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Rakan Build Guide by ShoDesu

Support 🔴[14.24] Challenger Rakan Guide 🔴🎥 VIDEO INCLUDED

Support 🔴[14.24] Challenger Rakan Guide 🔴🎥 VIDEO INCLUDED

Updated on December 15, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ShoDesu Build Guide By ShoDesu 21 3 51,151 Views 4 Comments
21 3 51,151 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ShoDesu Rakan Build Guide By ShoDesu Updated on December 15, 2024
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Runes: Core

Font of Life
Bone Plating

Zombie Ward
Ultimate Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


Always go this
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

🔴[14.24] Challenger Rakan Guide 🔴🎥 VIDEO INCLUDED

By ShoDesu
Pros & Cons

Strong Crowd Control: Rakan has excellent crowd control abilities that can disrupt enemy champions and give his team a strategic advantage in team fights.
High Mobility: Rakan has great mobility with his abilities that allow him to move quickly and efficiently around the battlefield, making him difficult to catch and giving him the ability to initiate fights or escape when necessary.
Good Support: As a support champion, Rakan can provide his allies with shields and heals, making him a valuable asset to any team.


Squishy: Rakan is a squishy champion, which means that he can be killed easily if he is caught out of position or targeted by the enemy team.
High Skill Cap: Rakan is a high-skill champion that requires a lot of practice and skill to master. Players who are new to the game may find him difficult to play.
Vulnerable to Crowd Control: Rakan's mobility and abilities can be countered by crowd control effects, which can make him vulnerable to enemy champions who can lock him down.
Glacial vs Guardian
Glacial Augment is a powerful rune for Rakan because it provides him with a number of advantages that can help him control the battlefield and keep his allies safe. Here are some reasons why Glacial Augment is a good choice for Rakan:

Enhanced Crowd Control: Rakan's kit already provides him with a lot of crowd control, but the slow effect from Glacial Augment can further enhance his ability to engage and control the enemy team. The rune makes it easier for Rakan to land his abilities, allowing him to knock up and root multiple enemies in quick succession.

Increased Mobility: Rakan is a highly mobile champion, and Glacial Augment can help him move around the map even more effectively. The slow effect from the rune can help Rakan chase down enemies or escape from danger, while the increased movement speed from the item build can help him position himself more effectively in team fights.

Improved Safety: Rakan's primary role as a support champion is to keep his allies safe, and Glacial Augment can help him do this more effectively. The slow effect from the rune can help Rakan peel for his allies, slowing down enemies that are trying to attack them. This can give his allies more time to escape, and also make it easier for Rakan to use his abilities to protect them.

Overall, Glacial Augment is a strong rune for Rakan because it enhances his crowd control, mobility, and ability to keep his allies safe. The slow effect from the rune can be particularly effective when used in combination with Rakan's kit and the right item build, making it a great choice. I like taking this in lanes where I know we will win all ins.

Guardian is a popular rune choice for Rakan because it provides him with a number of benefits that can help him protect his allies and survive in team fights. Here are some reasons why Guardian is a good choice for Rakan:

Increased Survivability: Rakan is a support champion who relies on his mobility and crowd control to protect his allies. Guardian provides him with an additional shield when he shields an ally, which can help him survive in team fights and protect his allies from incoming damage.

Better Lane Trading: Rakan is a support champion who often engages in trades with the enemy laners. Guardian can help him survive these trades by providing him with a shield and increased resistances, which can allow him to come out ahead in the trade.

Stronger Peel: Rakan's primary role in team fights is to protect his allies, and Guardian can help him do this more effectively. The shield provided by Guardian can be used to protect Rakan's allies from incoming damage, while the movement speed boost can help Rakan quickly reposition himself to provide additional peel.

Item Synergy: Guardian works particularly well with some of the items that are commonly used on Rakan, such as Redemption and Mikael's Crucible. These items provide additional healing and crowd control effects that can be used in conjunction with Guardian to further enhance Rakan's ability to protect his allies.

Guardian is a strong rune for Rakan because it provides him with increased survivability, better lane trading, stronger peel, and good item synergy.It's a reliable and versatile choice for players who want to prioritize Rakan's defensive capabilities. I like taking this rune when I know we will NOT be winning all in 2v2s.
Laning phase
Playing in the laning phase with Rakan is all about balancing your aggression with your ability to protect yourself and your ADC. Here are some tips on how to play laning with Rakan:

Poke with Q: Use your Gleaming Quill (Q) ability to poke at the enemy laners and keep them from farming safely. The ability also heals you and your ADC if you hit an enemy champion, so use it to sustain yourself in lane.

Use E to engage and disengage: Rakan's Battle Dance (E) ability allows him to dash to an ally or enemy champion, making it a great tool for engaging or disengaging from fights. Use it to get in range to use your W or to quickly escape from danger.

Protect your ADC: Use your E ability to shield your ADC and help them escape from danger. Use your W ability to knock up and crowd control enemy champions that are targeting your ADC.

Look for opportunities to roam: Rakan's mobility makes him a great champion for roaming and ganking other lanes. If your ADC is safe in lane, look for opportunities to roam and help your other teammates.

Don't overcommit: While Rakan can be an aggressive champion, it's important not to overcommit and put yourself in a dangerous position. Be aware of the enemy jungler and don't engage if you don't have vision or if you're outnumbered.

Overall, playing in the laning phase with Rakan requires good decision making, the ability to balance aggression with protection, and a focus on keeping your ADC safe while looking for opportunities to roam and help other teammates.
Team fighting
Rakan is a highly mobile champion that can be a valuable asset to any team during team fights. Here are some tips on how to team fight effectively with Rakan:

Positioning: With Rakan, it's important to stay behind your team and position yourself in a safe spot where you can still use your abilities to help your team. Use your Grand Entrance (W) ability to engage on the enemy team when it's safe to do so.

Engage with your Ultimate: Rakan's ultimate ability, The Quickness, is a powerful crowd control tool that can knock up and slow enemies around him. Use it to engage on the enemy team and give your allies an opening to follow up with their own abilities.

Use your Crowd Control Abilities: Rakan has multiple crowd control abilities that can be used to disrupt the enemy team and protect your allies. Use your Battle Dance (E) ability to shield your ally and keep them safe, while also positioning yourself to use your Gleaming Quill (Q) ability to heal them.

Target the Enemy Backline: Rakan's mobility makes him a great champion for diving onto the enemy backline and taking out their squishy damage dealers. Use your Grand Entrance (W) to dash towards the enemy backline and use your ultimate to knock them up and slow them down.

Stay Aware of Your Allies: As a support, it's important to keep an eye on your allies and use your abilities to protect them from harm. Use your Battle Dance (E) and Gleaming Quill (Q) to keep your allies alive and in the fight.

Overall, team fighting with Rakan requires good positioning, awareness of your allies and enemies, and the ability to quickly engage and disengage from fights. With practice, Rakan can be a highly effective support champion during team fights.
Tips & Tricks
There are a lot of movement tricks you can do with Rakan to optimize his kit. Please reference the video to learn more.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ShoDesu
ShoDesu Rakan Guide
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🔴[14.24] Challenger Rakan Guide 🔴🎥 VIDEO INCLUDED

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