more beneficial to build things out of that free attack speed (AD) instead of trying to make stronger what you already have.
I do have some serious doubts with E maxing (its situational IMO) and ruined king rush (attack speed is rather useless on lee sin)
It's nice someone has some critic on my build/ability maxing. I will try to explain how I see this.
But like xLiiMiit25 mentions, it is better against high attack speed champions. One remark on his comment though: Shen benefits a lot of attack speed though. A lot of Shen's tend to rush either Warmog's Armor/ Sunfire Aegis or an damage item, like Wit's End.
Kind regards
I do have some serious doubts with E maxing (its situational IMO) and ruined king rush (attack speed is rather useless on lee sin)
True story, I'm not a fan of Blade of the Ruined King. Lee Sin is not the perfect Champ for this Item. But the Active is still rly good, but well a assassin needs more early AD. But i still think its an good late game item, when the enemy stackd HP. I still buy it very early if i face a enemy like Shen or Malphite Renekton etc..
@Vynertje max Tempest if u face a enemy like Irelia or Adc top a Champ who needs AS, but if Shen or Malphite Renekton (etc...) are top I would max Safeguard -> then Tempest. But never max Sonic Wave first its just bad.. i died so often cuz i 1-shotted a Minion.