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Sion Build Guide by wozlex

AD Sion - Dominion

AD Sion - Dominion

Updated on October 11, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author wozlex Build Guide By wozlex 3,126 Views 0 Comments
3,126 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author wozlex Sion Build Guide By wozlex Updated on October 11, 2011
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Domination! ^^

This is my first guide here. Since i find many information provided in other guides to expensive and written for total noobs (who you're not, since you're stalking Mobafire), I'm going to keep it short and simple. I'm also taking for granted that you are not a bot, and by now know how to abuse situational items, so i don't need to include them into build.

The main advantage of this build is, as it can be seen from items, mega super life steal.
Reason for picking this items are obvious. Life steal works wonders on enraged Sion.. and most of all, since all the games tend to be starting with rushing the top and blowing both teams up, aura gives great support to whole team.. and can lead to terrible end for the opposing team. Why wait for lvl 15 Sanguine Sword.. if you can have 29% lifesteal lvl 3.. =)
So just keep in there, stun and lifesteal! =)
After that, farm mobs, regain on them and kill again... and again.

Just one more word about runes, master, and spells:

Exhaust owns 1v1.. makes one cry, kills both, aces alone.
Ghost... must have in Dominion running battles, auto-sticks axe in the back.

Desolation runes help against annoying armor and destroys squishy guys even more.. I mean you heal more, their survival is not even an option =)
Alacrity runes makes you hit faster.. you figure it out.

Mastery points belong to offensive tree.. all is great. Please just don't tell me you don't need extra AP and Archaic knowledge.. it all stacks up in damage input, so it's welcome.
I also use 3 points in Magic resist since only AP control can screw you early game.

This will be it,.. vote or not, you'll get pwned with the axe =)

PS: Loving this site, flaming all the methodologists of guide composition (go pimp your guide.. it only looks good anyways).
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League of Legends Build Guide Author wozlex
wozlex Sion Guide
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