While she isnt great at killing you, she is great at annoying you just enough to make it annoying to farm, and not taking early kills can make it hard to get your full build quickly. She is annoying late game as well if you get hit by her Q
He simply doesnt die. Ornn is not afraid to simply walk up to you and use his CC to pin you down. Avoid him in teamfights. Alone he poses no threat though.
He is Yasuo alright... Play super passive early and farm as much as possible. He isnt bulky so starting mid-game your AA can usually 1-2 shot him.
Just dont get stunned 4head. As long as you dont get stunned you should win just about every encounter with her. Pay attention to her passive stacks.
He comes out of nowhere, does big damage very quickly, and has CC. His bulk isnt fantastic though. If Warwick is the JG, he is a huge threat, if he is laning, its pretty even. Matchup goes to whoever gets the jump on who first usually.
She is a bit squishy and your E makes her easy to chase. Also, you buy boots early.
Getting Rooted against this build is a death sentence. Lux has great cc and her Ult can finish off anyone who manages to get away from your E
Grab goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Anyone with a stunning ability is gonna be at least a 4 here. Like I said with Lux, getting rooted/stunned/etc is a death sentence. Im just using Amumu as a catch-all for any champion with Root/Stun/Similar CC
JG Warwick is one of your biggest fears. He is also one of your greatest allies. He is mobile, does good damage, and has cc. What more could ya ask for?
He protecc, You attacc
He is just neat. A big meatshield that buffs your rageblade even further??? Yes please.
Getting Rooted against this build is a death sentence. Lux has great cc and her Ult can finish off anyone who manages to get away from your E
Grab goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Anyone with a stunning ability is gonna be at least a 4 here. Like I said with Lux, getting rooted/stunned/etc is a death sentence. Im just using Amumu as a catch-all for any champion with Root/Stun/Similar CC
JG Warwick is one of your biggest fears. He is also one of your greatest allies. He is mobile, does good damage, and has cc. What more could ya ask for?
He protecc, You attacc
He is just neat. A big meatshield that buffs your rageblade even further??? Yes please.
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