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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Standard
Frost Shot (PASSIVE)
Ashe Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
You will always be on the defense
Champion Build Guide
Hello! My name is ShoDesu AKA J4NNA AKA Hook Theory. I have hit challenger multiple times during season 12/13 playing support! For the longest time I was only focused on climbing, but now I am shifting that into creating support content and trying to help others! I stream Mon-Fri 11:30 AM PST - 5 PM PST at https://www.twitch.tv/shodesu and also have a YouTube channel where I post reguluarly at https://YouTube.com/shodesu. I'm happy to answer any questions! :)
Pros & Cons
Ashe support is a relatively new and unconventional pick, but it can be a very effective one in the right hands. Here are some of the pros and cons of playing Ashe support:
Ashe has a long-range auto attack and slow, which can be very effective in lane for setting up ganks and controlling the wave.
Her ultimate, Volley, can be used to start teamfights or pick off enemies from afar.
Her passive, Frost Shot, can be used to provide vision and slow enemies, making it easier for your team to engage or escape.
She is a relatively safe pick, as she has a long-range and can kite enemies easily.
She is mana-hungry, so she will need to be careful about her mana usage.
She is not as tanky as other supports, so she can be easily killed if she is caught out of position.
She is not as effective in all team compositions, so she should be picked carefully.
Ashe has a long-range auto attack and slow, which can be very effective in lane for setting up ganks and controlling the wave.
Her ultimate, Volley, can be used to start teamfights or pick off enemies from afar.
Her passive, Frost Shot, can be used to provide vision and slow enemies, making it easier for your team to engage or escape.
She is a relatively safe pick, as she has a long-range and can kite enemies easily.
She is mana-hungry, so she will need to be careful about her mana usage.
She is not as tanky as other supports, so she can be easily killed if she is caught out of position.
She is not as effective in all team compositions, so she should be picked carefully.
Ashe's abilities revolve around crowd control, damage, and utility. Her passive and Q ability provide consistent slows to control enemy movement, while her W ability offers wave-clearing and harass potential. Ashe's E ability grants vision, enabling strategic awareness on the map. Finally, her ultimate, the Enchanted Crystal Arrow, is a game-changing skill that can initiate fights or catch enemies from afar.
By understanding the strengths of each ability and effectively utilizing them, Ashe players can dominate their opponents, provide utility for their team, and secure important kills in team fights.
Tips & Tricks
1.) Always look for angles to W the enemy in lane. You should always try to challenge the positoning of the enemy bot lane by looking for angles for your W. If the enemy is constantly hiding behind minions, switch over positions and try to auto them off of the wave.
2.) Make sure to utilize your Hawk shot well. You should never have two charges up on your E for a lot of the game. Try to contantly track the enemy jungler and use your E when you feel like you are unsafe bot or you want to ward deep into the enemy jungle.
3.) DONT SHOOT YOUR ULT ACROSS THE MAP. This is the biggest noob mistake that a lot of Ashe players make. It is better to save your ultimate for when an enemy is somewhat near you than to take the cross-map ult.
2.) Make sure to utilize your Hawk shot well. You should never have two charges up on your E for a lot of the game. Try to contantly track the enemy jungler and use your E when you feel like you are unsafe bot or you want to ward deep into the enemy jungle.
3.) DONT SHOOT YOUR ULT ACROSS THE MAP. This is the biggest noob mistake that a lot of Ashe players make. It is better to save your ultimate for when an enemy is somewhat near you than to take the cross-map ult.
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