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For items, you should list them and explain why each one is a viable pick. Use icons like this:
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As said above, Trinity Force is a rather poor choice on Kha'Zix. You might as well take Black Cleaver instead. Trinity is bad because he cannot make the most use out of all the stats it offers.
For the masteries:
Fury is insignificant to Sorcery because kha is an ad caster, so he needs CDR (cooldown reduction) to cast his abilities more often. 5% CDR is mathematically more cost-efficient then 5% attack speed anyways. I also recommend taking that point out of Frenzy and putting it into Spell Weaving to increase your overall damage output. And in the defense tree, i find that 3% increased hp from Juggernaut is more beneficial then 2 additional armor from Hardiness .
You need some coding! I have a link in my signature that takes you to the "Guide to making a guide". It has all the coding tips and tricks you need to make your guide look nice. For example, in your runes chapter, put this at the top of the chapter:
You can do the same with masteries:
You need to elaborate on your rune and mastery choices. Why armor pen when i can just take Flat AD instead? Are life steal quints a good idea? What about Flat Mr glyphs?
Near the bottom of each chapter when editing your guide are two little arrows, one going up and one down. They let you move around the order of your chapters. You should have pro/cons right after your introduction.
There's a coding error on your items section:
For items, you should list them and explain why each one is a viable pick. Use icons like this:
And when you read the guide to making a guide, learn how to use columns. They are very useful, albeit tricky to get the hang of.
I hope this helps!
I also dont really like mobility boots on Kha. I dont think you need that mobility on him as you have your Leap to initiate and escape, and i just dont find it worth it when those other two boots are available.
However i only get Frenzy on kha IF im going to get a tri force, and i really find that attack speed from Fury is very useful for your jungle clear.
Nonetheless, thats for commenting and i really appreciate your advice.
And the Zeal from Trinity Force? The critical strike chance is too little to be noticeable, especially when you hardly auto attack in team fights. The only benefit is the increase in % movement speed.
And with Kha'Zix' amazing attack damage stacking, Trinity Force offers very little of it, so your overall damage may possible be the same, if not less, overall. Let us not forget how expensive it is, making it not cost efficient on Kha'Zix.
TL;DR : Trinity Force is terrible on Kha'Zix.
Edit: Frenzy and Fury on Kha'Zix? Very, very bad. Never.
Edit 2: Probably want to include Mobility Boots as a situational on Kha'Zix. It is really good in some situations.