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Kirluu's Bjuutifool Diomand Ring'geh

Creator: Kirluu February 9, 2014 1:15pm
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 9, 2014 1:15pm | Report
So here goes!
My official Ranked Adventure thread!

As of this day, the 9th of February, I reached Platinum II, promoted from Platinum IV, and this has enlightened my belief in the slight possibility of hopping right up there with those Diamond folks.
I figure: Why wouldn't it be possible?

I am starting to believe, that as long as I keep my thus-far uncontaminated high spirit going, I may just be able to do it!
I don't theoretically have that long of a way to go, but who knows? I may just falter at some point and fall below the face of the earth and never see anything higher than Platinum V again..

Thus far, my Ranked Campaign has been pretty much flawless, being Gold I S3, and being placed in Platinum V this season, of course, I am very happy (This placement achieved through an 8-2 score for my placement games). Below are how my ranked stats are looking as of the 9th February:

As you can see, thus far a very succesful campaign indeed! (Note: 2 wins and 2 losses of these are from team games) Let's see if this continues... @_@

Thanks for any support you may provide throughout this journey of mine! (If that's how this is supposed to work, I have not a clue.. o.o)


Diamond Edit:

I have reached my goal of becoming a Diamond-rated player in Solo Queue!
As of this moment, unless I decide otherwise, I have at least temporarily decided to stop posting my game stats here, as the purpose of this thread has been fulfilled.

Here is my stats in comparison with those from when I started this thread:

Bear in mind that these games include some unfortunate happenings in team ranked games, and therefore you have really only the stats to judge from, from this screenshot. The real W/L of my Solo Queue upon reaching Diamond can be seen in the screenshot prior to this one, as per being 46-26, meaning that 5 wins and 6 losses are from team games in the above stat-sheet.
It bugs me that I can't see my Solo Queue stats alone, but this is the best I can do.

Thanks to everyone who provided encouraging comments throughout this thread. I love you long time.

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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 9, 2014 2:51pm | Report
My first game of this thingy completed!

Something happened in this game. I definitely wasn't at my best. The Kayle was causing a lot of trouble in mid and she was 6/0/0 before we finally caught her at our blue buff, and took her down alone.
Our Draven, as the chat assumes, had a lot of credit coming his way, and in many ways I can only be grateful. He had a lot of close-nitch plays, surviving with very low health.
Renekton, as Draven mentions, did a brave job of tanking and charging forth in our later fights.

At the point where they surrendered, we had previously gotten a baron buff uncontested after a skirmish in top lane, getting their second tier turret, and sometime after it ran out, we gathered again and went to bot lane, simply pushing it in. At this point, I think the enemy team was scared a bit due to the last few fights, and they surrendered as we kills 2-3 of their team and were taking down their bot inhibitor.

In this game I didn't play a very important role, and was 0/1/1 after using both of my laning phase ults (Should have been more I guess, but that didn't happen quite so) in mid lane and not really succeding in harming Kayle. LeBlanc did kill Elise after I ran away with 50 health left, granting me that one assist.
After we gathered, it was pretty simple affairs. Draven being fed meant everything. I peeled for Draven, and otherwise made sure Kayle didn't get to dish out much damage, by ulting her while her ult was on herself, meaning some of her invulnerability would be spent floating in the air. Worked out pretty well as my teammates and I usually managed to take her down as a result of my ultimate.

Am I writing too much details? I just kind of let my thoughts run free up there. o.o

On a side note, I'm super astounded by the +28 LP gain. There's the potential for keeping on climbing super fast! :3

Check out my comprehensive guide for Jax !!
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 9, 2014 3:15pm | Report
Dat Elise build.
Kirluu's Forum Avatar
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 9, 2014 3:24pm | Report
Platinum for you right there...
Upcoming star.
Or well... Thorn. In the enemy team's side.
*cough* thepuns *cough*
Check out my comprehensive guide for Jax !!
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 10, 2014 11:44am | Report

I have absolutely no clue what's wrong with me. I just cannot comprehend my own ability to perform stupid play one on top of the other. That was an absolutely horrendous performance from me, and I think, in my eyes, that I practically lost the most of our fights for us, along with messing up in the early game as well (Not by dying, but performing unsuccesful plays - dying happened in later teamfights/skirmishes/me trying to helplessly kill Jinx who had 2 bodyguards whilst I was trying so...)

Yeah... I basically tried to initiate on Jinx, she got ulted by Shen, who taunted me right after, while Thresh simultaneously was able to peel me away. I was in that sort of situation literally like 5 times of the times that I died in this game.

My brain was thinking "Jinx is fed, she has to be focused", but if I had just stayed with my team instead, I'm sure a looot of our fights would have gone a lot better, had I ulted as per needed in the actual teamfight, instead of going all expedition-like, trying to hunt down Jinx. One could say that it meant that she was occupied with me, but my teammates didn't have the damage to deal with the bulk of Xin Zhao, and I guess LeBlanc was just too slippery to get a grip on. In all fairness, I should have probably focused LeBlanc.
Thing was, it seemed, no matter who I ulted (I know I ulted Jinx 5-6 times, but yeah..), they just fell back and the enemy team could deal with me, where I was in a 1v2 or 1v3 situation. My team couldn't follow because Xin Zhao split the rest of my team up with his ult and such.

Overall a super sad game, and I'm feeling tempted to blame the heat in my room right now, but I know that that isn't exactly right, even if it may have played a part as I was getting frustrated about my own stupidity over the course of the game.
I hope to never be so blind again. Jinx may have been their most fed carry, but after the first 3-4 fights of things not working out, I should definitely have realized not to just blindly engage on her, but I never learned. Right up until the end, I continuously ulted Jinx in a foolish hope to miraculously murder her 1v1. That's a fool's hope because she has constant 2 bodyguards on her, sooooo, yeah.

That's that for that game. I don't think I'll play another today. This temperature is slowly chipping away my in-game ability, I feel.

Have a good day, folks!

Check out my comprehensive guide for Jax !!
Make sure to hit that +Rep button if I helped you out, and you feel I deserve it! :)
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 10, 2014 3:02pm | Report

Darn, I keep forgetting to screencap the actual team scores. I guess losses don't encourage me to stick around for too long..

In this game, we had Ezreal top against Riven. Ez went 0/6 in lane, whilst I was having an equal lane in bot lane, albeit getting pushed back a bit and eventually losing tower.
Enemy Kha'Zix jungling for them got fed from top lane, and the enemy team got all of the dragons in this game. We had Pantheon jungle, who didn't manage to do much good, especially because of his brilliant give-up nature of mind. He was basically calling it quits at 4-10 in team score.

On a side note, my support Sona was S3 Diamond, and... Did not impress. She had several cases of getting hooked by obvious incoming hooks (mispositioning herself), and many times got away just barely through flashing away, whilst I just tried to damage their Ashe and Thresh, in the end having to back off because I suddenly had no support, and couldn't deal quite enough damage to either of the foes.

Finally, we had a Zilean mid, so you can imagine my love for the picks that I felt, but then again, I figured: Anything's possible.
Only, it isn't possible when we have people just picking straight-up stupidly. The Ezreal who was forced to go top (He picked in the round after I picked my ADC) was also S3 Diamond, clearly also not impressing with the 0/6, although a lot of that was down to Kha'Zix.

A wonderful game all in all, 10/10, would play again.

Check out my comprehensive guide for Jax !!
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2014 10:58am | Report

Oh my goodness, a good game~

This game was really not very interesting. Me and Shyvana were having a fairly quiet lane in top lane, fighting a bit back and forth, but rarely going all-in. She did however kill me the first time since she backed at level 5, and I stayed to catch up in farm and get level 6. She came back with a Giant's Belt, I took note, but I don't think my instinct was following my thoughts, because she ended up being allowed to tower-dive me with full health, getting away with 40 % health, me burning everything, including Flash.
From there, I got my Bilgewater Cutlass for the sustain and a few more wards, and after this I could fight her and got my revenge some time after.

Pretty quiet lane. I had some visits from Udyr, but without them getting much out of it. It did mean that I fell a bit behind in farm, but that's about it.

While this was all going on, my Vayne was going crazy in bot lane and was 10/2/0 at 16:30 in game.
One of my kills and my assist were gotten just slightly before we finished the game, as I went to join my team in the last moments, encouraged to come join them by a few pings.

Such a neat and lovely experience, to be carried without providing much effort, really. c:

Check out my comprehensive guide for Jax !!
Make sure to hit that +Rep button if I helped you out, and you feel I deserve it! :)
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 12, 2014 9:11am | Report

It seems that it's not only when I lose that I forget to take the screenshots. ._.
Sorry about this. A huge quality-of-life of this thread to have actual screenshots, I'd guess.

Edit while typing: Actually, I'll just add the LoLKing details to make up for it, at least:

Theeere we go. c:
At least this way, I don't have to mention all the people, for the sake of you guys knowing who I'm with and against.
Now then:

This game actually had a pretty darn poor beginning for my team. All of my lanes were losing, and the enemy Elise managed to counter-jungle me quite a bit without my knowledge. I think that meeting her while she was doing it, probably would have been bad for me anyhow... xD
In any case, as I said, all lanes losing, and as the game score reached 2/5 (2 deaths from my top laner, who I had only visited once in the beginning of the game, since then focusing on bot lane), our Wukong (Yes, the top laner o.o) exclamated "gg", "game lost".
I respectfully told him that it's not gg yet, and submitted a "wtf" to follow, to let him know of my true emotions.
He replied that all lanes were losing, of which I was aware. I calmly responded: "And that decides the game?"
No reply.

From then on, our comeback began!
Oh no, wait. First, 3 more people died, me being one of them, overstaying in their jungle.. *cough*

For real this time, I promise.

So yeah, the rest of this tale can't be very amusing, since we basically just grouped up, caught people, played fights evenly, stayed with a defensive approach, etc.
In general, we were very good at being aware of eachother as well as the enemy team, as per for when it was a good idea to initiate, and we did so together, with myself as Jarvan IV knock-up-helper, Annie's stun and Wukong's spinny-spin.

Overall a good game, which left me with a feeling of fair accomplishment.
This game, I like it. Another!

Check out my comprehensive guide for Jax !!
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Toshabi's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 12, 2014 2:18pm | Report
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 12, 2014 2:45pm | Report
What's wrong with coming back from being behind in the early game? I fail to see your point. :c
I was the only person who didn't die much, and that was all based on luck (Flashing away instants before dying). The team score was pretty much even, afair - in our favor in the end after many fights of course.

It was a good game, so I don't see where this remark comes from. Elaborate if you will, but if you will not, peace to that as well.
Check out my comprehensive guide for Jax !!
Make sure to hit that +Rep button if I helped you out, and you feel I deserve it! :)
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