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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Bilgewater Cutlass

Bilgewater Cutlass
Total Price: 1600 | Recipe Price: 350 | Sell Price: 1225

LoL Item: Bilgewater Cutlass
  • 25 Attack Damage
  • 10% Life Steal

UNIQUE Active: Deals 100 magic damage and slows the target champion's Movement Speed by 25% for 2 seconds. 90 second cooldown.
  • 25 Attack Damage
  • 10% Life Steal

UNIQUE Active: Deals 100 magic damage and slows the target champion's Movement Speed by 25% for 2 seconds. 90 second cooldown.

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Iris | February 21, 2013 5:58pm

I get this on Udyr, crazy, but the active has nabbed me a few kills. The Bilgewater Cutlass kinda works on champ without a slow. But I'm not sure if it could ever beat phage.
I'm not sure if it even matters because this item is just a stepping stone to the Hextech Gunblade or BotRK.

It's good on some jungelers when cc is not avaliable and they dont have exhaust since while phage slows this is basically a 60 sec exhaust so it's worth it and even better than phage on some occasions
Tu Ne Quaesieris | December 28, 2012 10:45am
I get this on Udyr, crazy, but the active has nabbed me a few kills. The Bilgewater Cutlass kinda works on champ without a slow. But I'm not sure if it could ever beat phage.
I'm not sure if it even matters because this item is just a stepping stone to the Hextech Gunblade or BotRK.
Lord Drek (30) | December 8, 2012 11:48am
This is an legendary item? since vampiric scepter is advanced, this is by all means legendary... but what is gunbalde then? thats the question ;)
Donamir (3) | May 26, 2012 11:57am
I feel like half an idiot. I didn't notice there is a active on it. Could work with Exhaust, and other CC's the champ may have. I view this as the first poster put. Meh, but situational.
Kurt_Ottman (74) | March 9, 2012 2:23pm
I get this on Swain. Troll much? No, it actually works. I start with Vampiric Scepter for pre-6 sustain, and usually stomp my lane (I even win against Yorick, and that says something).
Dudemanguy1 (1) | December 9, 2011 6:07pm
I like seeing how many times I can use the active before it turns into a gunblade.
Exzious | November 3, 2011 7:44am
Which is why you build it into a Hextech Gunblade as soon as you possibly, humanly or inhumanly (depending on what you are) can.
Read (28) | December 10, 2010 10:59am
Not worth getting. Shines early game but is quickly passed up. There are just too many items that outshine this one. Its active is moderately useful, but is far too situational for it to be effective.
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