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Singed Build Guide by Kokou

A Singed Build by Kokou

A Singed Build by Kokou

Updated on December 5, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kokou Build Guide By Kokou 6,607 Views 2 Comments
6,607 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kokou Singed Build Guide By Kokou Updated on December 5, 2011
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Hey guys and gals, I'm Kokou(co-coo) and I am somewhat new to the mobafire scene and wanted to try my luck at publishing a build, I hope it helps. Any and all constructive criticism is always welcomed. And I will take requests for builds as long as I am around. Thanks guys, GL;HF =D
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Standard Runes for any tank, so you can assume why I would use them, and you should to.
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Again, typical tank stuff. High defense, and no spell penetration in offense because you fling is not going to hurt very much at all, and the poison is continuous so you don't need spell penetration for it. Also, if you actually play a game long enough to get rylai's, they you have an infinite slow, you don't need the spell penetration.
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Start with sapphire crystal and two pots. Typical Singed.
As soon as you can, build your catalyst to extend your lane presence. Boots as well.
Rod of Ages make Singed a monster at any stage of the game, so you want to get the full effects as soon as possible.
Glacial shroud into Frozen Heart, typical tank stuff, gives armor and on Singed, more health!
Banshee Veil, Duh =/
FoN, great item for any tanky character, but here it finishes out your magic resist and lets you regen large amounts of health, especially when you pop ult.
Rylai's: This item is not required at all, i just like it because it gives health and a slow on poison trail. Your last item slot i recommend being an ap item so you can do some kind of damage in there. Archangel's is another good one, rabadon's isn't bad either.

For the record, these items are just what i recommend using, to be a truly good tank you need to build based off of what the opposing team consists of; more casters=more MR, more ad characters= more armor, you get the idea.

****If you are playing "professionally" and you do not want to farm so your lane partner can, just work a philo stone, and/or heart of gold, and/or kage's lucky pick in here somewhere.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kokou
Kokou Singed Guide
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A Singed Build by Kokou

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