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Poppy Build Guide by videone

(5.19) videone's Guide to jungle Poppy

(5.19) videone's Guide to jungle Poppy

Updated on October 7, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author videone Build Guide By videone 2,644 Views 0 Comments
2,644 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author videone Poppy Build Guide By videone Updated on October 7, 2015
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Hi Guys;
my summoner name is videone and im bringing you my poppy guide. At first I just want to say that I don't play Poppy as my main but i really enjoy playing her.
Riot said that she will recice a rework in about patch 5.21(Your text to link here...) but i hope that Poppy will stay viable in the jungle. I will update my Guide every Patch and I will try to make it as actal as it could be. J also apologize for my bad english i am a german student and I hope thet my mistakes arent that anoying.
Have fun with my Guide
Your videone
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Skill Sequence

As you might see in my item choices i want to go for ap Poppy. You might ask why and i could say that the ap build has much less Mana problems an can really burst down most Champs in Leauge. Her q and her e both have got ap scaling and that especially makes your e effective and it would give you more burst damage than the ad build.
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Now let's take a look on Poppys abalitys:

Q:Her q has both ap and Ad damage that has both ap mand ad scaling and also gives her percentual bonus damage that won' get to strong

W:extremely manahungry ability that you only should activite if you are ganking ore running away from enemys because it does automatically activate if you are jungling and don't uses mana if it wa activatet passively

E:Gives Poppy huge burst damage when built on ap you deffenetly should try to knck somebody int a wall because it gives you much adittional damage andalso stuns your enemy

R:Your Ultimate is one of the strongest in the hole game. Try to use it to focus out afed enemy or one of the enemy's carry's
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Just go with 21/0/9 masteries because it makes your earlygame less manahungry but also gives you much more damage in the wholw game.
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Just go with these runes you could exchange 3 glyphs for Cdr runes if you want to so you can get full 40% Cdr.
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Pros / Cons

Pros Cons[*]
High damage output[*] [*]manahungry
[*] could easylie kill important targets [*]squishe
[*] snowballs really hard [*] weak if you are behind
[*] huge carry potential [*] poor waveclear
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I think Poppyy is underplayed especially in low elo she could be extremely strong. I hope that you want to try out my guide and play Poppy as an ap assasin in the jungle i deffenetly can say that she can snowball really really hard an can make you really have fun playing her. playing Poppy jungle makes her lack of waveclear much less important and sinergyses well with the runeglaive.
i hope you have fun with my guide
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League of Legends Build Guide Author videone
videone Poppy Guide
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(5.19) videone's Guide to jungle Poppy

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