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Recommended Items
Runes: Exhaust Dark harvest (fighting runes)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Death Defied (PASSIVE)
Karthus Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Probably the hardest matchup, because you can trade kills 1 for 1 with him but he will come out on top with extra gold and just keep farming you for free gold
Best support to play with Karthus, has 3 ways to CC enemy team and you can always win 2v2 or 2v3 with him
Best support to play with Karthus, has 3 ways to CC enemy team and you can always win 2v2 or 2v3 with him
Champion Build Guide
Level's 1-3 you can ALWAYS kill the enemy laner if your support is a engage support (Naut, Rell, Leona etc). Always play super agressive level 1 with these supports. Always try to rush lost chapter first before anything (maybe dark seal if you died before getting ur lost chapter first base).
You need to learn how strong you can be with your damage and your ability to push waves. When the enemy bot recalls (usually on a cannon wave) and you have mana, you can hard shove in the wave and they wont realize how fast Karthus can push waves.
During laning phase, try to poke them with Q and last hit minions with your auto attack (your e passive gets you free mana so if you can learn how to last hit with your autos with Karthus you get more mana)
Another tip is when you're in your passive, you don't have to spam Q's if youre missing. Learn the way they're dodging your abiltiies and then you can end up hitting your Q's.
Come watch my stream!
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