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Kirluu's Bjuutifool Diomand Ring'geh

Creator: Kirluu February 9, 2014 1:15pm
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 16, 2014 7:42am | Report

Cassiopeia was afk from the start, and got back pretty late. I have to say, in conclusion, that I feel that the enemy team deserved that win, with the way they managed to stand on equal foot with us in the 4v5 phase. They hadn't given up hope.

Wait, scratch that! They actually did give up, and were letting us push mid for free, but then I had a main character sort of role to play, as I jumped onto the enemy Thresh, who was kinda standing next to us watching while we pushed. I never had the intent to kill him, since that'd be mean, but my team reacted on it, and straight-up murdered him. In response to this, they decided to defend their Nexus turrets, and managed to fight us off.
After this, multiple attempts at pushing mid ended in equal kill trades. It was pretty darn silly.
Eventually, Cassiopeia came back into the game, and meanwhile the enemy team had stopped talking at all - I reckon they were fully focused on getting the comeback rolling properly.

Aaanywho, we had already gathered many times, but this last time, we decided to opt for Baron first, and then go to finish the game. This time, things went pretty much easily, which made it a wonder how we had such a tough time simply taking an inhibitor previously... o_i

In conclusion, as I said, I don't think we deserved that win, with our wasted opportunities, and in many ways, for a long part of the game, it wasn't a game at all.

On a side note, I wasn't prepared to play top lane, and am not really experienced with Shyvana, but my alternatives were Jax who was picked by our jungler and Renekton who was banned. I panicked and for a moment I picked Wukong in lack of alternatives as there was 5 seconds left. Shortly thereafter I spotted Shyv, though, which was an alright pick in the end, albeit I needed some help from Jax to take down Lee Sin both times that he was killed in lane. ;s

The Berserker's Greaves are there, because I couldn't afford any other boots at the time, and I thought for sure we were about to embark on our final mid-push.
Later upgraded with Enchantment: Homeguard, because I couldn't afford the Homeguard effect if I sold the Greaves for other boots. o_e

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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 16, 2014 1:30pm | Report

I feel the climb slowly ceasing to exist..
A guy asked for Yasuo mid, he got it, enemy picked Lulu. It would later appear that this Lulu were to trash on our Y***y.
I was lastpick, filling in what we needed, a support. Leona, which would normally be my top choice, I could see, would not work out very well against their current setup, and since we were a bit rare on knock-ups, and everyone was craving for it, plus someone actually suggested Malphite support, I went for it. The reason I went for this guy, rather than Alistar is because I haven't landed an honest W-Q in ages, since they made some small silly little update, making it much more difficult to land. Or I assume that there was an update, anyways.

The laning phase itself actually went pretty alright, and our team overall seemed to be doing pretty well. But then a bad phase came along where we within a couple of minutes went from 10-6 to 10-11. We managed to get both of the two first dragons, but never really got to pushing towers together. There was always someone who had different plans, mainly, I felt, our Tristana who preffered staying in bot lane farming, despite the pings and messages about gathering to utilize our combo.

All in all, the game was fairly sad in the end. Yasuo tried a lot of things with no avail, and clearly he could not see a good ult opportunity from a bad one. In one particular instance, the enemy team was pushing down our bottom inhib turret, and Wukong landed a 1-man ultimate, of which Yasuo ulted on top of... I was in doubt as to whether to do something, since the enemies were still not gathered to ult. That only happened after the started chasing Yasuo beyond the turret, at which point I apprehended 3 of the enmey team, although he died anyways.
Many situations happened something like that, and generally Nasus was too much to deal with. The only reason he died so "many" times, is because he quite frequently was just badasserying about, fighting whoever came at him, while standing quite far away from his team, or being completely alone, in which cases we could chase him down pretty well with my Seismic Shard.

Ohwell. I wonder when my MMR begins to settle, and whether I'll manage to scrape together enough wins to hop into promo. The 26 LP from the first win of this division showed great promise, and losing 13 isn't bad at all, especially in comparison to the gain, so I'm yet hopeful, but yet beginning to doubt. :s

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Oct 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 16, 2014 11:52pm | Report
Dat sunfire in the jaxrage game was a bit late shoulda prolly
Gotten randuins ^_^ but gj leading

~ Sig by Xiaowiriamu ~
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 17, 2014 2:24am | Report
Yeah, I think I just quickly went for whatever. I didn't have much time to think about it, and doubt that I could afford a Randuin's main components, on top of really feeling that I needed at least the Giant's Belt. Since I think I didn't have another 1K gold, I went for the Chain Vest instead, to also get some armor in there. That added up to the Sunfire Aegis in the end of course.

And thank you! Looking back, I'm pretty proud of how I played it out, however not so proud of the lack of self-control, in terms of the inner rage. :s

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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 17, 2014 8:34am | Report

Well this game was pretty near darn perfect.
The early laning phase (first few levels) was a bit difficult to get by in, as Janna would simply shield herself an autoattack away. Pretty difficult to deal with, and they managed to outpush us in the beginning, meaning I lost quite a lot of minions under turret.
After that however, once the lanes had equaled out, we got a gank from our Kha'Zix, and I do believe we got 2 kills on behalf of Leona's death, me with a kill and an assist. So a pretty great start, which also meant that Janna couldn't keep her little autoattacking game going, as it'd obviously create openings for more ganks or just engages from Leona.

The game progressed and I got a bit of farm here and there, and from one moment to another, I purchased Statikk Shiv and Last Whisper in one go, having the Zeal purchased previously.
I had about 3-4k gold available at the time: A lot of enemy and friendly ganks in bot lane, all the while I stayed in lane afterwards, just farming in between. My farm is a bit vague due to the high amount of action in lane. I caught up a little bit later (getting more farm), and Ezreal was on equal footing with me throughout anyhow, in that respect (farming).

Overall, I was getting a bit frustrated with how Kha'Zix was playing his mid-game. He literally went 1v3 against Kassadin, Malphite and Lee Sin, not knowing whether they had consumed their ultimates to just previously having killed Kayle at her mid tower.
I know that this was the case because he asked afterwards, something along the lines of: "How did you die when they still have all their ultimates up?"
I guess it's an 'okay' play, but definitely ballsy, to jump into 3 enemies who have CC and mobility abilities to play around with. The Kassadin was 40 % health at the time, so I get where the idea was coming from, but without isolation bonus damage, there was no way.

Oh well, all in all it was of course a great game, and I had a few strong moments. Particularly, at one time, I was singled out by Kassadin, and instead of just running (which I actually stated out by attempting), I turned on him, and he took at close-range Q and ult to his pretty little gasmask, and had to see himself ult away over a wall or at least out of vision. I did have to consume Barrier for this to work out, but I'm happy with the way I handled the situation none the less.

On a side note, I just spotted Kassadin's Mejai's Soulstealer... Lol.

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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 17, 2014 12:00pm | Report

Another pretty strong game. Seems maybe my fortunacy has returned for a while.

Off-topic kick-in:
Maybe it's in connection with me having had a pretty decent day, and having read ahead for tomorrow, so that I'm at least moderately prepared for the lecture tomorrow. That, along with some great weather today has really lifted my mood, I feel. c:
End of off-topic.

This game, as you can tell, was pretty stompy.
Post-6 in the laning phase was pretty gosh darn strong for me. Hell, even pre-6 was good. Aatrox wanted to trade with me, I invited the trade, and he always ended up having to jump away. It became an amusing little trend in our top lane.
Especially post-6 I was dangerous. At one point, he had me pushed back to my tower, and was poking at my while I was lasthitting the ranged minions. Eventually he did so within tower range and I Q'd him, and W-AA'd straight after on top of the turret hit, which ended up taking away over 50 % of his total health. Looked pretty slick. From then on, I think he became a bit more careful.
He now only opted for hitting my with his ranged thingy for poking. I however quickly realized this, and thus, (this was post-6), I made him use it, by being in range for it, and made sure to dodge it. Right after, I could then charge up my ult stack and perform my beloved Q-->AA(Ult-proc)-->W mini-combo for pretty gosh darn significant damage every time.
Eventually I'd wear out his passive doing this, but on both occasions during the laning phase, I ended up spending my Ignite to do so, and was also low on mana after multiple engages like this. I suppose that's what happens when you play against a sustainy champion like him.
Thing was though, that since he wasn't your traditional tanky top laner, I was able to always fight him, regardless of timing. This made me think if he actually had any real experience with this match-up since he did pick Aatrox into my Jax. Seemed like maybe a LoLCounter-hookup recommendation (I haven't checked whether that might be the case).

Anyhow, the game was pretty quiet for me, as you can tell by the scoreline.
32 kills on my team, and I participated in a vague 10 of them. :p
Now one could argue that I was carried in this game, but in this particular case, I'd say I did my fair share in terms of carrying myself through laning phase as well.
What I'd rather say, is that I'm back to simply being, albeit very, fortunate with my teams.
I currently have friends of mine who experience leavers on their team all the time. One guy in particular has been playing 4v5 in 5/7 games or so, which is pretty ridiculous. He spoke to me about me lending him my good teams, and I told him it'd have to wait until I was Diamond. Lol.
We'll see if I actually make it, or if I manage to shoot down my MMR plentifully before that day. o_i

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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 18, 2014 1:00pm | Report

Another game where I wasn't really in the main role.
My teammates did however make it a point to get a fed ADC rolling prior to the game's actual beginning (champ select), as Fiddlesticks informed us that he'd be camping bot, at least with his ultimate in mind.
Blitzcrank kindly informed him that that wouldn't be necessary, since he'd allegedly get me fed quite well by himself.
At this point, I want you to understand that I suddenly felt a bit pressured, in regards to having to be the fed person who makes all the plays. Needless to say, it's limited how much skill it requires to make the most adept of plays with Graves, however I took up the challenge.

On a side note, I was a bit ponderous of the Teemo firstpick, but he pretty much did very well throughout the entire game, as his scoreline suggests.

Fiddlesticks didn't exactly fulfill his purpose in the sense that he first imagined it, I do believe. He managed to, in quick succession, use his ultimates very well in bot lane, and we also killed our enemy laners a bit extra-ly in between. Thing was, I wasn't getting fed in the imaginable way.
I stood left behind, after Fiddle's trips to bot lane, with a score of 0/0/6.
I've got to say that I found that a tad amusing, in regards to the comments my teammates made pre-game. xD

But yeah, I was fine with it. A 6/0 Fiddlesticks definitely does not have to be anything bad what so ever, and truly, we pretty much managed to seal the game off fairly early, as all of our lanes did pretty well, Swain probably taking the cake as the least succesful laner, mostly due to Pantheon's visits in top lane, I suppose attempting to get Jax to reach his core items faster, so that he may play a deciding role of some sort.

In the end though, there was no way they'd win it, and we managed to push through two inhibitors, then take baron, back for the purchases and then finish the game pretty faultlessly.
In conclusion, I'm happy with my personal effort to react to my teammates' ideas and attempts at plays, such as not giving away Fiddle's position in the brush, mid-ult-channeling, as well as just closing down prime targets in teamfights and helping making them disappear pretty efficiently.
A lovely straight-forward win.


Well this was uncalled for... Lul.
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 18, 2014 4:01pm | Report

I had a bad feeling about this game, for sure, but then I was proven wrong by the early game, where I had a multiplude of great ganks, that really set my team up and ahead. We were looking in excellent form, but as soon as we did anything 5v5 oriented, we completely crumbled over and over. It was pretty silly. I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have gone for that Ravenous Hydra, since in teamfights, I was just instantly deleted from the fights by mostly Ziggs and whoever else decided to hit me a bit. In other words, I never managed to do much good with the Hydra, and it was a terrible choice.
It shouldn't have meant losing the game though. That was a collective effort for sure.

Pretty sure we managed to go from 18/8 ( Lee Sin 6/0, having picked up 4 kills in 3 minutes of the game, in midgame... - probably was the huge setup for their comeback, really) to 18/16.
On that note, one of the main reasons they could get back at all, overall, was the continuous overextending plays of Renekton. He would be battling for enemy inhibitor turret in top lane, while we are not able to help him, and just get straight-up murdered through ganking, and being 1v3, because he's that far deep. I don't like players like that, who think they can take on anything, and then definitely can't, given the right amount of so-and-so. Wish he would have just gathered with us at 18/7 so we could just try to get side-towers together and steal buffs, you know. Cozy stuff, fun stuff. Instead we wanted to fight to practically end the game. I think the initial intent was always just to get their second tier mid turret, which led to 5v5 fights.

In one particular fight, someone got hooked by Thresh (Of course that's how the fight starts, how else..?...), and we all decided to counterengage on it, because there were some prime targets in and around the Thresh, thereamongst Draven. Us all going in like that though, meant that literally all of us got hit by Ziggs' Q, W and R. Goodbye teamfight.
And to be fair, I think that's pretty much the story of all of our fights. In the end, it was Caitlyn who got hooked, and she was instantly removed, and as we tried to save her or counterinitiate, we got aced. Good stuff.

I think their picks in general were just much stronger, especially in the teamfighting phase exactly. Our Nidalee was useless only because someone always got hooked, and that started the fight, partially because of my lack of sense to just leave the person to die, but hell, in some cases it really looks like a good opportunity for us, but yeah.. :/

Their Draven was flying high, and was dealing an absolute crazy load of damage to everyone and everything he wanted to hit with those spinning axes. An absolutely scary beast.. :c

On a final sort of note, I really wish we hadn't had a freaking Taric as support. He just offers absolutely nothing to our team, except for presumably synergizing well with Caitlyn during laning phase. Our teamfighting setup was completely busted by that pick, I feel. A Leona (Freaking meta-standard, yup) or something corresponding to that, would be much better, so that we, with the advantage we had, could have just tried to pick enemies out 1 by 1, instead of fighting like stoopids. Hell, that should have been the plan none the less. I think I'll have to keep that in mind for the future.

Huge advantage =/= 5v5 fight, depending on team-comps (AoE let-me-make-you-sad ultimates)

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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 19, 2014 4:45am | Report

Wow I suck at supporting...

I was lastpick in this game, for the first time since longer than I can recall, and informed my team that I would fill whatever was left. We were purple side so I was literally last-last pick.
I also noted that someone else should probably pick Thresh if we wanted him, because I am not very confident in my abilities with him (Looking back, it would probably have been better than how it turned out.. xD), and thus he was banned. That was not what I asked for, but that's what happened, and as a result, of course, Leona was firstpicked by the enemy team.
Now please understand, that my most confident support is most likely to be Leona. I do however not know enough about her, to know how to deal with her, or just what to pick into her. My teammates did however suggest Nami, Lulu and Janna. Since I don't trust in my tornadoes, and I remembered having played some pretty great games with Nami in the past, that's what I went for.

Thing was, due to not having supported for so very long, this game was a complete flop from my perspective.
The laning phase actually winded up a-ok, however we did get in rather great trouble every single time Leona decided to engage on either of us. Another issue was that, at this time, the rest of our team was also having laning troubles, with Elise seemingly doing quite a bit of a better job than Wukong at the time.

My teammates did not give up though, and after we won our first scrambly fight of a sort, Wukong became our moral stepping stone, constantly going "it's okay, we just fight them again, we're doing good", stuff like that. o_o
Meanwhile I was constantly excusing myself as I was making terrible plays, in regards to getting caught over and over.
At one particular time, I thought the enemy minions were further away, so I was setting Lucian and I, up for taking the Wight for him over the wall. Since my screen was on top of the Wight camp, and the vision was bugging out, I actually walked downwards, towards the enemies, which for one: It did reveal the Wight properly, but as a result of that, I was murdered by 3 people, the bot lane and Elise who had swung by.
Many of my getting caught was something like that, for example also while placing deep wards in the enemy territory. I don't know what I was thinking half the time, and as said earlier, was forced to just excuse my ridiculous brainfarts time upon time.

As a support Nami, having participated in 11 out of 30 kills, the 5 of them from the very last fight before we ended the game, I am ridiculously ashamed. ._________.

On the bright side, we did win, and I am now just 1 win or 1L1W from promotion for Diamond!
Nami though? Never again.

Check out my comprehensive guide for Jax !!
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 19, 2014 7:11am | Report

And then there's this game.
Our mid-game was more messed up than any mid-game should ever be allowed to be. Stupid thing about this game as a whole was that we would have won it by great margins, if only everyone had played defensively in lane, and just taken do with whatever farm they could muster. It was too much with how fred Gragas and Jax became though. I think we still had a chance until the very end, but it dramatically ended with me waiting impatiently for my Bandage Toss cooldown over the wall for Baron Nashor, and just as the Bandage is thrown, Baron dies.
I try to convert this into something good anyways though, since there was no way to revert things, nor to get them together like this again, so I Flashed into my ultimate, hitting 4 enemies, but all of them pretty spread apart, sadly, so Malphite couldn't hit many people with his ult.
In the end, and I think mostly due to the Baron buff, we lost that fight 5/0, but with the entire enemy team pretty ******* low. A full-on Ace was enough for them to go and finish the game though.

I think in the situation for waiting for Bandage Toss, maybe I should have just Flashed over straight away, to try the steal like that. The issue was that we had no vision in Baron pit at all, despite Annie having a Ruby Sightstone... Not sure what the deal with that was. Maybe she just used them all, I guess.

Anyhow, I did pretty poorly early/mid game along with the rest of my team, who did indeed go out of their way to call eachother unskilled, and telling eachother not to talk, etc etc.
Ah well. As stated in my previous post, so forth as I win my next game, I can still get into promotion today.
I don't plan to play any promotion games today though. My goal for today is to reach promotion.

Check out my comprehensive guide for Jax !!
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