I think I may have the Ryze.

Still in the button mashing phase, but I've been having a lot of fun mashing allthebuttons.

Still haven't managed a stylish activate Zhonya's Hourglass and Realm Warp away from certain death, but I'm looking forward to getting there.


Darius was kind of annoying because I kept letting him hook me.

Kled never could quite kill him in lane, but I managed to use the passive portion of Overload to get away from some things that probably would have otherwise killed me. Also managed to juke a chase down by running to a reasonably safe spot and Realm Warping myself out on low health.

Riven in theory this is supposed to be an easy match-up, but I did not find it so. Didn't really seem to matter how much armor I built, if I ever let her get in range to combo me post 6 I was just dead. Of course, it didn't help that I also had a Kayn in my lap along with the Riven. Going to need to find a video of this match-up to see how to game it.

Veigar This one was pretty telegraphed about their stuns and moving up when they were about to receive a gank so I managed to dodge all of that. They were decent about still hitting me with Qs given they had herded me in a particular direction because of their cage and Dark Matter.

What I like so far:

-Ranged poke
-Ranged point and click CC
-Mini-game of getting your Spell Flux to spread so you can poke the enemy laner
-Ultimate that lets you transport yourself places (pretty much all I have used for thus far)
-Relative tankiness, especially with the lifesteal/spellvamp from the Domination masteries

What I don't like so far:

-The anemic range of your Realm Warp at level 1
-Occasionally would be nice to have more range on like everything
-What feels like an anemic mana pool in the early part of the game
-Takes a while to ramp up, which is a potential liability in this meta, but having ranged point and click CC offsets this to some degree
-Not viable in the jungle or at least i find it highly doubtful from what I've experienced so far

Thinks I don't quite get thus far:

-Mini-game of keeping a rune primed so that it only takes two ability casts to get the shield and move speed from the passive portion of Overload. I know it is a thing, but
-How to manage my mana in the early game with the Dark Seal + a Refillable Potion start while both last hitting and harassing as much as possible
-Still fuzzy on the right combo to use in a given situation given that Rune Prison has a relatively long cool down
-Anything beyond the basic combos