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Gangplank Build Guide by theshow



Updated on July 25, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author theshow Build Guide By theshow 1,870 Views 0 Comments
1,870 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author theshow Gangplank Build Guide By theshow Updated on July 25, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


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the jyst

pretty much try to get a 1v1 side lane solo get a lane partner that lets you farm. i found soraka is the best lane partner, she feeds you mana to farm and you get fed really fast and usually ends in the 20 surrender. pretty much just last hit minions with your q and then recall when u can get the boots you want and a vamperic scepter. head back to lane and you should be fine harassing or what not and can prob get a few kills or two. otherwise keeps farming and head back when you can get a bf sword or if your doing really well and don't have to retreat just go back when you can buy an infinity edge straight up. you should be getting the bf sword around 8-10 mins and your infinity edge around 15-20 mins. you'll be level 10 maybe and be criting for 800, which is insane. if you end up killing a few squishies with a few 2 shots they will surrender really fast. i've never had a gp game where i've bought more than an infinity edge phantom dancer and vamperic scepter.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author theshow
theshow Gangplank Guide
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