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Darius Ability (LoL): Crippling Strike

Crippling Strike Darius

Darius Ability: Crippling Strike
Cooldown: 5
Cost: 40
Darius' next attack deals 140 / 145 / 150 / 155 / 160% attack damage as physical damage and slows by 90% for 1 second.

This ability refunds its mana cost and reduces its cooldown by 50% if it kills the target. This ability triggers spell effects upon dealing damage.

Darius's Abilities

Darius Ability: Crippling Strike Darius Ability: Crippling Strike Darius Ability: Crippling Strike Darius Ability: Crippling Strike
Crippling Strike is used by Darius

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BBerger (31) | June 8, 2012 1:53am
Base Cooldown: 8 Seconds
CDR Cap Cooldown: 4.8 Seconds

This would give the impression that, with 5 stacks of Hemorrhage, your cooldown on Crippling Strike would be -0.2 seconds.
However, there's still a minimum one second cooldown regardless of stacks or CDR.
Szyal | September 27, 2019 2:16pm
do you know how to read dude? his passive has nothing to do with his W cooldown. It clearly states in the tooltip "IF THE TARGET DIES" where the hell do you get "the more stacks of hemorrhage decress the cooldown" from?
Fruxo (328) | September 27, 2019 2:25pm
Just a general question, if you ask him if he knows how to read, I assume that you must know that this comment
was made 7 years ago. :) There's been a lot of changes to Darius's kit during that period of time, which means that what he says then might not be what is today.
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