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People never know when to surrender, do they?

Creator: Blian March 19, 2014 3:43pm
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C4 Lasty
C4 Lasty's Forum Avatar
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Jan 30th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2014 9:28am | Report
If you have an early game team comp:

Renekton - Top
Lee Sin - Jungle
Leblanc - Mid
Ezreal - ADC

vs a pure late game team comp:

Nasus - Top
Vi - Jungle
Jayce - Mid
Vayne - ADC

and you somehow lose laning phase to them, it is probably safe to surrender.

However if you have a wombo combo comp such as:

Shyvana - Top
Wukong - Jungle
Orianna - Mid
Graves - ADC

You should probably play that game out as long as you can. One lucky team fight 40 minutes into the game where the combo goes off perfectly can equal a win. It doesn't matter how many kills you're down. I think we were 0-14 in solo que with that exact comp the other day and we came back and won.


P.s. this is my 1,000 comment. GG.
<Inhouse Regular>
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May 27th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2014 10:32am | Report
Don't surrender when you feel like you can't win, only surrender when you know the enemy team can't lose.
Dychronius's Forum Avatar
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Oct 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2014 12:44pm | Report
I'm that one guy that doesn't vote ever because I'm a very impartial person. 90% of the time I can see that we have a chance and that we could win if some things happen properly and we make good plays, no matter the circumstances, but also seeing that the odds are against us, and then keep questioning my own thoughts on if I should surrender or not ;_;. The other 10% is me being completely certain that we can/cannot win.

In one of my ranked games, I was playing Irelia top against a Renekton top, with the rest of my team being Fiddlesticks jungle, Caitlyn adc, Leona support, and Vel'Koz mid. Their team was Renekton top, Malphite jungle, Nunu & Willump support, Vayne adc, and Diana mid. We'd asked fiddle to be a tankier jungle, but he didn't do it. Oh well.

Bot lane was losing, mid was losing, and I was pushed to my turret cause I can't win lane against a Renekton. I was happily farming under my turret, trying to not fall too far behind. I hadn't been paying much attention to the rest of the map, but from what everyone was saying, fiddle did nothing, and Vayne was getting a few kills. By 15 minutes, Leona had given up all faith in ranked and said she's never do ranked again(even though when I look at her match history now, she's been playing ranked for days, what a liar. This happened 3 days ago btw), cait was yelling at fiddle, fiddle was crying to himself, and vel was complaining that he was countered. Once the surrender vote came up, I was the only one who said no, even though we had a chance at it.

Do do do dee do do do
NommyPancake's Forum Avatar
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Oct 26th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 28, 2014 8:48am | Report
SkidmarkD wrote:

HAH, the jokes on you.
My toxicity levels drop the longer the game lasts.

Tribunal only gets chat and game results.
On which they need to base their judgement.
You have no idea how ridiculously easy it is to say things in chat that have a VERY different meaning once you don't have the context it was written in.
It is also easy to bait people into making it look, in chat, like they're the toxic players.

Tribunal is a good idea, but it's lacking.

That's only your toxic level drops with the game time :3
Marjoirty of them don't, they increase :3

As for say thing different meanings, I often do tribunal and I can see the difference. You can actually see the sarcastic when you compare them to how other teammates respond, be it in game or the report comment.

There has piipol getting banned for doing what so called passive aggressive.

Certainly this strategy doesn't work on all piipol, but I say majority of them will fall for it.
Satella's Forum Avatar
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Nov 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 28, 2014 9:01am | Report
I surrender when I feel like it's impossible to come back. Which is pretty damn rare.
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utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 28, 2014 9:12am | Report
C4 Lasty wrote:

If you have an early game team comp:

Renekton - Top
Lee Sin - Jungle
Leblanc - Mid
Ezreal - ADC

vs a pure late game team comp:

Nasus - Top
Vi - Jungle
Jayce - Mid
Vayne - ADC

and you somehow lose laning phase to them, it is probably safe to surrender.

However if you have a wombo combo comp such as:

Shyvana - Top
Wukong - Jungle
Orianna - Mid
Graves - ADC

You should probably play that game out as long as you can. One lucky team fight 40 minutes into the game where the combo goes off perfectly can equal a win. It doesn't matter how many kills you're down. I think we were 0-14 in solo que with that exact comp the other day and we came back and won.


P.s. this is my 1,000 comment. GG.

First of all, congrats on your 1000th post, I had reached that threshold not too long ago either. It's a big achievement :>

And yeah, i agree. It totally depends on the scaling of your champions, versus their champions. One thing that's important to note, is that if a team doesn't have a strong siege capabilities, and your team has strong wave clear, you shouldn't surrender the game. Against a team with poor siege capabilities, it's very difficult for them to take towers versus champs with long range wave clear, like Ziggs, and Lucian.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

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Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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