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Zilean Build Guide by TIMEISWASTINGXD

Support [2025, Season 1] KNEECAP BREAKER ZILEAN

Support [2025, Season 1] KNEECAP BREAKER ZILEAN

Updated on January 26, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TIMEISWASTINGXD Build Guide By TIMEISWASTINGXD 22 4 44,971 Views 5 Comments
22 4 44,971 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TIMEISWASTINGXD Zilean Build Guide By TIMEISWASTINGXD Updated on January 26, 2025
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Runes: Runes vs 3+ ranged champs

1 2
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band

Presence of Mind
Legend: Haste

+8 Ability Haste
+10-180 Bonus Health
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


Last time looked at and evaluated this guide:
- 16.01.2025

not much changed in 2025, Season 1 do same as before - same stat priority and skill order.
who am i lol

Im consistently getting smurfs up to master+ with zilean, usually with a roughly 80~ winrate in diamond+ up to masters.

Usually performing in grandmaster elo like a cute little grandpa
I have been Challenger on EUNE for years and Grandmaster on EUW.
Why max E->W?
Why Max E and W on Zilean?
Time Warp (E) Synergy:

Your E gives Zilean and his team an immense speed boost or slows down opponents extremly hard. At max rank, it provides a huge advantage in fights, chases, or disengages.

The slow or speed up becomes extremly oppressive, making it difficult for enemies to engage or escape even through flash sometimes. Paired with your bombs for cc Zilean becomes a super strong enabler.

Your W reduces the cooldown of all abilities except itself. By maxing this, you can constantly reduce the cooldown of your E and Q, allowing for multiple instances of speed boost/slow and stun combos, after a certain threshhold you can even perma slow someone while stunning them inbetween.

Utility Over Damage:

Instead of focusing on bursting with bombs, this build emphasizes utility. You still have access to Zilean’s Q + W combo for the stun, but you prioritize enabling your team with speed boosts and slows, making it easier for them to engage, kite, or escape. Especially since movementspeed has become such a strong stat and the removal of tenacity through runes (yellow page) and a higher cost of mercs.
Early game
Early Game (Levels 1-6):

Level 1: Start with Q to help last hit (push for lvl 2) and poke the enemy laner.

Level 2: Take E (Time Warp) and begin to look for opportunities to either speed yourself away from danger or slow down an overextending enemy so ur adc can weave a few autos in.

Level 3: Get W (Rewind) to unlock your full kit. Now you can Q -> W -> Q for a stun combo or E -> W -> E for more speed control.

Play passively in lane and focus on your adc farming/scaling. Look to poke with bombs, but don't overcommit. Use E for zoning or disengaging from trades.

Use E on yourself or the jungler to quickly escape or reposition in case of ganks.
Mid Game (Levels 6-11):

By level 6, your ultimate Chronoshift makes you hard to kill, giving you room to play more aggressively or even going for dives with your ultimate.

Begin roaming to help other lanes or your jungler. Maxing E allows you to quickly roam or help your jungler by speeding them up to secure kills. Using your E on someone in a 1v2 situation is almost always a kill.

In team fights, use E on your carries or engage champions to allow them to initiate or disengage. Your R should be used on high-value targets (usually your ADC or jungler, just whoever is the most fed or to deny resets like pyke r or viego).

If the enemy tries to dive or catch someone, your maxed E combined with W can keep enemies permanently slowed, or let your teammates kite away from danger.
Late Game (Levels 11-18):

With E maxed and W lowering its cooldown, you can effectively perma-slow key enemy targets or keep your ADC at full mobility throughout a fight.

Always use your ultimate on the highest-value ally being focused, making sure to position safely to avoid being caught out.

Zilean's bombs are still useful for zoning and crowd control, but the real power of this build is your ability to dictate fights with movement speed control.
Look to position yourself in the backline, providing E to your damage dealers while spamming your abilities for maximum teamfight impact.

If you're confident enough, you can speed yourself up, run to the enemy and just E him. If its a target with no dash or flash, he will most certainly just die to your team.
You have a big strenght with your passive providing free XP. If used properly you can get level spikes a minion earlier, and if used extremly well, an entire wave earlier.
For example after the first cannon wave botlane, given you and your adc didnt get any kills/assist and you didnt miss any XP, you can lvl up your adc and be a level ahead of enemy for the next wave, giving you a big strength. Try to stay out of combat for 10 seconds when that wave dies so u can use that level, since its also around the time junglers come around your lane or fight in river.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TIMEISWASTINGXD
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