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The Problem with Anime

Creator: Toshabi February 4, 2014 2:41pm
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Toshabi's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 4, 2014 2:41pm | Report

Miyazaki, whom is probably one of the biggest grandmasters of anime, was asked for his impressions of the anime industry of today. His thoughts? The industry is run by its own fans, and that in itself is a problem.

I couldn't agree more, seeing how so many personalities for anime characters are so dumb and cookie cutter like a typical weebo fanfic. Miyazaki notes how current heads of anime animation teams fail to observe humans as they appear in life to concieve more believable characters and personalities. Perhaps, he says, it's because these Otaku are simply too disgusted by the mere fact that they are human to wanna look at other humans for inspiration. Sort of like furries. Huh.

I think this man is onto something, given I can't stomach 99% of the **** pumped out nowadays by the anime industry.

What are your thoughts, O ye MOBAFailians of mixed backgrounds?
MrCuddowls wrote:

Hahahaha telling me my items are bad HHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAhA
Listen buddy don't judge someone's items if your only level 13
This build is Platinum approved, Thats all you need to know

<Altruistic Artist>
YayaFTW's Forum Avatar
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May 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 4, 2014 3:44pm | Report
I think that the anime industry is more influenced by the manga and light novel industry than the anime fans, and the manga industry is definitely not run by manga fans, but by innovative and competent mangakas, and incredibly talented novelists.

I also think that an anime's success is more defined by the characters with unique personalities that you'd never come across in real life, rather than the believable characters you mentioned. However, these unique characters are not fetish characters (furries), but fiction/realistic characters depending on the type of anime.

Let's take two of 2013's biggest anime hits. SnK's Mikasa Ackermann and Annie Leonhardt, Monogatari Series' Hanekawa, Senjougahara and Shinobu are all amazing yet unrealistic characters. They're also one of the main reasons these anime hit the top charts.

Now let's take a look at successful slice of life anime characters: Himeko Inaba from Kokoro Connect, Menma and Anaru from Anohana, these characters are fairly realistic characters, realistic as in, if you met a person with a personality that is similar to theirs in real life, it wouldn't be a surprise.

If we take into consideration Miyazaki's point of view, which of these characters are prone to Otaku worshipping? None. In fact, if the anime industry takes these characters as a reference for future anime releases, the anime industry would be set on the right foot, simply because they're not stupid characters highlighted by that weird otaku mob, but amazing characters that deserve the hype they get from regular anime fans.

I'm pretty sure these characters' fanbase constitutes a big part of anime fans. I really can't come to understand why would Miyazaki think that a small group of Otaku who worships the dumb anime characters of nowadays would influence the whole anime industry, whereas Mikasa Ackermann's fanbase alone for example is huge enough to take control of that said industry, and believe me when I say that Mikasa is a fine entertaining anime character.
DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 4, 2014 4:26pm | Report
i cant watch anime they all look the same to me, just with different hair colors and clothes
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
Bioalchemist's Forum Avatar
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 4, 2014 4:57pm | Report
A) miyazaki is a god.

B) this seems like a facepalm of duh to me. fans don't know what they want. fans aren't typically artistic. fans are on average of lower intelligence. so why would you want them to be involved in the artistic process? you wouldn't...if you want to make good ****. look at any industry. look at non-animated film. shelter island is a fantastic movie with a unique story and real life feel. so why didn't it knock it out of the park? cause people would rather go watch transformers. as you said they want less believable...less reality...cause they hate themselves and the world they live in..they want to escape...they want to touch each other in squirrel costumes...oooooooooooooo baby.

C) why would you want them involved? cause you sell to your if the majority of viewers want some **** cookie cutter story with lots of fan service you give it to them and they gobble it up and fap in their mom's basement.

that's my 2 cents.

Thanks to jhoijhoi for my signature!

DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 4, 2014 6:14pm | Report
i think what tosh is trying to say is that there are cookie cutter characters rather than unique characters

so instead of making new characters out of people they meet in real life they instead make characters out of people they see in other animes because thats what people want
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
caucheka's Forum Avatar
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May 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 4, 2014 7:01pm | Report
sounds like a reasonable argument.

hell its not just in anime but similar problems happen in all sorts of literature/animation/movies etc.
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
Toshabi's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 4, 2014 11:29pm | Report
I wanna nab a few quotes from he first page of the discussion area (which is filled with a bunch of *** hurt jap***s).

Post #2 from here:

Quote from Ryan Saotome (Nice typical weebo name, loser >:[)

lol this guy is so senile now. First, he says his movies aren't anime even though they are animation made in Japan, and now he's saying that people funding the industry is the problem with it. It would be a lot better if all the companies went bankrupt and there was no anime at all, right old man?

This scrub needs to show some respect. Without Miyazaki, there wouldn't be anime. It's just like saying you think the opinion of Mr. Tezuka is garbage. Either or, anime was pretty ****ty compared to what these two giants have produced in their lifetime. Other anime artists took from their lessons on animation and ran with it. Many contributions (and some of the best in Japan culture) were made by these two simply because they contributed so much with many animators around the world. Hell, Carl Barks and Mr. Tezuka were pen pals! Their main principles were how great characters arose from applying personalities you see in life into your works. That's what makes for fresh ideas and something believable, other than the ******** typical personalities you see in every anime.


Rape fodder:

Tough girl, but sensitive super *****:


Silent, overly-serous, Sophisticated Rape Fodder:


The list goes on and on, but the fact I was able to create a list in just a matter of minutes should make a startling point how ****ing copy + Paste these character personalities are. It's absurd that I'm even able to pull up this many in such a short time. Anime is pretty much a different subject with a mix of characters you've seen from past animes. THIS is what Mr. Miyazaki was talking about.

Lastly, Mr. Miyazaki never said that the anime industry is going down in flames financially. With ****tards like this poster around and the typical weebo fanboys/girls you see popping up all over anime conventions and on the internet, anime will never truly die. He's stating that the general quality of story and characters that invoked unique responses from his viewers is dead. Never in a long time have I ever gotten anything from anime emotionally. Well, at least the stuff I've seen recently isn't "counted" as anime by this ******** crowd considering the "art style" isn't Moe enough for them. The latest thing to be pumped out of Japan that I honestly thought was similar in animation/emotional value as what Mr. Miyazaki brought was "You are Umasou". Yup, a child's movie.

I recommend giving it a watch:

Past 1:

Part 2:

The quality of anime needs some work, because honestly, calling yourself an Otaku in this day and age is quite comparable to being a fur***. As an animator, I honestly can see eye-to-eye with Mr. Miyazaki, and God bless him from making this statement to ruin the days of all these stupid weebo ***s.

And you know you're ****ing failing at animation when something like MY LITTLE PONY can invoke emotions over your mature ****ty-*** weebo fodder. >:[

Imma grab more posts, but honestly, this will do for now. I'm sick with the flu. >:[
jhoijhoi wrote:

Also, I think the levels of immorality in this thread are astounding. You'd really throw a child off a boat for your own luggage? Wow.

<Crowd Favorite>
Embracing's Forum Avatar
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 5, 2014 1:15am | Report
Character personalities have been categorized quite a long time ago. I frequent a lotta chinese anime forum sites and everyone uses certain terms to define chars.
Here's a chart made by some chinese that basically summarizes the whole anime sector (it's in chinese)

The first column has personalities like
1) tsundere
2) Tennen boke
3) haraguro
4) yandere

The second column has appearances like
1) loli
2) sports girl
3) cosplay
4) hiniyuu similar age to protag
5) hiniyuu + younger
4) kyounyuu + older

The third column has statuses like
1) osananamiji
2) imoutou
3) doukyusei
4) kyoushi
5) inchou

And to be fair, Miyazaki's quote on the whole anime industry is relatively generalized. Though most companies create these stereotypical characters, there are still other companies who try to innovate. If you look at the entertainment sector as a whole, producers simply want to cater to the needs of the fans / viewers. The situation is similar to KDrama as well. The producers of KDramas know that those who are watching are mostly girls so they just simply make love triangles with super high class protags.

The difference between regular movies and animes though is that there will always be a large portion of hardcore anime watchers albeit the stereotypical character personalities. The whole hikikomori issue is greatly influenced by the ACG sector.

Simply put, a huge portion of the anime fans don't care about the overall quality of animes and find entertainment in the humor or general plot. Anime producers don't feel a need to change the personalities, especially since they raise so much revenue from selling figurines, etc.
Movies on the other hand, are in a different boat because the revenue producers earn are almost solely from the movie itself, and if the movie sucks, then no one would support it.

YayaFTW wrote:

I really can't come to understand why would Miyazaki think that a small group of Otaku who worships the dumb anime characters of nowadays would influence the whole anime industry

The main issue is that the group of otakus isn't small. It's a huge issue in Japan with the aforementioned hikikomori reference.

Personally I would enjoy animes with better qualities, but I wouldn't be so quick as to judge the whole anime sector from one perspective. Miyazaki's thoughts come from his own perspective as a producer who actually focuses on movie-like qualities. It's understandable why he would be frustrated with the current development of the anime sector, but then again a large portion of people still watch anime and that shows that the anime industry isn't facing huge issues with its trend.
xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 5, 2014 8:21am | Report
Just putting my 2 cents here.
I noticed long ago that no manga or anime seems to get my interest, mostly due to boring or sterotype characters.

And as this god decribes, it is just like that.
I often have talks with friend about how anime is dying. One of them said that the sterotypical characters are created to appeal to the mass of anime consumers in japan, which are the Otakus.
They do not really care about uniqueness but go all crazy over those sterotypes because they are what they are. (If you ever read a manga/ watch an anime with some Otaku in it, they react totally obsessed over the sterotypes named by Embracing)

In the end anime is also just an industry and will keep on going what seems to be a save sale

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