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Inhouse Raffle Winners - June

Creator: Khazem June 30, 2014 11:11am
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Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 10, 2014 4:50am | Report
FalseoGod wrote:

You have no self-control playing Talon and that's why he gets banned when you're around. You don't purposedly do it, but I saw how you played him against my boyfriend (who was low gold or sivler 1 at the time), how you did your absolute best to get the faceroll train started because that's what you do.

You should also stop playing the victim. We cannot be faulted for you playing only 1 champ who just happens to be an absolute nuisance to play against. Khazem has had targetted bans since I play inhouses (from adcs back then, to junglers to Riven and Nidalee), GMD (some of his mids) and DisturbedFox (hypercarries) as well. Even I. But all people cited played other champions anyway, whereas you often get upset and think it's just about beating you. No. It's about not having to deal with a champion that's really annoying to face which is played by you.

Also you can stop your constant need of having mobafire people recognizing you're a good Talon despite all the joking around. He gets banned on inhouses because of you, that should be enough.

IRCC this is the only time I've ever voiced any complaint beyond saying "fk u" in all chat, so I'm not sure where you got me "often getting upset" from.

I don't even do well in most games, I'm usually against competent mid laners with a competent jungler, I've done average more than I've done well, and that's why it annoys me to get Talon bans targeted at me. He's even been banned directly after games where I played bad lol. I'd be fine if people actually banned a strong champion against me, but what's the point in banning a champion considered nearly unviable just because I play him a lot? It feels like it's done just to annoy me rather than because people are actually afraid of teh legnedary talon skilz.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 10, 2014 4:52am | Report
FalseoGod wrote:

I saw him whine once, and dodge after the Talon ban <.< I haven't seen people rage at him at the end of the game nor did I expect it, what happens is that the champ got banned afterwards, like Vayne and Twitch saw bans after Fox got his 300 CS at 5 minutes with 12 kills and 1 death.

I'm not really complaining, I'm just saying it's a natural reaction not to want to play against that champion in his hands and if he still wants to do it either he has one of those "planned matchups" where we don't mind two players have their showdown (like the Kassadin/Talon; Zed/Talon things) or he risks the champ getting banned coz we might not want to see it or risk Vapora preying on a lesser elo player who wanted to go mid.

The dodge was because I'd been offered to do something else which I was considering, and the Talon ban sealed the deal so I dodged and went to do that. That's the only time I've dodged after a Talon ban.
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 10, 2014 6:13am | Report
I apologize if I mistook your calling out the Talon ban ingame/chat as you being upset (this is not sarcasm, I've also passed for far more upset for going toplane than I actually was), as for the dodge I did say it was once.

There are certain playstyles/champions that, if I know I'm facing someone who mains them, I'd rather just not even see because of their kit. If we had a Plat+ Fizz mainer I'd just as easy say I don't wanna see that champ in the inhouse at all. But yes, I do believe a part of the inhouse players likes the idea of forcing you out of your comfort zone, it's up to you to choose if you wanna subject yourself to that or not.
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 10, 2014 7:36am | Report

Matt you quit select when they banned Jinx the week of her release, I wouldn't judge other people for being upset over their favorite champions getting banned (and please don't go into how they banned it JUST because you wanted to play it, because that's not how it went) :l

Relevant information. It was literally one day after her release; and as I recall just about everyone told me to shut the hell up then as well. If I jumped off a cliff would you do it too?

People are going to ban whatever they want, deal with it and/or stop having a non-existent champion pool.
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