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Kayle Build Guide by Saint Smash

Other Angel

Other Angel

Updated on July 16, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Saint Smash Build Guide By Saint Smash 1,818 Views 0 Comments
1,818 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Saint Smash Kayle Build Guide By Saint Smash Updated on July 16, 2016
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Kayle the basics.

I set everything so far based on playing Top and Mid however; we will be covering support and jungle too. No matter what your play style Kayle is a great champion to play. She offers Great damage, Strong utility, Short but, useful Immunity as well as movement speed and a point click heal.

Getting to know Kayle

Kayle is an oddity in League of legends. She does quite a bit well, I am sure if you did some minor tweaking you could figure out how to ADC Kayle. Her role is diverse Weather if you play glass cannon APC Kayle, Attack speed Kayle, or even hybrid Kayle.

For me the biggest thing about playing Kayle was getting used to the Righteous fury active range and active time. you would not believe how many times I unintentionally died because Righteous fury Fell off and I ran head first into an enemy champion that had 80% health and a staggering minion wave advantage.

As I mentioned above I play APC Kayle Mid and Top. I play APC kayle for a few reasons. One of the reasons I play APC kayle is because her entire kit had insane scaling with AP. I play Passive till I pick up my Lich Bane. Building magic resist against this build is pointless it might as well be free wins. Sorceresses shoes + Void Staff + passive Magic resist shred on Righteous fury is anti-fun to play against. In the end this in my opinion is the Prime example of a well thought out build.

Next up is Jungle Kayle, I recommend starting Hunters talisman getting your team mates to tank it for you. so you take no damage from gromp and you kite blue buff and take kite blue buff and take no damage from that. In the Jungle with Kayle I would start Righteous Fury go into reckoning for kiting blue buff then double double stacking on Divine blessing. (you won't need any more then a level 2 divine blessing for a while) max out righteous fury first. After blue buff is gone skip right to red buff, this is so if your red buff was stolen you know about it and can do Golems instead. (don't build past stalkers blade you're going to sell it for the build above) (I personally value the speed and heal of divine blessing over the damage and slow of reckoning)

For support kayle you're going to want to re-mastery into thunderlords decree and start out with spell thief's edge as well as starting Righteous fury.( getting the extra 24 gold and getting thunderlords decree to activate is nice damage) I would get heal second and reckoning third but maxing divine blessing>Reckoning>Righteous fury. the reason for this is the heal is too important and your slow is more valuable for slowing an enemy down and kiting them into Oblivion. eventually getting rid of Frost Queens claim after completing every other item on the above mentioned personally recommended build.

Side note, Attack speed,Ability power, and hybrid all have the same damage for Kayle I just prefer the nuclear burst combined with the godly heal)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Saint Smash
Saint Smash Kayle Guide
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