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Sion Build Guide by Badias

AD Sion 1v2 Unstoppable

AD Sion 1v2 Unstoppable

Updated on April 15, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Badias Build Guide By Badias 1,754 Views 0 Comments
1,754 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Badias Sion Build Guide By Badias Updated on April 15, 2012
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The Beginning

Hopefully you have been assigned a lane where you are going to 1v1 a later potential great threat. Its very simple; know yourself. Can you beat your enemy level 1? If not, don't bother, just last hit as usual. Getting from level 1 to level 2 before your enemy is a very effective way of ensuring you will have the advantage in a fight. If this opportunity comes before you (you may make the effort in sacrifice to an undesired non-last hit push) take it (DO NOT TOWER DIVE). If you fall at a disadvantage in the first stage of the game, simply make sure you do all you can to attain the experience you need for level 6 as quickly as possible. If possible, (but not so crucial that you should take unnecessary risks), last hit optimally. If its 3v3 you could go for the dragon when you get Madreds and your ult (See the next chapter). If you have Madreds and your enemy has not been fed, you should be able to defeat that person using your ult. Make sure not to get ganked. You are unable to 2v1 at this point. During this entire description I did not mention ganking bottom for 3v3. That is because you shouldn't gank bottom. Rather than taking the risk that your "competent" allies will benefit from your presence, ensure yourself a swift level 6 with Madreds so that you could then be optimally effective. Beware early 1v1 laning vs Gangplank or Jax
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3v3: Level 6, Madreds, Dragon

This is why you always get Madreds razor first in 3v3. You can solo the dragon by using your ult so long as you have that one item. To be above half health by the end of it, you can use your W to absorb damage. Remember to have map awareness. Provided they don't have a jungler, the enemy top laner is your main threat. Make sure that person is not aware that you are taking the dragon. Use common sense. Look at their build. Do they have any reason to go to the top jungle and spot you taking dragon? Are they pushing your lane to the tower and would most likely escape a possible gank from your team by fleeing through the top jungle, therefore seeing you take the dragon? Are both people at bot MIA and they're strong enough to take dragon with their combined efforts? If you have the luxury to ward the enemy circular bush (the one furthest ahead from dragon to you where they will most likely enter from) then do so every time. Optimizing dragon control in the game is a simple matter of pink warding the dragon while green warding the circle bush.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Badias
Badias Sion Guide
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AD Sion 1v2 Unstoppable

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