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Mordekaiser Build Guide by FunnyJuanny

Top [14.17] 🔥 EGO MORDEKAISER 🔥

Top [14.17] 🔥 EGO MORDEKAISER 🔥

Updated on September 13, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FunnyJuanny Build Guide By FunnyJuanny 2,263 Views 0 Comments
2,263 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FunnyJuanny Mordekaiser Build Guide By FunnyJuanny Updated on September 13, 2024
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Legend: Haste
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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Champion Build Guide


By FunnyJuanny


The key difference between EGO MORDEKAISER (ALL CAPS) and default Mord is you sacrifice a bit of early laning power for splitpushes, health, and size. Instead of rushing rylai’s you rush heartsteel into rylai’s. When you are down instead of worrying about not being able to catch up you actually have a much easier time catching up because of demolish / heartsteel and being able to chug down towers much easier than default mord would. If you’re fed your teamfights are also not terrible because of your decent tank scaling alongside your high damage output. By building heartsteel you sacrifice a lot of your laning damage though which is only an issue the first 8-12 minutes on average. Some people might argue that heartsteel is very high risk high reward but honestly the stacks don’t matter as much as some people think they do and prioritizing CS and tower gold sometimes over kills and stacks can be very good, and also your damage isn’t terrible because your Q scales very well on its own.
Winning your lane depends on you landing most importantly your Q and combining that damage with your AAs (Auto-attacks / Right clicks) all with your passive. Important part about Q is that it deals an insane amount of damage if the target is isolated compared to if you hit multiple targets (Around 1.5 times the damage). Landing your Q isolated then chaining that with AAs (Auto-attacks) will let you win against basically any melee champ in the game level 1 so playing aggressive level 1 into MOST melee champs can get you free winning trades and kills since most people level 1 are forced to play aggro for their wave.

To engage a fight you have three main options from best to worst.
1. Ultimate
- Pretty much always a free kill if you don't ultimate in an area they can disengage behind a wall / tower or if they're fed. After you land your ult you should always be able to land isolated Qs dealing insane damage.
2. Landing E
- Landing your E will literally always lead you into free damage if you follow it up with a Q and Auto. Sometimes you want to Auto then Q depending on your prediction but with E you are basically guaranteeing at minimum half their health up to a kill if they aren't fed and don't have disengage (Flash, Ghost, Abilities).
3. Walking up
- You're going to be doing this level 1, after level 1 if you are walking up make sure you are walking up with E or R so their escape is limited. Most good players won't let you walk up for free so thats why post level 1 just walking up to people means you are testing their confidence in fighting you (Whether they walk into you meaning theyre confident in fighting you or walking away saying they aren't confident.)
Most of the same principles as the melee one, but a couple of key differences. You will be trying your best to not take ANY unnecessary poke damage. Dont walk near them and if they walk to you, respect their range and walk away until your under tower. So if you engage you are either all-inning or completely disengaging because of their range. When you disengage a ranged champion as a melee champ they possess the power to be able to hit you without you hitting them, the moment you walk to them they walk away and the vice-versa, the moment you walk from them they will be running at you to poke you. This forces you in either pulling off a very strong all-in using gap closers. The best gap closers for mordekaiser I recommend are in order, Ghost / Exhaust / Flash. Thats why for ranged I highly recommend going Ghost with Flash, Teleport or Exhaust. Keep in mind also a lot of ranged top laners, (e.g. Vayne, Quinn, Kennen) will also have disengage abilities, so you will need to play extra safe or play around their disengage (E.g. when kennens dash ability is on cooldown engaging him is infinitely easier).

Your best engages into ranged top-laners in order are
1. Ultimate
- If they're not fed and you play around their disengage (dashes, rolls, stuns) it should be a pretty free kill, if you combine it with an E or summ it should be free.
2. Ghost / Exhaust
- ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS hold your E before you engage with ghost / exhaust as you are guaranteed to burn atleast one disengage and hopefully get a kill.
3. E
- Against ranged your E will be usually enough to burn one of their disengages and possibly some damage, but unless they've burnt every disengage you're not going to get a kill with just E.
Splitpushing is usually not mordekaisers greatest asset but this build makes it a very strong tool in his kit with Heartsteel + Demolition. You want to splitpush when theres an important objective on the other side of the map (Example, if your top lane when Drags are up, if your bot lane when Baron / Heralds are up) and if you're fed your splitpushes only get stronger since they need to waste more resources on you.
Mordekaisers teamfighting is not great, if you want to be a strong teamfighter I recommend you don't go full AP and build atleast 2-3 tank items if you actually want to be a good teamfighter. Even your ultimate overall can inconvenience your team since you can be removing your main HP pool from your teamfights, so in teamfight I recommend you always try to understand how powerful each player is and only ult when you're confident you can take away a carry and leave your team in a winning 4v4.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FunnyJuanny
FunnyJuanny Mordekaiser Guide
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