When I first started playing League of Legends I played Ashe because i took a liking to the role of ADC. I still play ADC now because of how much I love the role, but I no longer main Ashe. I now play Kai'sa and Sivir mostly. But I didn't realise how good Ashe actually was until checking her stats on op.gg. With the Blade of the Ruined King build, Ashe is incredibly powerful and is fairly hard to kill with the lifesteal it provides. Ashe can snowball very effectively now, more than she could before. And Ashe is still a great champion for both new and experienced players alike.
When I first started playing Ashe, in season 8, I would always go Essence Reaver first item, with Runaan's and Phantom Dancer. Now, you swap the Essence Reaver with a Blade of the Ruined King, and you become more powerful. Ashe is a great champion and I think others should play her more.

Thank you for reading!