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Annie Build Guide by Azonar

AP Carry Annie-hilation! Burst and 48 second CD on Tibbers!

AP Carry Annie-hilation! Burst and 48 second CD on Tibbers!

Updated on February 5, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Azonar Build Guide By Azonar 1,801 Views 0 Comments
1,801 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Azonar Annie Build Guide By Azonar Updated on February 5, 2014
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Explanation of this Build

Explanation of this Build

In all honesty, I've been playing Annie for only a few weeks, and once I picked her up, I noticed I could seriously challenge my opponent in lane. The burst that I do with this build is literally the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen a champion do. In addition to that stun, why doesn't everyone play this champion?

This build is entirely built around getting you that perfect balance of AP and only 40% CDR. What this 40% CDR does once you have all three points in your Tibbers is allow it to be a 48 second cooldown, now this means that once you pop Tibbers, he lasts for 45 seconds. If you keep him alive the entire duration (which is pretty easy to do) he will only have 3 seconds until you can bring him right out again.

How I use my Tibbers is the NUMBER ONE way to killing people, literally with this build, even if the person is fed, you can literally just kill them any way and they have no way of helping it. How you do this is you MUST have your stun prepared, once the target is in your sights, pick a time to strike and unleash hell upon them. Be REALLY quick and use your W to get some burst in and finish off with your Q. If this does not kill them, which is rather rare, they WILL be hurt, they will try to run. If you still have mana and/or have no imminent danger, chase that sucker down and secure a kill on them.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Azonar
Azonar Annie Guide
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