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Cho'Gath Build Guide by bricklayerx

ap/tank cho gath

ap/tank cho gath

Updated on August 12, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author bricklayerx Build Guide By bricklayerx 2,506 Views 3 Comments
2,506 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author bricklayerx Cho'Gath Build Guide By bricklayerx Updated on August 12, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Runes, Summoner Spells, and Masteries

For the Runes i use the Magic Pen Marks are to make sure that your spells are doing a good amount of damage in the early game. Armor Seals are give you more survivability in the early game. Cooldown Reduction Glyphs are to make sure that your spells are up and ready more often. Health Quintessence's are also for extra survivability in the early game. For the Summoner spells Flash is always a great pick to get you into position or out of trouble. Teleport is great for getting you from where you are to the lane you need to be in when you are needed to be there. For the Masteries I use standard 0-21-9.
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Lane phase

During the Lane phase, if you have a good lane mate or a support, try to force the opponents out of exp range using rupture to keep them moving while still making sure to use it to hit some creeps. Once you have you vorpal spikes you have a little bit more harass. a lot of people wave of the little damage they do, and the next thing they know they are dead or recalling. Bottom line keep good pressure while being aware of getting ganked. Oh and don't forget about your passive farm them minions to keep healthy.
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Mid Phase

In the Mid Phase you should be building your defensive items to give you that good old tank ability. Everyone loves it when that Cho Gath sits out in front and gets everyone's attention while they can sit back and kill everyone. Be sure to use your feast on as many creeps as you can but not so much that you don't have it for a possible champion kill, remember champion > creep when using feast. Start your core item build with the Guardian Angel for those moments when you get the good old chain stun and get killed. Next get a Force of Nature to help deal with the pesky spell casters. The Next item to get is depending on how you are feeling in game and the enemy team. Thornmail for the heavy AD teams, Banshee's Veil for the heavy AP teams, or in some cases i like to get a Sunfire Cape if I'm spending a lot of time up in the enemy faces.
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Late Game

In the Late Game you should finish building any of the survivability items that you haven't finished and if you are feeling a little frisky get the good old Deathcap to boost your damage output. Keep getting up in front of your team and disrupting the enemy by constantly silencing them and popping them up in the air. At this point you should be saving your feast for only enemy champs, or if you do deal with the inevitable death eat a creep or two but mainly save it for the enemy champs.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author bricklayerx
bricklayerx Cho'Gath Guide
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ap/tank cho gath

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