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Darius Ability (LoL): Apprehend

Apprehend Darius

Darius Ability: Apprehend
Range: 535
Cooldown: 24 / 21.5 / 19 / 16.5 / 14
Cost: 70 / 60 / 50 / 40 / 30
Passive: Darius gains 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% armor penetration.

Active: Darius hooks with his axe, pulling, knocking up and slowing the target by 40% for 2 seconds.

Darius's Abilities

Darius Ability: Apprehend Darius Ability: Apprehend Darius Ability: Apprehend Darius Ability: Apprehend
Apprehend is used by Darius

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l0lbluewaffle (3) | June 11, 2012 12:22pm
what do you mean under rated, that makes him one of the best tanky dps that should go top. very helpful in team fights, and everyone knows it
NicknameMy (155) | June 8, 2012 8:25am
Very uderrated spell. Especially as a support, it can be very usefull.
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