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Ability Order
Night Hunter (PASSIVE)
Vayne Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Lane Phase (in depth)
If you are a confident and aggressive Vayne you will love this build, in the late to mid game the DMG you output is insane. But when you are in the laneing you might have to play passive to get your 2 or 3 items to then output your DMG. One option is to get you B. F. Sword to then help you get more farm or early DMG.
Evolving from the lane phase into mid to late game you should roam and get fed. if you are behind i would recommend getting more farm but if you are ahead and have Duskblad and Trinity-force you can do a lot of DMG.
(More coming soon)
This build is now exploding on Korean servers, and this is how it works...
Step 1
First you must get 2 hits with your W and for the third prox you must tumble to then trigger trinity force and activate dusk-blade.
Step 2
Using this build you can take down tanks in 3 shots if you have you 3 core items. but what you should do is aim for the enemy carry to take them out of the fight asap
so your team can win the fight and get the win.
Step 3
In lane it is hard because you are not doing the standard Vayne build so you must play a little more passive until you have your items or you are confident.
Step 4
Use this build as a situational option, for example if you are feeling cocky or want to get lots of kills this build is a good choice. let me just state this is for advanced Vayne players
just because it does require skill to kyte etc...
Finally if there are any questions about this build use the discussion section.
Step 1
First you must get 2 hits with your W and for the third prox you must tumble to then trigger trinity force and activate dusk-blade.
Step 2
Using this build you can take down tanks in 3 shots if you have you 3 core items. but what you should do is aim for the enemy carry to take them out of the fight asap
so your team can win the fight and get the win.
Step 3
In lane it is hard because you are not doing the standard Vayne build so you must play a little more passive until you have your items or you are confident.
Step 4
Use this build as a situational option, for example if you are feeling cocky or want to get lots of kills this build is a good choice. let me just state this is for advanced Vayne players
just because it does require skill to kyte etc...
Finally if there are any questions about this build use the discussion section.
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