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Look im not gonna lie to you, but naut is not hard , BUT U ARE FULL AP.
The whole point of going Full AP its killing the bastard in 3 sec. And Nautlilus its a big yikes because u cant kill him and u are unlikely to protect ur ADC from his CC. Because again, ur full ap , not doing support.
Now, it depends how very good is his ADC but even so , blitz is a straight threat, blitz can tank ur dmg and can pull u or ur adc easely, if not cautious.
I really hate this champion, just because of his E, u are gonna have a bad time trying to hit ur W on Pyke.
Take exaust and try going summon aery.
U can win this but u just cant fight with him focusing u, i got a tip for u, play supportive for ur adc and do not engage the enemy adc with alistar near try to engage in teamfights but not in laning phase.
I really dislike this matchup, but is not impossible, her E disable ur Airborne, her Q put u rooted for like 3.40 Sec.
and she got the ulti too. so what u need to do is just wait her cast those abilities then , just try engage on the ADC. never morgana, unless ur adc knows what he is doing.
Seraphine please. like seraphine is so annoying, u just need to dodge and have a very good sidestep reaction but the problem is her ultimate. So just do like morgana wait her to cast abilities then GO!!!
Phanteon Support ??? REALLY WHYYYY
Just annoying, not very hard just annoying , sidestep his abilities and try to engage HIM because if u engage the adc he will give more dmg to you than the actually ADC.
I dont like Senna because of her range. And agressive gameplay, just take exaust and u should be fine.
Xerath is....wierd. Because he isnt hard to play against but he really is kinda of annoying not because of his stun but i never saw a Xerath missing a beam.
Braum is a skill matchup. Go there buddy. :D
Taric is very very very very Annoying to kill. u wont kill him that easy but he cant engage u very well either, so just go roam.
Karma same thing as Taric.
Samething as morgana, but more easy to do it.
I dont know why, people keep thinking Leona is hard to play against as Rakan. im going to give u a very cool trick, when leona engages on ur adc , u W to the enemy ADC sooooooo both u and leona cc'ed the ADC it means ur ADC dont do dmg to the other and same thing for her's.
Cmon :|
Although im saying soraka is a tiny threat it depends on the player, cuz i really never got a soraka god level so im putting in Tiny threat.
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